Clarity of Intent


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There could be no clearer indication of who, Trump or Obama, stands on the side of humanity, and who is of an evil intent, than the 12 demands that the Trump Administration has thrown in the face of the Iranian mullahs.

· "First, Iran must declare to the IAEA a full account of the prior military dimensions of its nuclear program, and permanently and verifiably abandon such work in perpetuity."

· "Second, Iran must stop uranium enrichment and never pursue plutonium reprocessing. This includes closing its heavy water reactor."

· "Third, Iran must also provide the IAEA with unqualified access to all sites throughout the entire country."

· "Iran must end its proliferation of ballistic missiles and halt further launching or development of nuclear-capable missile systems."

· "Iran must release all U.S. citizens, as well as citizens of our partners and allies, each of them detained on spurious charges."

· "Iran must end support to Middle East terrorist groups, including Lebanese Hizballah [Hezbollah], Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad."

· "Iran must respect the sovereignty of the Iraqi Government and permit the disarming, demobilization, and reintegration of Shia militias."

· "Iran must also end its military support for the Houthi militia and work towards a peaceful political settlement in Yemen."

· "Iran must withdraw all forces under Iranian command throughout the entirety of Syria."

· "Iran, too, must end support for the Taliban and other terrorists in Afghanistan and the region, and cease harboring senior Al Qaida leaders."

· "Iran, too, must end the IRG [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] Qods Force's [Quds Force's] support for terrorists and militant partners around the world."

· "And too, Iran must end its threatening behavior against its neighbors – many of whom are U.S. allies. This certainly includes its threats to destroy Israel, and its firing of missiles into Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. It also includes threats to international shipping and destructive – and destructive cyberattacks."
Pompeo's 12 Demands For Iran Read More Like A Declaration Of War Than A Path To Peace
"Who are you to make these decisions for us?"
- Rouhani

Odds are he will soon find out. Trump wants to clear old business before the end of his first term.
Iran should have been dealt with years ago...that is why I was so against the Iraq war...Bush had blinders on IMO...when Saddam went down Iran started bulking they are getting so big we will have to take them down...that could get ugly on a global scale...weakness has its price...leading from behind has its price...whatever Trump does about Iran will be because of Obama's weakness...
The clarity of Trump's position vis-a-vis allowing the 7th century savages in Iran to have nuclear weapons is clear and evident in Pompeo's list of 12 demands.

Equally clear is Hussein Obama, the cryto-Islamist's intent, as they can be seen in the reverse of each of the 12.

Who could possibly defend that reversal????
Iran should have been dealt with years ago...that is why I was so against the Iraq war...Bush had blinders on IMO...when Saddam went down Iran started bulking they are getting so big we will have to take them down...that could get ugly on a global scale...weakness has its price...leading from behind has its price...whatever Trump does about Iran will be because of Obama's weakness...

the Saddam problem PRECEDED Obama by decades
Yes, the Russo-Trump agenda of demands outs the President and his supporters as America's enemy.

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