CIA evidence ignored by senate intelligence committee


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WIKILEAKS CIA Evidence Ignored By Senate Intelligence Committee
Intelligence agencies can stage false flag cyberattacks

The Senate Intelligence Committee heard testimony this week on Russian interference in the elections, and focused in hard on the Russian’s cyber warfare capabilities while ignoring Wikileaks revelations that the CIA can stage false flag cyberattacks:

And Lee Ann McAdoo explains why the elite are targeting Flynn:...........................


Well isn't all this computer stuff getting interesting lovely how not only our Government can frame others, but they can frame the general population as it is stated in the VIDEO, they can PLANT Things on people's computers.
The OP is no defense against the actual evidence that the Russians engaged in cyberware against America and its elections.

Anyone who defends the Russians' efforts can be charged with aiding and abetting a foreign power to violate American law.
The OP is no defense against the actual evidence that the Russians engaged in cyberware against America and its elections.

Anyone who defends the Russians' efforts can be charged with aiding and abetting a foreign power to violate American law.
What American law? Can you cite the specific statute? Also, can you tell us who you think violated that law and give us a logically reasoned argument to support your position?

Or are you just full of shit?
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The OP is no defense against the actual evidence that the Russians engaged in cyberware against America and its elections.

Anyone who defends the Russians' efforts can be charged with aiding and abetting a foreign power to violate American law.
What American law? Can you cite the specific statute? Also, can you tell us who you think violated that law and give us a logically reasoned argument to support your position?

Or are you just full of shit?

maybe you can transfer that comment to the original writer of the article. They can answer that for you.

The post is for information not for me to waste my time on finding people information who don't understand it all.

Thank you for stopping.
The OP is no defense against the actual evidence that the Russians engaged in cyberware against America and its elections.

Anyone who defends the Russians' efforts can be charged with aiding and abetting a foreign power to violate American law.
What American law? Can you cite the specific statute? Also, can you tell us who you think violated that law and give us a logically reasoned argument to support your position?

Or are you just full of shit?
The same law that prevented obama from tapping Angela Merkle's private phone.
The problem with this "Russia hacked the Election!" narrative is just what is implied above by Mo-Hammed. Let's say that some Russian operative successfully hacked the DNC's emails, and in cooperation with WikiLeaks, caused certain embarrassing missives to be published at times strategically beneficial to the Trump campaign. And let's say further that some Russian operative(s) told Trump campaign officials about their plans. And let's say further that the said campaign official(s) responded, "Cool."

Where is the crime?
The OP is no defense against the actual evidence that the Russians engaged in cyberware against America and its elections.

Anyone who defends the Russians' efforts can be charged with aiding and abetting a foreign power to violate American law.

We already know that the CIA can mimic cyber attacks via malware and then claim it's an attack by a foreign government to justify sanctions or even war against a country that this massive corporate entity has a grudge against. This is nothing but a soft coup d'e'tat that is going on against Donald Trump by the Deep State. Leftards seem to want a war that they have no hope of winning. You want blood running like water in the streets? Fine by me.......
We already know the lame-headed Alt Right will not accept any fact or objective truth they don't like.

So tough to be them in this situation.
We already know the lame-headed Alt Right will not accept any fact or objective truth they don't like.

So tough to be them in this situation.

Actually, you described yourself and those like you, Jake Smarmy
Turnspeak ^^^^

Seriously, you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper sack along with a box knife, flashlight and written instructions.

Isn't that the case for most of them haha.

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