Claire McCaskill Whups Todd Aikin!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Republicans are getting an ass whipping tonight!

McCaskill over Aikin
Warren over Brown
Brown over Mandel
Connelly over Mourdock
Nelson over Mack
Murphy over McMahon
Casey over Smith
Baldwin over Thompson

And it ain't over yet!

Still have a few more, like NM, ND, Nevada, Montana.

Allen may beat Kaine in Virginia.
She should have been easy to beat. Her scheme to get akin to win the primaries by having dems vote in the gop primary was smart. He was the worst of the three candidates and she catapulted him into the lead from last place.

Well played is all I can say.
Yea, Todd Akin was a real scumbag. I'm glad Claire kicked his ass.
She should have been easy to beat. Her scheme to get akin to win the primaries by having dems vote in the gop primary was smart. He was the worst of the three candidates and she catapulted him into the lead from last place.

Well played is all I can say.

that is true.. it was well played, indeed. People will cry foul after the election but she baited republicans with pro-Akin ads during the primaries simply because he was the weakest opponent. If Bruner would have won the Republican nomination this would have been completely different.

To be honest, If I were a republican i'd be real pissed off at Akin; it was his own hubris that refused to drop for the sake of the senate seat.
Allen is going to win in VA, one of the bright spots for the GOP.
Yup, my money literally went to Bruner. Was stunned when he lost

Had Bruner been the nominee the focus would have been about jobs and the economy the whole time. As it was, Akin's comment was the entire conversation with even those who voted for him talking about holding their noses because we ALL knew his run was over the day after that interview.

Akin has a lot of crow to eat right about now.
Yup, my money literally went to Bruner. Was stunned when he lost
Was Bruner a teabagger or an establishment Republican?

He was a former business owner who created quite a few jobs. As far as your question I've never been into labels like that. I either like a candidate or I don't.

I hated akin but the little bastard boxed us all into a corner when he refused to bow out.

I have much rage or frustration if you will, with him.
Gramps, as long as we let the Akins and Mourdoucks and the O'Donnels and the Angles anywhere near candidacy we are going to continue to lose the Senate. You can fool a congressional district, but not a an entire state.
Gramps, as long as we let the Akins and Mourdoucks and the O'Donnels and the Angles anywhere near candidacy we are going to continue to lose the Senate. You can fool a congressional district, but not a an entire state.

The gop didn't put him there. Open primaries and democrats and their money did.

In fact no one I know voted for him.
Todd Akin's concession speech is sickening.

What an asshole.


It's time to heal the country not further divide us. Asshole.
Yup, my money literally went to Bruner. Was stunned when he lost
Was Bruner a teabagger or an establishment Republican?

He was a former business owner who created quite a few jobs. As far as your question I've never been into labels like that. I either like a candidate or I don't.

I hated akin but the little bastard boxed us all into a corner when he refused to bow out.

I have much rage or frustration if you will, with him.

You may not like it, but you know very well what I am asking and whether Bruner was a Tea Party candidate, or an establishment Republican.

I'm guessing he was an old school, John Boehner/Mitch McConnell/Orrin Hatch type. And that's why he lost - because the teabagger inmates have taken over the asylum.
Gramps, as long as we let the Akins and Mourdoucks and the O'Donnels and the Angles anywhere near candidacy we are going to continue to lose the Senate. You can fool a congressional district, but not a an entire state.

The gop didn't put him there. Open primaries and democrats and their money did.

In fact no one I know voted for him.
Missourian did.

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