Clean drinking water will be in short supply in the Future.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I recently saw a report that stated that clean drinking water for the worlds population
will soon be in short supply.

The future projections indicated that there will not be enough clean drinking water for everyone on the planet, if current global population trends continue to increase, or maintain
their current pace.

They also stated that clean drinking water will become a major commodity, and may soon
be privatized by distributed by private corporations. This has already happened in countries
like Bolivia, and other parts of the world.

They indicated that certain parts of the Earth have been experiencing a "prolonged drought situation", that is not improving but may be getting worse. This drought situation may be extending it self to the United States of America, and Europe. As it was already operating in
Africa, China, and other areas of the less developed world.:razz:
Films explore variety of conflicts over life-sustaining resource...
Fight for Water Hits Crisis Levels Worldwide
March 22, 2011 - "Dhaka’s Challenge" explores the limited access to safe water and adequate sanitation in one of the fastest growing cities in Asia.
Nearly one billion people around the globe lack access to clean, safe water. It's a common problem in many parts of the developing world, but its severity and human impact are not widely known, according to experts at the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a Washington-based news organization.

As part of the United Nations’ annual World Water Day observance, the center is screening a slate of documentaries about international water issues at the Environmental Film Festival in Washington, D.C. The films portray a variety of conflicts over water and the efforts to protect this life-sustaining resource.

The challenge in presenting these films, says Peter Sawyer, projects coordinator at the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, is to share with a wider audience the urgent issues surrounding water security. "Our goal for this screening is to just get these issues out there," he says. "We don’t feel that they are in the public consciousness and we think that they should be and we think that they should be because they are really important."

Dhaka's challenge

See also:

India Could Face Water Woes In Coming Decades
March 21, 2011 - U.N. World Water Day is a reminder that some of the world's looming water crises are urgent and vast in scope. That is especially true in South Asia, where hundreds of millions of the world's poorest residents lack basic water infrastructure, and where access to natural water supplies is set to become ever more competitive.
U.S. intelligence officials believe water scarcity is shaping up to be one of the main potential drivers of future global conflict. In his 12 years on a U.S. Congressional intelligence committee, U.S. Ambassador to India Timothy Roemer says he had regular access to reports about transnational issues U.S. officials believed could spark conflict or even war. He says the prominence of water issues in those reports evolved rapidly from the 1990s forward. "We saw issues like al-Qaida and technology, and water was about 10th or 11th on that list," said Roemer. "By the 2025 projected report, water was in the top five."

India's population of more than a billion people is widely expected to overtake the population of China by the middle of the 21st century. Both countries depend on a handful of major waterways originating in the Himalayan mountain range. One of those is known to Indians as the Brahmaputra, running through Chinese-controlled Tibet and into the eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Indian officials are closely monitoring Chinese plans to build a hydroelectric dam along that waterway. They say, during an India-China summit late last year, Beijing offered assurances it would do nothing to affect the supply of water downstream. The discussions are made more tense by the fact that China does not fully recognize India's sovereignty over Arunachal Pradesh. On official Chinese maps, the Indian state shows up as "Southern Tibet."

For hundreds of millions of Indians, lack of water is not a question of geopolitics, but lack of infrastructure for water delivery and purification. Ambassador Roemer says India's water crisis often affects the poorest, and the youngest. "We all know small villages where, when you say hello, and you hug 10 children in that village, two or three of them may not be there four or five years from now due to problems that they have just getting access to clean and potable water," he said.

Nothing more than blame-shifting for the water price increase due to money printing. Every commodity is going up in price. There is a 16 month lag between when money is printed & commodities rise. Government has all that time to create fancy stories of shortages as a scapegoat for price rise due to inflated currency.

Welcome to one of governments oldest & best tricks in the book for pulling one over on the population.
Nothing more than blame-shifting for the water price increase due to money printing. Every commodity is going up in price. There is a 16 month lag between when money is printed & commodities rise. Government has all that time to create fancy stories of shortages as a scapegoat for price rise due to inflated currency.

Welcome to one of governments oldest & best tricks in the book for pulling one over on the population.

who's talking PRICE of water....????

it's not price that is the issue, it's scarcity of fresh water for the growing 6 billion population
Nothing more than blame-shifting for the water price increase due to money printing. Every commodity is going up in price. There is a 16 month lag between when money is printed & commodities rise. Government has all that time to create fancy stories of shortages as a scapegoat for price rise due to inflated currency.

Welcome to one of governments oldest & best tricks in the book for pulling one over on the population.

who's talking PRICE of water....????

it's not price that is the issue, it's scarcity of fresh water for the growing 6 billion population

Do you see anybody dropping dead from lack of water? It would only take 3 to 5 days.

The answer is NO!

Has your water bill increased over the past 3 years?

The answer is YES!

It is always about the money.
Nothing more than blame-shifting for the water price increase due to money printing. Every commodity is going up in price. There is a 16 month lag between when money is printed & commodities rise. Government has all that time to create fancy stories of shortages as a scapegoat for price rise due to inflated currency.

Welcome to one of governments oldest & best tricks in the book for pulling one over on the population.

who's talking PRICE of water....????

it's not price that is the issue, it's scarcity of fresh water for the growing 6 billion population

Do you see anybody dropping dead from lack of water? It would only take 3 to 5 days.

The answer is NO!

Has your water bill increased over the past 3 years?

The answer is YES!

It is always about the money.

i don't have a water bill....i have a well, 2 wells actually, but only the deep water well is in use....

people are dying from not having drinking water, not in the usa, but other places around the world.
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Show me a populace that has died from lack of drinking water.

I can show you many people who increase the water line size supplying their homes just so they can install large multiple headed showers to waste even more fresh water.


Governments create the narrative & suckers follow it.
who's talking PRICE of water....????

it's not price that is the issue, it's scarcity of fresh water for the growing 6 billion population

Do you see anybody dropping dead from lack of water? It would only take 3 to 5 days.

The answer is NO!

Has your water bill increased over the past 3 years?

The answer is YES!

It is always about the money.

i don't have a water bill....i have a well, 2 wells actually, but only the deep water well is in use....

people are dying from not having drinking water, not in the usa, but other places around the world.

Very true. I just watched a documentary on TV where six experts, each in their own field, told of coming disasters. The program was called something about doomsday predictions, and one of the six items was about the shortage of water. America is going to have it's own problems, and soon. The largest water aquifer in America is the Ogallala aquifer, and it's being pumped dry far faster than it can replenish. Once that water is gone, a third of America will be wondering where it's water is going to come from.

Like you Care, I have my own well. And this water issue is one of the big reasons why I live in Wisconsin. Where I'm at you can pound a pipe twenty feet into the ground just about anywhere and you'll have some of the best tasting, purest water in the world, and it replenishes faster than we can pump it out. We're always right on the brink of flood stage.

Yes water shortage is going to be a real problem for much of the world in the coming times. Maybe it'll even be more valuable than oil.

And if you're ignorant enough to think there isn't a water shortage on the horizon, you better pull your head out and start reading...,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=a45adc396b3f2333
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:eusa_doh: Oh - Yeah! It's Very true because I just watched a documentary on TV that said so. :cuckoo:

:lmao: :rofl::rofl::rofl: :lmao: :rofl::rofl::rofl: :lmao: :rofl::rofl::rofl: :lmao:

Back in the 1970s my school teacher showed us all those shortage & crisis propaganda films. One in particular said there was a shortage of drinking water coming very soon & now we were going to have use ships helicopters to bring huge icebergs from the ocean in to melt them for fresh water. They said the salt & impurities did not freeze into the ice so when it thawed it would be fresh water. Have you ever seen that happen yet? NO!
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edited out pic

Fuckin' dumbass.
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They also stated that clean drinking water will become a major commodity, and may soon
be privatized by distributed by private corporations. This has already happened in countries
like Bolivia, and other parts of the world.

You are totally on the right track here, except that you apparently aren't aware that this is happening right here in the US of A, too

The international corporations are already doing their damnest to capture MAINE'S spring water supplies. Ever hear of POLAND SPRINGS?
I recently saw a report that stated that clean drinking water for the worlds population
will soon be in short supply.

The future projections indicated that there will not be enough clean drinking water for everyone on the planet, if current global population trends continue to increase, or maintain
their current pace.

They also stated that clean drinking water will become a major commodity, and may soon
be privatized by distributed by private corporations. This has already happened in countries
like Bolivia, and other parts of the world.

They indicated that certain parts of the Earth have been experiencing a "prolonged drought situation", that is not improving but may be getting worse. This drought situation may be extending it self to the United States of America, and Europe. As it was already operating in
Africa, China, and other areas of the less developed world.:razz:

I have one word for you.

who's talking PRICE of water....????

it's not price that is the issue, it's scarcity of fresh water for the growing 6 billion population

Say, didn't we all starve to death in the 70's due to the "Population Bomb?"

Now that the AGW fraud has been exposed, the left is recycling past manufactured crises....

{by the end of the 20th century, human want would outstrip available resources; whole areas of human endeavor would screech to a halt due to resource scarcity; England would, in all likelihood, cease to exist; India would collapse due to its inability to feed itself; and "inevitable" mass starvation would sweep the globe (including the US). }

Paul Ehrlich - 1968

[ame=] The Population Bomb (9781568495873): Paul R. Ehrlich: Books[/ame]


The left is ever peddling tales of doom to any stupid enough to listen to them.
Another disaster like Russia and Pakistan, and this will look like a very rosy forecast.

UN: Global 2011 Wheat Production to Rise 3.4 Pct - ABC News

A U.N. food agency is forecasting a 3.4 percent rise in world wheat production in 2011 but warns that the increase won't be as much as it was in previous years because of bumper crops.

The Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization says prices remained volatile in March, and that poor nations saw their import bills rise 20 percent because of higher international prices even with a 5.6 percent rise in wheat production last year.

The agency on Wednesday gave its first forecast for 2011 production.

Production increases for this year are forecast in countries hit by drought in 2010. Those nations include Russia — which banned exports through 2011 to guarantee sufficient domestic supplies.
Do you see anybody dropping dead from lack of water? It would only take 3 to 5 days.

The answer is NO!

Red Cross says lack of clean water, sanitation kills as many as Indian Ocean tsunami every month - Red Cross says lack of clean water, sanitation kills as many as Indian Ocean tsunami every month

Dropping dead from lack of clean drinking water and the lack of sanitation associated with the lack of clean water, is unfortunately, all too common in the modern era.

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