Cleveland bus driver punches woman


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
[ame=]Cleveland Bus Driver hits girl hard! - BETTER QUALITY - YouTube[/ame]

Quite the Right Hook...
Did Ariel Castro lose his job in 2012 for hittin' the woman onna bus?...
Cleveland police seek clues to women’s abductions
Thu, May 09, 2013 - Police planned to question three brothers yesterday over the disappearance of three young women who were found alive in a quiet home in the US state of Ohio after about a decade of captivity.
Neighbors have expressed shock that the young women — long feared dead — could have been held for so many years in an unassuming home belonging to a man who never raised any suspicions in the working-class neighborhood. Three brothers have been arrested in Cleveland after one of the captives managed to alert a neighbor, who broke down the door to free her and the six-year-old daughter she apparently bore as a prisoner. Police responding to a desperate 911 emergency call found two more women in the modest detached home with US and Puerto Rican flags on the porch. The three women had gone missing in separate incidents about 10 years ago. Police, reporters and local residents have descended on Seymour Avenue, where officers sealed off the property with barriers and crime scene tape.

The women — Amanda Berry, 27, Gina DeJesus, 23, and Michelle Knight, 32 — were freed on Monday night and examined at a hospital before being released to their families, who staged joyous homecoming parties. Cleveland police spokeswoman Jennifer Ciaccia told CNN that officers planned to interview the suspects yesterday and that they should be brought before a judge to face charges later in the day. “This is just the tip of the iceberg. This investigation will take a very long time,” she said, refusing to comment on reports that the women had been chained up in the house, beaten and had lost multiple pregnancies.

Berry’s grandmother Fern Gentry spoke to the once-missing teen by telephone from Tennessee in a call broadcast by a local ABC News affiliate. “I’m glad to have you back,” Gentry said. “I’m glad to be back,” Berry said, in the first publicly released recording of her voice since the panicked 911 call after her escape. “I thought you were gone,” the grandmother said. “Nope, I’m here,” Berry said. Police confirmed that Berry has a six-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, apparently born while she was in captivity. A picture was released showing Berry smiling with her sister and daughter at the hospital. “She looks great — happy, healthy and ate a popsicle last night,” Cleveland Police Deputy Chief Ed Tomba said about the little girl. “Seeing her mother made her smile,” he said, according to ABC News.

The three Ohio women were abducted separately in 2002, 2003 and 2004, but were found together in the home of 52-year-old Ariel Castro, who has been detained along with his brothers, Pedro, 54, and Onil, 50. Cleveland Director of Public Safety Martin Flask said police had not been alerted to anything untoward happening at the house on Seymour Avenue. “Obviously, there was a long period of time where nobody saw them. So we have to wait until we interview them and hopefully they are going to tell us exactly what went on in there,” Tomba said.

Cleveland police seek clues to women?s abductions - Taipei Times

See also:

Questions Mount on How Ohio Women's Captivity Went Undetected
May 08, 2013 — Euphoria over the rescue of three Ohio women from a decade-long kidnapping ordeal gave way to questions of how their captivity inside a house on a residential street in Cleveland went undetected for so long.
The women, freed when a neighbor was alerted to their presence by screams for help, huddled privately with family under FBI protection on Tuesday as investigators combed through the house, seeking evidence against the accused captors. Three brothers were arrested as suspects Monday evening just after the women escaped and are expected to be formally charged soon. One of them, Ariel Castro, a former school bus driver and the owner of the house, was thought to have lived there alone. Mayor Frank Johnson confirmed on Tuesday that child welfare officials had paid a visit to the house in early 2004 because Castro was reported to have left a child on a school bus while he stopped for lunch at a fast-food restaurant. But the ensuing inquiry found no criminal intent, officials said.

Contrary to unconfirmed accounts of several neighbors, the mayor denied that authorities had overlooked or failed to respond to suspicious activity at the modest, two-story home. The women's imprisonment came to a dramatic end after a neighbor, drawn by the sound of screams, broke through the door to rescue Amanda Berry, whose 2003 disappearance as a teenager was widely publicized in the local media. He helped her place an emergency call to authorities "Help me! I'm Amanda Berry. ... I've been kidnapped and I've been missing for 10 years and I'm here. I'm free now,'' a frantic Berry can be heard saying in a recording of the call released by police.

Berry, now 27, was found with her 6-year-old daughter, conceived and born during her captivity, and two other women - Gina DeJesus, 23, who vanished at age 14 in 2004, and Michelle Knight, 32, who was 20 when she went missing in 2002. Ariel Castro, 52, fired from his bus job last November after school officials cited him for a "lack of judgment,'' was arrested almost immediately. Two brothers, Pedro Castro, 54, and Onil Castro, 50, were taken into custody a short time later.

Neighbors report suspicious incidents
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Normally I'm from that old 'men don't hit women' school, but if I understood the driver correctly I can sort of see the point. Think he said something to the effect that if she's gonna treat him like a man she should expect a manly response like his shot to her kisser.

Hey, maybe the idiot with think twice next time before smacking some guy.

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