CIA boss hints at preemptive strike on North Korea


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Central Intelligence Agency is briefing President Donald Trump on the risks and opportunities of a limited attack on North Korea, its director revealed on Tuesday. CIA Director Mike Pompeo would not discuss the “wisdom of a preemptive strike” on Pyongyang or its nuclear weapons program, he told an audience at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. But in rare public remarks, Pompeo portrayed North Korea as an urgent priority for the agency, and disclosed aspects of its role in setting back Kim Jong Un’s nuclear program during his first year at Langley......
CIA Boss Hints At Preemptive Strike On North Korea…

Well seems a few distractions will be going on so it takes away from the OBama treason bs going on .
We have the shooting
the news will swirl with some N.K. bs
then we will have Trump did this or that meaning the shut down..

Hmmm what is coming and what's the disraction............. or is it already here maybe it will be a distraction from the memo in general.
EndTimedHeadlines? Shut up, retard. I'm sick of your made up bullshit. This crap doesn't belong on this forum. You should be banned for repeatedly doing this shit.

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