CLASSIC examples of people NOT reading closely enough thus forming WRONG opinions!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This is for all you people that are like :
Emily Litella is an elderly woman with a hearing problem who appeared 26 times on SNL's Weekend Update op-ed segment in the late 1970s. Litella would peer through her reading glasses and, in the character's high-pitched, warbly voice, would read a prepared statement in opposition to an editorial that the TV station had supposedly broadcast. Litella would become increasingly agitated as her statement progressed. Midway in her commentary, it became apparent to the anchor, and the audience, that Litella had misheard or misunderstood the subject of the editorial to which she was responding. A typical example:
What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a "deaf" penalty? It's terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is![4]
The news anchor would interrupt Litella to point out her error, along the lines, "That's death penalty, Ms. Litella, not deaf ... death."[4] Litella would wrinkle her nose, say something like, "Oh, that's very different," then meekly turn to the camera and say, smiling, "Never mind!"
And for you 30 second sound bite idiots:

So for you idiots like g5000 who stupidly said to me:
Utter and complete horseshit. Stop parroting this patently ridiculous lie, asshole.
And then he reports an article stating:
Defensive Medicine Adds $45 Billion to the Cost of Healthcare
Defensive medicine costs less money than physicians think

$45 billion. Not a trillion. Retard.

Calling ME a retard!

NOW if those of you who think G5000 are correct PLEASE see the above because once again
people like you and G5000 are just like Ms. Litella... you THINK you know but you are 180º wrong!

This is what "defensive Medicine" IS!
Spending on duplicate tests, specialists referrals, etc. by physicians so they won't be 2nd guessed and SUED!
NOT what G5000 thought were the ACTUAL costs in defending malpractice suits, etc. BUT preventing suits
from even being FILED!
Once again for G5000 and other idiots! Read this carefully.

Once you idiots do think about the number of stupid ass opinions you hold based on totally dumb ass
interpretations. For example believing Americans consume 500 million straws a day! Or that Trump is "anti-immigrant" or for really dumb belief... kneeling at the National Anthem because more blacks are killed by cops which AGAIN like Emily Lutella... you idiots should be saying "NEVER MIND"!!!
Remember the point of this thread was READ closer folks. Get the details before jumping to conclusions.
Trump is NOT "anti-immigrant!" I am not a retard as G5000 so ineptly described obviously himself!
MSM is full of people jumping to conclusions WITHOUT doing any further research. Case in point the straw controversy !
See below as it shows how EVEN the National Park Service repeats the erroneous number!
Or consider the gross negligence of Obama telling America "46 million Americans are uninsured" or up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition!
Read closer folks! There never were 46 million uninsured Americans and yet in spite of doing some research most Americans thought Obama correct!
And remember what the architect of Obamacare said about Americans!
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

Take the time and read closer folks so you won't be another Emily Lutella and having to say "Never Mind"!!

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