Church involvement after they convert to Judaism in the kingdom of Michael


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I'm sorry to say that the most of the church programs and policies are not aimed towards creating Tikkun Olam nor the Olam Habah , rather they chose to be aimed at promoting denominationalism over the enrichment of community spirit and promotion of human welfare. In fact, in the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, another Philadelphian like myself, he noticed the same things about his Presbyterian church. He said on page 92 in the Riverside Literature Series of his autobiography, that it seemed they were more interested in making people Presbyterian rather then good citizens. Local churches especially in the inner cities are taking in the communities money yet they do nothing successful in stopping the crimes, excessive drug and alcohol use, separation of family, children getting into trouble, violence such as shootings, stabbings, and so on. The church in addition to services should be promoting study groups, community interaction, forums for discussion and solving problems. They surely have the space for it. Family counseling should be advised, as well as clubs for activities that are positive like cleanup or fixing up the neighborhood. The church should be stimulating creative thoughts rather than suppressing them; encouraging constructive actions rather than creating destructive behavior. I have proposed that the new heads of the church should be more involved in having an eye or watch on community needs, such as by setting up spotters within their flock, letting them know what needs to be stressed - for instance, problems in the area needing special lessons addressing special issues and needs of the individual community. Example: some communities have a high divorce rate, adultery rate, or crime rate, others have a high drug use rate or murder rate, and such that need solutions as well as concerned action. Suggested activities: Churches involving in mini polls to evaluate what people believe or know to get a feel for what needs to be stressed and taught. Volunteer people in the flock need to be involved in creating programs for planing to offset any local problems and identifying and finding solutions or lessons based on those issues. Example: if an area is getting run down and the poor or elderly can't afford to fix up dilapidated houses then people will organize and inquire about donated tools (paint, tar, plaster etc) and round up volunteers to teach others and to fix the homes of those who can't afford it, in the same time they can be helping teens in job training (like home repair) and giving them their job experience as well as something that looks great on their resume. It is advisable to do all these things by organizing talk groups, which can identify deficiencies, much like the PTA meetings or town council meetings. Make reports of what's needed in the community whether its moral, security, clean up, repair, family issues, etc., and follow through on these reports. Allow suggestions in making solutions for how these issues can be handled and met head on and if one can't be found then approach the other churches outside your area for advice and help on solutions to combat local problems.
You will notice that people get really angry and bitter and even quite mean when you show them the fallacious placement of Jesus into scripture. It's because the Human Ego will not allow itself the blame for realizing they've been snookered, taken advantage of, lied to and wasting of their lives on said lie. So naturally in order to protect, that pride displaces blame to the revealers instead.
Betrayal, Disappointment, Disenfranchised, Disenchantment, Delusion, & Failure.
The most devastating to ones own pride, or spirit of being.
Words against which there is no certain defense.
Words which can erect an impassable barrier between authority and the masses, or amongst people.
It is a fact that the church has lost many people over the centuries,
because of betrayal of their trust by someone in authority.
The next few years will be trying for man, for he will be revealed things that was never before
revealed and he will feel betrayed, angry, inadequate and in SHAME.

It is though, important that people start preparing man for this dissapointment and humbling pride.
If not then this will be displaced into areas which will create more tensions and more problems
to those who are innocent of these mistakes. To often one single group has been the target of
this displaced behavior and laying blame for ones own inadequacies, which always placed themselves
on the lap of this suffering servant. Yes I am talking about those who held the unpopular truth,
only to become punching bags and guinea pigs for the worlds excuses & displacement of behavior.
The keepers of the Covenant, the keepers of the Laws of God, of his books of truth, of his will
and knowledge of his plans, promises, and path to fulfillment. The sacrifice of a nation of people
who by their devotion and struggle to survive, have managed to save us from ourselves and held the
fort till we were ready to understand their mission.
Even John said;
You worship what you do not know; we worship what we
know, for salvation is from the Jews.- John 4:22
Yes so true.....If a man has been drinking coolaid his whole life since being a baby it tastes very sweet going down but all those unwanted calories would make him fat and lazy and make him unwilling to drink cool refreshing untainted water...It is only after going to the doctor he discovers that sweet tasting drink has given him diabetes and it was never really good for him and that his salvation will be to stop drinking that coolaid and start drinking that refreshing better for you drink called water.... Coolaid is cool and great tasting dont get me wrong but it is the wrong type of drink to parch ones thirst....
It comes down to people wanting to hear what they wish to hear not what they need to hear, so the popular figures and vote is usually the biggest B.S. artist of the bunch while the one telling people the unpopular truth or hard solutions is unpopular and often attacked.

A kid acts up in a store or restaurant and an anoyed customer tells the parent to do something about it the oarent almost 100% of the time will get annoyed at the anoyed person rather 5hen their kid, because it means having to admit one fsiled somehow as a parent or authority and those inadequacies make for displaced blames and hostilities towards anyone but that person in the mirror. Religion is only harmful to society when it can't self reflect, can't understand nor shed it's gang affiliation pride, can't learn behavior, group behavior, psychology, social science along side their faith.
-Human Ego 101
Selective hearing good thing my name means he who So true about the one speaking up and telling others the way it is... That is why our system is corrupt because everyone just wants to kick the can down the road for the next guy to worry about problem is we are running out of road as they cant afford to build new ones so we might end up in a dead end with no way out and wouldnt that be a shame considering we were warned enough times to turn around and right our ship....
I'm sorry to say that the most of the church programs and policies are not aimed towards creating Tikkun Olam nor the Olam Habah , rather they chose to be aimed at promoting denominationalism over the enrichment of community spirit and promotion of human welfare. In fact, in the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, another Philadelphian like myself, he noticed the same things about his Presbyterian church. He said on page 92 in the Riverside Literature Series of his autobiography, that it seemed they were more interested in making people Presbyterian rather then good citizens. Local churches especially in the inner cities are taking in the communities money yet they do nothing successful in stopping the crimes, excessive drug and alcohol use, separation of family, children getting into trouble, violence such as shootings, stabbings, and so on. The church in addition to services should be promoting study groups, community interaction, forums for discussion and solving problems. They surely have the space for it. Family counseling should be advised, as well as clubs for activities that are positive like cleanup or fixing up the neighborhood. The church should be stimulating creative thoughts rather than suppressing them; encouraging constructive actions rather than creating destructive behavior. I have proposed that the new heads of the church should be more involved in having an eye or watch on community needs, such as by setting up spotters within their flock, letting them know what needs to be stressed - for instance, problems in the area needing special lessons addressing special issues and needs of the individual community. Example: some communities have a high divorce rate, adultery rate, or crime rate, others have a high drug use rate or murder rate, and such that need solutions as well as concerned action. Suggested activities: Churches involving in mini polls to evaluate what people believe or know to get a feel for what needs to be stressed and taught. Volunteer people in the flock need to be involved in creating programs for planing to offset any local problems and identifying and finding solutions or lessons based on those issues. Example: if an area is getting run down and the poor or elderly can't afford to fix up dilapidated houses then people will organize and inquire about donated tools (paint, tar, plaster etc) and round up volunteers to teach others and to fix the homes of those who can't afford it, in the same time they can be helping teens in job training (like home repair) and giving them their job experience as well as something that looks great on their resume. It is advisable to do all these things by organizing talk groups, which can identify deficiencies, much like the PTA meetings or town council meetings. Make reports of what's needed in the community whether its moral, security, clean up, repair, family issues, etc., and follow through on these reports. Allow suggestions in making solutions for how these issues can be handled and met head on and if one can't be found then approach the other churches outside your area for advice and help on solutions to combat local problems.

Judaism has been cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37,38)--to this day they reject the Messiah--not one who rejects the Messiah will enter Gods kingdom.
In Revelation, John had 0 clue what Jesus' true religion would be called here in these last days, so he called them Israel--meaning spiritual Israel--carrying the meaning, Gods chosen.
Hardly.... That is truly funny...then your book of mathew must be thrown in the garbage.. There are many verses showing that although gd employs emmisaries... He himself is the ultimate savior and redeemer.... For example in isaiah 45 : 17 it states but israel is saved by the lord with everlasting salvation, you shall not be ashamed or confounded for all eternity........ There is mo need to follow your idol jesus who led his sheep to death and did not fulfill any of the things he was supposed to do...
All KJW did was prove my points, while revealing Matthew and John contradict...of course we already know and proved Matthew was not written by a Jew, so....
We won't discuss the other problem with KJW's statement since they are a Michaeline most Christian sects does not accept the biblical Moshiach and that ironically includes the Michaeline sects of Christians deceived into thinking the idol created by Rome was that same Michael.
Hardly.... That is truly funny...then your book of mathew must be thrown in the garbage.. There are many verses showing that although gd employs emmisaries... He himself is the ultimate savior and redeemer.... For example in isaiah 45 : 17 it states but israel is saved by the lord with everlasting salvation, you shall not be ashamed or confounded for all eternity........ There is mo need to follow your idol jesus who led his sheep to death and did not fulfill any of the things he was supposed to do...

All those in the NT--post death of Jesus--left Judaism and followed Jesus. Jesus called the teachers--sons of vipers--to this day they reject him. the Jewish religion will-NEVER-accept Jesus as the Messiah.
Jesus did everything he was supposed to do until the proper time for what he has left to do. Gods will does not fail.
All KJW did was prove my points, while revealing Matthew and John contradict...of course we already know and proved Matthew was not written by a Jew, so....
We won't discuss the other problem with KJW's statement since they are a Michaeline most Christian sects does not accept the biblical Moshiach and that ironically includes the Michaeline sects of Christians deceived into thinking the idol created by Rome was that same Michael.

Matthew and John do not contradict. Except the errors found in trinity translations.
Then you are in denial as that was 1 example you inadvertantly exposed, so now let's open the flood gates and see you weasle out of this one:

How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ?

(a) By a revelation from heaven (Matthew16:17).

(b) His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41).

Where did Jesus first meet Simon Peter and Andrew?

(a) By the sea of Galilee (Matthew 4:18-22).

(b) On the banks of river Jordan (John 1:42). After that, Jesus

decided to go to Galilee (John 1:43).

Did John the Baptist recognise Jesus before

his baptism?

(a) Yes (Matthew 3:13-14).

(b) No (John 1:32, 33).

Did John the Baptist recognise Jesus after his baptism?

(a) Yes (John 1:32, 33).

(b) No (Matthew 11:2).

Make up your damn minds *LOL*

Mt 28:1 -10 the angel telling both Marys where he was and them knowing
where he was contradicts John 20:1-2 not knowing where he was.About the tomb and the ressurection events.

History contradicts the tales:
Jesus was supposed to have been baptized by John soon after John had started baptizing and preaching in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberias, i.e. 28-29 C.E., when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judaea i.e. 26-36 C.E. According to the New Testament, this also happened when Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene and Annas and Caiaphas were high priests. But Lysanias ruled Abilene from c. 40 B.C.E until he was executed in 36 B.C.E by Mark Antony, about 60 years before the date for Tiberias and about 30 years before the supposed birth of Jesus!

How about verses that contradict the same verse in older copies:
JOHN 9:35
In the KJV, the verse reads thus:
"Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on
the Son of God?"
All of the earliest codices and papyri, however, read thus:
"Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and having found him he said, Do you believe in the Son of man?"
While the first reading is supported by the majority of manuscripts after the fifth century,
the latter reading is supported by all of the second through fourth century manuscripts of John's gospel,
including the oldest extant papyri, P75 and P66, as well as the earliest codices, including Aleph, B, D, W,
and other witnesses.
Then you are in denial as that was 1 example you inadvertantly exposed, so now let's open the flood gates and see you weasle out of this one:

How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ?

(a) By a revelation from heaven (Matthew16:17).

(b) His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41).

Where did Jesus first meet Simon Peter and Andrew?

(a) By the sea of Galilee (Matthew 4:18-22).

(b) On the banks of river Jordan (John 1:42). After that, Jesus

decided to go to Galilee (John 1:43).

Did John the Baptist recognise Jesus before

his baptism?

(a) Yes (Matthew 3:13-14).

(b) No (John 1:32, 33).

Did John the Baptist recognise Jesus after his baptism?

(a) Yes (John 1:32, 33).

(b) No (Matthew 11:2).

Make up your damn minds *LOL*

Mt 28:1 -10 the angel telling both Marys where he was and them knowing
where he was contradicts John 20:1-2 not knowing where he was.About the tomb and the ressurection events.

History contradicts the tales:
Jesus was supposed to have been baptized by John soon after John had started baptizing and preaching in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberias, i.e. 28-29 C.E., when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judaea i.e. 26-36 C.E. According to the New Testament, this also happened when Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene and Annas and Caiaphas were high priests. But Lysanias ruled Abilene from c. 40 B.C.E until he was executed in 36 B.C.E by Mark Antony, about 60 years before the date for Tiberias and about 30 years before the supposed birth of Jesus!

How about verses that contradict the same verse in older copies:
JOHN 9:35
In the KJV, the verse reads thus:
"Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on
the Son of God?"
All of the earliest codices and papyri, however, read thus:
"Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and having found him he said, Do you believe in the Son of man?"
While the first reading is supported by the majority of manuscripts after the fifth century,
the latter reading is supported by all of the second through fourth century manuscripts of John's gospel,
including the oldest extant papyri, P75 and P66, as well as the earliest codices, including Aleph, B, D, W,
and other witnesses.

If any discrepencies arise its because these-2Thess 2:3 translated to fit false council teachings--the originals are all gone. Every trinity translation on earth contain many errors--this single teaching proves they are not of God-Mark 3:24-26--a house divided will not stand.
The religion Jesus began basically died after the apostles were murdered and then the Christians were hunted down and thrown to wild animals as a public spectacle---- then the great apostasy arose--not until these last days did truth come back out. Daniel 12:4) its here now. rejected by 99%
Rebuttle failed....excuses abound...I rest my case...
the road to recovery is admission first, then attempting not to repeat the mistakes.... if everyone is stuck at stage1 then so too is the world....loop de loop round around the hamster wheel they go, will they find their treats at the end of the simplest straight tunnel?
Nobody knows.
All I know is you people are the most dizzying to watch squirm around.
Little advice:
When you get caught with a wrong proclamation then just admit it least you make yourself look worse.
I know you weren't intending to lie but protecting the error becomes the lie.
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