Christie Issues Valid, Yet Hypocritical, Challenge to Rubio


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"‘Show Up And Vote’ Or Quit"
LINK: Chris Christie to Marco Rubio: 'Show Up And Vote' Or Quit - Breitbart

GOP presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says fellow candidate Marco Rubio (R-Fla) should quit if he doesn’t want to show up and cast votes in the U.S. Senate.

“So I can’t wait to turn on C-SPAN2 because he gives a good speech, Marco, and I want to hear his stirring speech that’s going to try to persuade people on the floor of the Senate not to vote for this awful spending bill — except he never showed up,” Christie said of Rubio failing to vote against the spending bill even though he had been vocal about his opposition. “Dude, show up to work and vote no. Just show up to work and vote no, and like if you don’t want to, then quit.”

Christie has a valid point. I have believed for a long time now that elected officials who want to run for another office while serving in a position / capacity for which they have already been elected should step down from their current position to go after another position. Elected officials like Rubio were are elected and are being paid to do their job of representing their constituents and their state. They are not being paid to campaign for another job.

If we are working for a company, we are not allowed to miss work and continue to be paid while openly looking for other work for. If we seek employment elsewhere we 'keep it on the down low' so the company won't find out and CAN US for not doing our job, for a lack of loyalty and commitment to our current job. Politicians should be held, again, to the same standards.

Barak Obama was a 1/2 a term Senator before 'abandoning' his job as Senator to pursue the Presidency. Many others have done the same thing, and doing so is not fair to the constituents who elected these politicians to go to Washington to do their jobs of representing them.

At the same time, Christie, an elected official himself, has 'abandoned' his job, being outside of New Jersey for part of 55 percent of days in 2015. While making a valid point about Rubio and ALL politicians who seek other jobs on their constituents time and dime, Christy exposes his own hypocrisy!

Hey Gov Christy, why don't you stay at home and continue to work for the people of NJ, which is what you are being paid to do, instead of worrying about that speck in someone else's eye?! Try leading by example, pal!
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