Clarus Poll: 64% of Voters Oppose Government Employee Unions


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Wisconsin Fight Spotlights Issue

WASHINGTON, Feb. 18, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As President Obama has joined the political battle in Wisconsin that pits Republican Gov. Scott Walker against public employee unions, a nationwide Clarus Poll finds that a substantial majority of Americans believe government employees should not be able to belong to labor unions.

In the Clarus Poll, sixty-four percent of voters polled said government employees should not be represented by unions. Twenty-nine percent of voters said government employees should be represented by labor unions that bargain for higher pay, benefits and pensions.

The survey, conducted by the nonpartisan Clarus Research Group, found that

  • There is a deep partisan divide on the issue. Republicans and independents oppose government employee unionization.
  • Only 10% of Republicans and 23% of independents think public employees should be represented by unions. On the other hand, 49% of Democrats do so.
  • Voters in the Northeast were most supportive of public employee unionization (42%) and the South was least favorable (24%).

"As pressures to cut state and federal budgets intensify, government employee unions are likely to become a major issue in the 2012 election," said Ron Faucheux, President of Clarus Research Group.

The survey was taken by Clarus Research Group, a nonpartisan polling firm based in Washington, D.C., Feb. 4-8, 2011 of a representative, nationwide sample of 1,001 registered voters. Interviewing was conducted by live telephone calls. The margin of error is +/-3.1 percent.

Poll questioned asked: "Do you think government employees should be represented by labor unions that bargain for higher pay, benefits and pensions... or do you think government employees should not be represented by labor unions?"

More breakdown at the link below:

Union Bob says: "You people are just trying to take away my rights. Unions worked hard for all our rights. You just hate the middle classs. You just hate the working man. You are just greedy and wanna line your pockets with more corporate cash. Now.....if you'll excuse me, it's time for my entitled lunch break, I'm going to back in a few hours."


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Union Bob says: "You people are just trying to take away my rights. Unions worked hard for all our rights. You just hate the middle classs. You just hate the working man. You are just greedy and wanna line your pockets with more corporate cash. Now.....if you'll excuse me, it's time for my entitled lunch break, I'm going to back in a few hours."

They joining these members of the tea party for that few hour lunch? :tongue:
Americans have a different perspective when it's their tax dollars paying the tab.

Which is why those not paying any income tax tend to continue voting for spending, liberal entitlement programs, and similar... .when they have no stake in the game, and can reap possible benefit at the expense of others, they simply have no care about how much or whether government really should be doing this
Americans have a different perspective when it's their tax dollars paying the tab.

Which is why those not paying any income tax tend to continue voting for spending, liberal entitlement programs, and similar... .when they have no stake in the game, and can reap possible benefit at the expense of others, they simply have no care about how much or whether government really should be doing this

which is why the other way happens as well....

What I mean is this..

Several weeks ago there was a thread in here written by someone on the left who was criticizing the wealthy by saying...and I paraphrase...."the wealthy dont care about the elimination of some entitlement programs because the data shows that most do not benefit from them"...


But the difference is, the wealthy pay for them....
Americans have a different perspective when it's their tax dollars paying the tab.

Which is why those not paying any income tax tend to continue voting for spending, liberal entitlement programs, and similar... .when they have no stake in the game, and can reap possible benefit at the expense of others, they simply have no care about how much or whether government really should be doing this

That's the bottom line, everyone loves collective bargaining when it's employers paying the bloated wages, benefits and pensions...but when they are essentially the employer...their tax money being paid out...they aren't so keen on the idea.
Unions should have never been allowed in Government. The People don't want them. Greedy Unions are no better than corrupt Politicians in the end. They both seem to always forget that they work for the Taxpayers. The Taxpayers don't work for them. These Teachers in Wisconsin should just get back to work. That's what the Taxpayers want. End of story.
I can somewhat accept Unions in the Private Sector but they shouldn't have ever been allowed in Government. The Taxpayers don't want them. It's time for them to get the boot once and for all.

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