Circle of Patriots: TrumpUSA Diaries(*)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is TrumpUSA a thing of good humor...or a creature of sarcasm?



"Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise (star of American Made and Born on the 4th of July) made a special statement during an appearance on the Charlie Rose Show regarding the opportunities men had in modern media in promoting populism politics and free-speech catering to TrumpUSA commerce and traffic. Cruise talked about his personal interests in Scientology tolerance/advertising and how male college students could take an active role in being 'TrumpUSA patriots.' People responded to Cruise's remarks by talking about the special value of TrumpUSA politics-commentary that made everyday people feel like 'democracy cops.' However, was this all jargon?"


"Meanwhile, two Irish-American brothers and members of the Democratic Party in D.C. named Seamus and Sean decided to wander around Washington in ski-masks claiming to try to rob banks but actually praising Americans' interest in using the media to promote awareness of the political troubles in Belfast (Northern Ireland) between British Protestants and Irish Catholics. The Washington Post claimed the 'Belfast Brothers' were capitalizing on Cruise's recent statement on the Charlie Rose Show by hyping TrumpUSA media/journalism to advertise progressive geopolitical consciousness. Since the Belfast Brothers were peaceful protesters, they were not charged with any crime."


"A group of progressive democratic women in Savannah (Georgia) referring to themselves as the 'New Circle' decided to praise the pro-democratic media 'crusade' of the Belfast Brothers by organizing pro-liberal meetings in the South and praising how TrumpUSA media catered to free-speech and modern idealism/rhetoric. When Cruise read about this 'New Circle,' he stated in the press that he hoped that Scientology would benefit from all this newfound populism spiritual fervor in the media(!). The New Circle invited the Belfast Brothers to become honorary male members of their 'coven' (the only males to be invited to serve as 'knights' of the 'circle'). When the Belfast Brothers accepted the invitation and moved to Savannah and began talking about why Americans love political chatter about liberty and prosperity, the New York Times wrote that Cruise had started a national 'superstitious TrumpUSA craze'."


"Savannah (Georgia) is known for a rich history and peoples and a proud tradition of region-specific 'hospitality.' When the Belfast Brothers moved there and began contributing articles to the newspapers about the democratic value of the 'New Circle' (of liberal women conversing about modern American values/virtue!), Tom Cruise decided that all this regional fervor might draw the attention of anti-American terrorists. He voiced these concerns in yet another press-statement, which incited the CIA to send patrols to Savannah to control any potential social anarchy or hysteria. Suddenly, Savannah needed more men now to 'keep the sanity'."


"President Trump tweeted, 'I think men from all walks of American life should invest in Savannah politics and help this New Circle circulate pro-TrumpUSA chatter responsibly.' Meanwhile, strangely enough, there were odd Savannah sightings of ghosts and specters reported by civilians/citizens claiming that all this TrumpUSA media craze was inviting demons from the underworld. The Belfast Brothers assured the people in more editorials in newspapers that the New Circle was merely a modern-day rendition of pro-women's groups from America's gloried past and that this was a nice opportunity to continue promoting democratic awareness of the troubles in Northern Ireland(!). President Trump wondered if the ghost-sightings in Savannah were signs of an upcoming race-riot not unlike the one seen in L.A. in 1992."


"Of course, TrumpUSA is all about traffic, commerce, media, geopolitical consciousness, consumerism, and of course, populism intrigue. When we sort out all the scandals and protests, we might realize that the administration of our celebrity-president (the first one since Ronald Reagan!) has the chance to cast America in the 21st Century as a nation of great dialogue. However, the CIA still decided to keep the peace in Savannah and not merely leave it up to the romantic 'Belfast Brothers' to continue writing free-speech chatter in the local newspapers(!). If TrumpUSA would make America a beacon of commercial idealism rather than a capitalism-drowned 'dark city' (proverbially), it would have to coordinate the democratic interests of both men and women(!)."


"Nevertheless, a gang of radicals (comprised of all men) decided to form in Savannah and offer a more violent version of TrumpUSA passion. This gang, known as the 'Warriors,' wanted Savannah to become a cauldron of great American evangelism rather than neo-liberal 'gibberish' offered by the New Circle and the Belfast Brothers. The Warriors also decided to investigate the veracity of the various ghost-sightings which continued to emerge in Savannah(!). The Warriors created minor riots and attacked policemen in some cases, inciting the FBI/CIA to crack down on Savannah once and for all and put an end to all this 'TrumpUSA diarism' inspired by Tom Cruise's harmless statements on the Charlie Rose Show."


TRUMP: Do you believe these Savannah ghost-sightings, Carter?
CARTER: Yes, I do, Mr. President...
TRUMP: I think there are plenty of people in the South now quelling the hysteria!
CARTER: I was hoping the New Circle and the Belfast Brothers would offer peace.
TRUMP: Well, it's difficult negotiating TrumpUSA media with social fervor.
CARTER: Is this the age of media controversy, sir?
TRUMP: I think this is the age of great commercial superstition, Carter.


"Whether or not Cruise's statements would offer up birds-of-peace or create a giant metaphysical 'White Dragon' of social controversy in TrumpUSA remained to be seen. Savannah had seen more intrigue however since it ever had, and this was good for journalism and tourism(!), ironically, especially since the FBI managed to disband the more riotous/violent gang of 'Warriors.' If capitalism is to create substantial social sanity, then the White Dragon of social controversy would have to be quelled by the more mature forces of democratic rationalism, right?"


"Does this sound like cliched patriotism-propaganda or convincing/symbolic American storytelling to you (as a TrumpUSA citizen)?"



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