Climate change and fires in California

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Since so many on this board are of obviously limited intellectual powers, and have limited memory and reading abilities, here is a visual demonstration of why the fires in California have been increasing in intensity and number;

Robert Rohde on Twitter
Since so many on this board are of obviously limited intellectual powers, and have limited memory and reading abilities, here is a visual demonstration of why the fires in California have been increasing in intensity and number;

Robert Rohde on Twitter
One effect of man on environment is just living somewhere. They change the flow and discharge of water and trees and topsoil. To change that you need to downsize population-not carbon. Start eliminating people in the third world and we will talk about less impactful activities. Deal with causes-not effects.
The Reagan library employed 300 goats to clear overgrowth and brush from the grounds to create a firebreak. It survived the fire.

Are we learning yet?
The Enviro wackos made the problem 10 times worse.........Cali is dry and has high winds........Not thinning the forests and doing controlled burns for decades have led to Mother Nature teaching the Enviro nuts a lesson........

The state is now trying to get rid of the fuel, and cutting up and hauling off millions of dead trees because the Forest are exploding and doing heavy damage to the State.

They now are having to PAY for what the Loggers would have done for free before. But they killed the logging industry there............and then wonder why they have massive fires now. Stupidity in motion.......and are FINALLY DOING what the experts have told them they needed to do for decades.........

Only after cities are destroyed and people have died do they finally come to their senses........perhaps they will continue trying to do thinning, controlled burns, and fire breaks as they are doing now.

They were wrong...........and their actions now show they were wrong.....and they know it.
India and China have stole plenty of jobs and money from the US. Let them clean up the environmental messes they made first. Let our companies that outsourced to their countries pay their share too. Our companies outsource to get around environmental restrictions and paying a living wage. They made a lot of profit as a result. Now they want the American taxpayer to clean up the messes they made abroad, but in the name of combatting climate change. Eff them. They made the mess, let them pay to clean it up. This is just another example of why free trade sucks.
Since so many on this board are of obviously limited intellectual powers, and have limited memory and reading abilities, here is a visual demonstration of why the fires in California have been increasing in intensity and number;

Robert Rohde on Twitter

Only suckers think it has to do with climate change. The politicians are burning the state down because they have caved to environmentalist nuts. Doesnt take a genius to figure out that something is fucked up when you are the only place in the world that routinely burns to the ground every 5 months. Duh.....I live almost in the middle of the one barren here on Long Island in NY. We have forest fires once every 30 years....and we are 7 miles from the ocean!:2up::bye1::bye1:

Nobody in America gives a crap about the California fires anymore.....human nature is to become apathetic towards people who have zero inclination to help themselves! And no help coming from Trump either.....funny as shit!!:coffee: His attitude, like many Americans is, "Let the fuckers buyn!!"

Think about it for a moment.....25,000 USMB members and how many are caring about the fires? About seven?:cul2::cul2::deal:

Only a climate nut would refuse to recognize that when 3 houses that are 10 feet apart result in 2 burning and one unscathed ( zero damage) it's not a wildfire.....d0y.
Since so many on this board are of obviously limited intellectual powers, and have limited memory and reading abilities, here is a visual demonstration of why the fires in California have been increasing in intensity and number;

Robert Rohde on Twitter

Fucking moron. How does CO2 cause both fires and hurricanes. This is why we laugh at your stupid Cult
Word in the woods is that the cause is many decades of fire suppression ... I'm sure all of us are familiar with Ranger Gord and his PSA's about fire safety from his fire lookout tower ... those lookout towers actually existed along the West Coast ... taxpayer dollars paid to have people living all summer in tall towers on hilltops looking for smoke, as soon as a little was seen and reported, ten's of firefighters would descend on the smoke and put out the fire immediately ... half a century later, the fuels have built up and fires are bigger and hotter ... Smokey the Bear was wrong, California is supposed to burn on a regular basis ...

The tweet in the OP is an excellent example of a nice trick of the statistical arts ... we can cleverly reduce our sample pool and drive up our positive rates through the roof ... if a couple has twins, what are the odds that both children will attend the same school at the same time? ... the tweet only looks at weather from May-Oct, the dry season where rainfall is rare or nonexistent ... there's no such thing as "cool and wet" or "hot and wet" summers, it's bone dry almost every summer ... just running fast and loose with a massive dose of statistical lies ...

The graphs more closely follow population growth in California ... and the consequent more folks visiting these bone dry forests and playing with matches ...

Oregon prohibits building homes in the forests for the most part, in some cases any building for any reason is strictly prohibited ... thus nowhere close to the number of running miles of 2,400 volt electric cables in the woods ... we still have forest fires, but here homes and lives are not endangered ... surprisingly, these land use restrictions were Republican ideas, on behalf of the timber industry, in no small part because of the insanity of California land development policies ...

So the answer is NO, a 2ºC temperature increase 100 years from now doesn't cause forest fires today ...
Since so many on this board are of obviously limited intellectual powers, and have limited memory and reading abilities, here is a visual demonstration of why the fires in California have been increasing in intensity and number

Obviously Limited Intellectual Powers: Anyone who doesn't agree with my views.

Limited Memory and Reading Abilities: Just letting you know in advance I'm putting you down, have absolutely no respect for your opinions, so no point in even reading much less debating the OP.

Oh look at all the pretty dots! That might not prove climate change, coincidence does not necessarily mean correlation, or years and years of inept forest management, but it DOES say something about the OP's many years of excessive drug abuse! :badgrin:
Another crash and errrr......burn thread from an AGW crusader.

Heres the thing.....nobody thinks the California fires have anything to do with climate change. That's why there is such a profound level of apathy >despite< the media sticking it in your face 24/7.
Since so many on this board are of obviously limited intellectual powers, and have limited memory and reading abilities, here is a visual demonstration of why the fires in California have been increasing in intensity and number;

Robert Rohde on Twitter

The flora of California REQUIRES wildfires as part of its lifecycle.

I gave you chapter and verse on that a few years ago yet here you are trotting out this anti science screed.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you that stupid?

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