Classic illustration of biased MSM headlines


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Tampa Bay Times (Formerly St. Petersburg Times) is notoriously liberal, biased MSM rag!
Home of the equally biased Known in this area as "Pravada West" has NEVER met a GOP they liked and have biased headlines most of the time today though has provided the CLASSIC illustration of how a 30 second, headline promotes liberal while casting conservatives in negatives!

Attached is the scanned side by side comparison!
Anti GOP Conservative Obama loving liberal positives
Santorum" Cuts to SS" but Obama?? "U.S. administration defends overhaul"

Most people "glance" at headlines and form opinions which are the basis for voting!

Yet it isn't till you read further into Santorum you find "Santorum CUTS to SS" are
are NOT CUTS but higher qualifying age..(makes sense cause people are living longer)
and that the upper-income benefits tightened (and what about you anti-1% people isn't that what you wanted?)

Again biased MSM in the fine print shows the "CUTS to SOCIAL SECURITY" are what the Occupy WS crowd is crowing about but it doesn't fit the anti-conservative narrative!

Then you look at the Obama "U.S. Administration"..NOTE NOT a headline saying "OBAMA administration".. which while technically correct "U.S. Administration" castes a neutral impression.. we are all the "U.S. administration" IN the headline!
But then reading the biased article fine print..
Only ONE reference to Obama! The rest of the story is totally biased presentation!
The BIASED article states: "Law aimed to cover 30 million previously uninsured"
1) 10 million "uninsured" are NOT citizens..
2) 14 million of "uninsured covered by Medicaid!
3) 14 million that can afford (over $50,000/year income BUT don't want coverage!

Are any of those facts in that Obama love piece?

Again the headlines BIAS the readers' attention span..
GOP/Santorum BAD cut social security..
"U.S. Administration" ..NOT OBAMA's..
"Defends"... A huge pious sanctimonious LIE!

January 7,2012 Tampa Bay Times page 3A
Click on image to enlarge....

OH just to give you even MORE bias reporting..
How about this for a BIASED HEADLINE ATTENTION grabber!!!
Santorum: Trim Social Security now, even if painful

Santorum: Trim Social Security now, even if painful - Tampa Bay Times

I mean come on prejudicial, opinionated AND A LIE!! NOT ONE person on social security under Santorum TODAY would be AFFECT!!!
But this is a bold face LIE in big print!
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People! Do you understand that you have been suckered to believe is NOT biased?
The paper that OWNS is so biased as the first post illustrated I couldn't believe they could be even worse liars and biased presentations.. BUT THEY DID!

In the same paper today Jan 7,2012..
Even after roadwork, Tampa's Bayshore Boulevard criticized as too shabby for Republican National Convention
By Richard Danielson, Times Staff WriterTampa Bay Times
In Print: Saturday, January 7, 2012

Even after roadwork, Tampa's Bayshore Boulevard criticized as too shabby for Republican National Convention - Tampa Bay Times

BUT NO WHERE in the article are there any QUOTES direct comments made by the RNC much less phrase "criticized as too shabby"!

NO WHERE is there ANYTHING to give the TOTALLY BIASED impression that the RNC was concerned about "being too shabby"!

If again there was EVER any Proof that the MSM is biased intent on putting GOP in the worst light.. here it is!
Yer preaching to either the choir with conservatives. The libs see this as appropriate and correct.
MSM is corporate owned, operated, and supported, the idea it is liberal is ridiculous in any number of ways - examples how many have heard of the Chevron Billion dollar case? Or poverty in America? Or corporate outsourcing? Corporate propaganda manages the American mind today and this OP is simply proof.

Money talks .....

"The video “Echo Chamber” highlights the onslaught on Social Security as just one example. The Koch echo chamber on Social Security begins with think tanks like the Cato Institute, Heritage Foundation and Mercatus Center at George Mason University and the Reason Foundation, which owe their founding and achievements to Koch backing. These think tanks take their $28.4 million in Koch funding and produce more than 300 position papers distorting the purpose and effectiveness of Social Security." The Inner Secrets of the Right-Wing Echo Chamber | | AlterNet

"So if you go on Fox News -- 'fair and balanced' -- two liberals, two conservatives, and one commentator who is asking the questions, and the question is, 'Are you in favor of the President's tax relief program or are you against it'' -- it doesn't matter what you say. If you say, 'I'm against tax relief,' you're still evoking that framing. You're still in their frame, and all that it automatically brings with it: what kinds of policies are good, who is bad, and so on. That's how Fox News works. It frames the issues from a conservative perspective. Once the issue is framed, if you accept the framing, if you accept the language, it's all over." George Lakoff

George Lakoff tells how conservatives use language to dominate politics

'Why do conservatives appear to be so much better at framing'

"Because they've put billions of dollars into it. Over the last 30 years their think tanks have made a heavy investment in ideas and in language. In 1970, [Supreme Court Justice] Lewis Powell wrote a fateful memo to the National Chamber of Commerce saying that all of our best students are becoming anti-business because of the Vietnam War, and that we needed to do something about it. Powell's agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus where intellectuals would write books from a conservative business perspective, and setting up think tanks. He outlined the whole thing in 1970. They set up the Heritage Foundation in 1973, and the Manhattan Institute after that. [There are many others, including the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which date from the 1940s.]"

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