Chupacabra found alive in Texas?

"the warden did contact the person who trapped the animal and told him that since it did appear to be a raccoon, he would have to release it back into the wild or euthanize it," cox said friday. "the land owner left a message on the warden's voice mail this morning that the animal had been euthanized."

what the fuck?
Poor baby is a raccoon with mange. I hope they can treat it. Good for those that weren't sure that didn't just blow it away and wanted to find out what it was.

Dip it and set it free!

No. He would not survive.

But, I see the idiot chose to kill the raccoon.
Oh boy this actually looks like a really bad problem. It looks like they've got mange big time in Texas. And they have from what I gather what you can't treat.

For those that don't know there are two types of mange.

Yikes. D can be treated but S holy toledo. And we are talking crossing all types of beasties. This is bad.

Oh that poor baby. Least it ate well before they had to terminate it. Oh my. Mange is so so bad. In the wild. I don't know how the state is going to deal with this.
Poor baby is a raccoon with mange. I hope they can treat it. Good for those that weren't sure that didn't just blow it away and wanted to find out what it was.

Dip it and set it free!

No. He would not survive.

But, I see the idiot chose to kill the raccoon.

Vets told him to apparently. Sarcoptic. They were keeping the baby alive and giving it food and water. Don't make them out to be evil when they were not. The family crated it. And took care of it.

Just because some people are simple doesn't mean they are cruel. You are really one bigotted mother fucker luddley.
Morons. I hate people sometimes.

The a-hole realized there was no money to be made so he killed it

Just a heads up. Vets told him to. As it is from what I am gathering now they have to disinfect everything and pray.

It's a bad deal if that coon had sarcoptic.

Sarcoptic mange
Sarcoptic mange, also known as canine scabies, is a highly contagious infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei canis, a burrowing mite.

The canine sarcoptic mite can also infest cats, pigs, horses, sheep, and various other species. The human analog of burrowing mite infection, due to a closely related species, is called scabies (the "seven year itch").

Mange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nose and face seem different to me.


Florida hairless raccoon

Funny how the Chupacabra has transformed from this...


Into basically nothing more than a regular dog with a bad case of mange over the years.
Chapacabra "sightings"= animals with severe mange. Bonus.....Bigfoot/Samsquatch "sightings"=skinny bears standing on their hind legs.

Sorry to be a wrecker of dreams.
Oh you haven't wrecked any dreams. Finding Bigfoot is in it's sixth season and going strong. They have never actually found him, but they are hopeful.

I thought it looked more like a hyena.

but I found a webpage that showed what a racoon looks like with its fur matted and manged.

this animal caught in Ratcliffe was also assumed to be a racoon and put to death:
Another Chupacabra Monster Tale Bites the Dust in Texas - NBC News
Poor baby is a raccoon with mange. I hope they can treat it. Good for those that weren't sure that didn't just blow it away and wanted to find out what it was.

Dip it and set it free!

No. He would not survive.

But, I see the idiot chose to kill the raccoon.

Vets told him to apparently. Sarcoptic. They were keeping the baby alive and giving it food and water. Don't make them out to be evil when they were not. The family crated it. And took care of it.

Just because some people are simple doesn't mean they are cruel. You are really one bigotted mother fucker luddley.


As usual, you're wrong.

IF that is (a) a wild animal and (b) has mange, dipping and release would not be humane. The animal would spread the mites before dying a slow and horrible death.

I still say it looks like hairless raccoon but I could be wrong.
Morons. I hate people sometimes.

The a-hole realized there was no money to be made so he killed it

Just a heads up. Vets told him to. As it is from what I am gathering now they have to disinfect everything and pray.

It's a bad deal if that coon had sarcoptic.

Sarcoptic mange
Sarcoptic mange, also known as canine scabies, is a highly contagious infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei canis, a burrowing mite.

The canine sarcoptic mite can also infest cats, pigs, horses, sheep, and various other species. The human analog of burrowing mite infection, due to a closely related species, is called scabies (the "seven year itch").

Mange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



I just noticed this.

You really confuse easily.
You're right, Gracie! I don't care what it is, it doesn't deserve to be kept in that little cage like that! Actually, that's the trap it was caught in, so apparently that's what they're keeping it in? What, does it have to go potty right in that little cage, too? That's animal abuse, someone needs to step in and make sure the little creature is treated humanely!

Be thankful, they didn't shot and kill it, as many of these strange creatures have been. Supposedly they have dog DNA, but if a dog, I would think it's a new breed, and where did it come from? They have been killed from Kentucky to Texas and many states in between. I suspect, since TV coverage that there will be further investigation and better care taken of this little animal.

One that was killed turned out to be I think coyote and wolf mix.
No. He would not survive.

But, I see the idiot chose to kill the raccoon.

Vets told him to apparently. Sarcoptic. They were keeping the baby alive and giving it food and water. Don't make them out to be evil when they were not. The family crated it. And took care of it.

Just because some people are simple doesn't mean they are cruel. You are really one bigotted mother fucker luddley.


As usual, you're wrong.

IF that is (a) a wild animal and (b) has mange, dipping and release would not be humane. The animal would spread the mites before dying a slow and horrible death.

I still say it looks like hairless raccoon but I could be wrong.

Dear [MENTION=25451]tinydancer[/MENTION] and [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
this reminds me of the overwhelmed animal shelters and rescues.
even those with pure compassion for all animals cannot always save them all.
many animals are put to death from sheer lack of resources and ability to
coordinate to adopt them out to people who could care for them.

like this poor mangy raccoon, I have friends who would rescue abandoned
boas and other reptiles. They had to quit taking iguanas just because the
demand was too high and the care to save them requires more than they can provide.

They know that rejecting these animals means they will die.

It's easy to judge that 'someone' should do this or that to save the animals,
in this case, manged raccoons with possibly other diseases and issues.

It's different if you or I have to adopt the animal and do what it takes to save it.

unless there are enough resources and people to provide the services and care
necessary, of course we are going to see animals put to death when it wasn't impossible to save them.
that is not something to judge people for, but to judge the compromising circumstances.

If you want to save more animals, find the rescues and shelters that are no-kill,
and donate and promote those groups. We need more of them.
Yes, there are groups that take care of wildlife. but their resources and staff
are limited also, and even the best ones cannot save all animals.
I have nothing but respect for the people who try, but can't judge or blame the many cases that fail.
Here is the nonprofit Wildlife rescue that took in an abandoned
baby grey squirrel my boyfriend found on the ground at home,
and a baby mockingbird that fell out of a nest outside my workplace.
The fact they would take care of such tiny creatures other people would just let die,
was very touching. If we had more places like this, and got more support to fund
training and jobs, we could be saving more of the environment and endangered
species instead of destroying wilderness and wildlife for convenience.
these people who work there are so dedicated and caring, it is truly humbling!
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