Cleric promises conquest


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
Addressing al-Aqsa mosque pilgrims this cleric says France will be successfully conquered by 2050 and will join world jihad to finish off the rest of the west.

Addressing al-Aqsa mosque pilgrims this cleric says France will be successfully conquered by 2050 and will join world jihad to finish off the rest of the west.

DOTR, the Left thinks that the Islamist are just fooling around.
someone should ask him why many of those countries he claimed they conquered are no longer muslim....what happened?....
someone should ask him why many of those countries he claimed they conquered are no longer muslim....what happened?....

??? what countries are those? I cannot think of any ACTUALLY MUSLIM
COUNTRY that "became"-----Christian or Buddhist etc. after being overwhelmingly MUSLIM
someone should ask him why many of those countries he claimed they conquered are no longer muslim....what happened?....

Christians grew a set.

not really. If you have spain in mind-------put in your head that muslims NEVER
conquered all of spain. What muslims did------beck then in the bad old days----
was OCCUPY and inflict. They did not really CONVERT the Christians and jews of the Iberian Penninsula
someone should ask him why many of those countries he claimed they conquered are no longer muslim....what happened?....

??? what countries are those? I cannot think of any ACTUALLY MUSLIM
COUNTRY that "became"-----Christian or Buddhist etc. after being overwhelmingly MUSLIM

Perhaps because it's a death sentence to leave Islam? That just might have something to do with it.
someone should ask him why many of those countries he claimed they conquered are no longer muslim....what happened?....

??? what countries are those? I cannot think of any ACTUALLY MUSLIM
COUNTRY that "became"-----Christian or Buddhist etc. after being overwhelmingly MUSLIM

Perhaps because it's a death sentence to leave Islam? That just might have something to do with it.

yes----it's got LOTS to do with the "peaceful spread of islam" It ALSO has
lots to do with the very interesting "survival" of the Mafia. France is VERY
MUCH in danger of being CONSUMED by the "beauty of islam"
Well, at least they're honest. Honesty is good.

for those who do not know------the hundreds of thousands who listened
to the imam-jerk in mecca-------were not surprised. If you imagine that there
was even the slightest murmur of protest---_FUHGET IT. If he had screamed
"SLIT THEIR THROATS"-------the crowds would have applauded-----and chanted
Islam is a world domination and society blueprint that masquerades as a religion.

I for one, do not want to cut girls' clitorises off.
someone should ask him why many of those countries he claimed they conquered are no longer muslim....what happened?....

??? what countries are those? I cannot think of any ACTUALLY MUSLIM
COUNTRY that "became"-----Christian or Buddhist etc. after being overwhelmingly MUSLIM
watch the video and your questions will be answered....

I watched it------the Imam-jerk pointed out that muslims controlled
many Christian places (and hindu and jewish and Buddhist and
and Zoroastrian)----and IMPOSED the filth of shariah-----and EVENTUALLY---
non-muslims either died, fled, tolerated the filth OR converted under stress----
but he never described an actual muslim society that BECAME----
hindu, jewish or Buddhist or Christian.
This isn’t the first attack on us. Or even the most successful. The Muslims once conquered Spain and invaded deep into France where Charles Martel, the “hammer of God” stopped them. By 1492 they had been driven completely out of Europe which flourished afterwards.
The difference today is that we have an element within that sees Muslims as a means of achieving their own power over us. A treasonous and cowardly bunch.
For instance, after fighting to stop the people’s will in Brexit England is being offered a bone...a sort of semi-Brexit if they will agree to maintain open borders.
It’s always open borders isn’t it?
someone should ask him why many of those countries he claimed they conquered are no longer muslim....what happened?....

??? what countries are those? I cannot think of any ACTUALLY MUSLIM
COUNTRY that "became"-----Christian or Buddhist etc. after being overwhelmingly MUSLIM

Perhaps because it's a death sentence to leave Islam? That just might have something to do with it.

yes----it's got LOTS to do with the "peaceful spread of islam" It ALSO has
lots to do with the very interesting "survival" of the Mafia. France is VERY
MUCH in danger of being CONSUMED by the "beauty of islam"

Yup and they have no one to blame but themselves.

They have been allowing death cult members into their country for decades.

You reap what you sow.

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