*Christian Message From CWN*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

*Testaments of CWN*

1. At Times we find ourselves involved in the battles of the world, and ofcourse thats reality to the good Christian soldier, we should stand for moral issues, stand of the rights of the innocents, support the feeble, shelter the distressed, and teach the heatherns the truth of God, in *Jesus Christ*, who is God, was God, and has always been God, forever and ever, fight the good fight, hold on to you the shield and sword, be the knight in shinning armor, lay waste the enemy of *Jesus Christ*, in spirit, give the enemy no place, respect it not, for it shall always betray you, and even itself, its quickly dissolved into the mire, its useless and unable to give anything sound instructively, it will lead you to destruction always, follow the living God, *Jesus Christ* and your reward in heaven will be assured, your temporary journey here in this world, shall be extended into eternity, my Christian Soldiers, fight hard, rest not, hurry not, and most assuredly die not, for death has no hold on you, you shall leave this world, and step into the next, life here ends, thats true, but life here for you shall only be your beginning to the after life, your time here is short, while your time in heaven is eternal, unending, fear not, be calm, and steady, lean on *He* for whom you have taken your example, suffer, but reprove, die but live again, teach and be mocked, forgive and be assailed, seek and yea shall find, while finding what others never seek, comfort the lonely lost, and encourage the new birthers, blaze a path of your own, and always be ready to help, help the needy within your families, always willing to do what you can, for even if they are not a believer, you're bound to help them, for they are your mother, father, sister or brother, be willing to support them if needed, for we are born within a group or family that God, *Jesus Christ* has chosen for us, and its our duty to lend a hand in their well being as a trust, be yea men, and be yea women, the men should respect the women who bare the pains of birth for humanity, love them and keep them well, as if you are caring for yourself, rule over them, yet give them the rule, measure with an equal measurement, to them as well as yourself, be just in all things, to the women, and to yourself, teach the children well, not with brute force, love them and lead them, guide them away from harms way, and into soundness of doctrines, be moral with proof, show yourself as an example, teach them morals and show them forgiveness, always be firm, in matters of structure, reward the good, punish the wayward acts, love them and kiss them let them know your their father or mother, who cares for them, and shall always, give them the center of life's balance, love, for love is the truth, the love shared only by *Jesus Christ* can get you through, and count on this love, as if its the world itself for which you travel on, pray for all things to be provided for you, for if you receive it from God, *Jesus Christ*, then you shall retain it for ever, be a light in the darkness of the era you are in, what ever the time on earth you happen to reside, don't worry about the darkness, darkness knows nothing as to why it is, its just a raw thing, lost within chains of derisions, its confused, and weeps to be set free, but there is no freedom, yet the grave, weep not, forgive always, and share the truth, darkness can only be destroyed by light, and beat back with the truth, till they see the light, darkness shall always be blind to the truth, at times darkness sheds its rawness and is brought into the light, give room to those whom find this grace.

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Sorry bout that,

*Testaments of CWN*

1. At Times we find ourselves involved in the battles of the world, and ofcourse thats reality to the good Christian soldier, we should stand for moral issues, stand of the rights of the innocents, support the feeble, shelter the distressed, and teach the heatherns the truth of God, in *Jesus Christ*, who is God, was God, and has always been God, forever and ever, fight the good fight, hold on to you the shield and sword, be the knight in shinning armor, lay waste the enemy of *Jesus Christ*, in spirit, give the enemy no place, respect it not, for it shall always betray you, and even itself, its quickly dissolved into the mire, its useless and unable to give anything sound instructively, it will lead you to destruction always, follow the living God, *Jesus Christ* and your reward in heaven will be assured, your temporary journey here in this world, shall be extended into eternity, my Christian Soldiers, fight hard, rest not, hurry not, and most assuredly die not, for death has no hold on you, you shall leave this world, and step into the next, life here ends, thats true, but life here for you shall only be your beginning to the after life, your time here is short, while your time in heaven is eternal, unending, fear not, be calm, and steady, lean on *He* for whom you have taken your example, suffer, but reprove, die but live again, teach and be mocked, forgive and be assailed, seek and yea shall find, while finding what others never seek, comfort the lonely lost, and encourage the new birthers, blaze a path of your own, and always be ready to help, help the needy within your families, always willing to do what you can, for even if they are not a believer, you're bound to help them, for they are your mother, father, sister or brother, be willing to support them if needed, for we are born within a group or family that God, *Jesus Christ* has chosen for us, and its our duty to lend a hand in their well being as a trust, be yea men, and be yea women, the men should respect the women who bear the pains of birth for humanity, love them and keep them well, as if you are caring for yourself, rule over them, yet give them the rule, measure with an equal measurement, to them as well as yourself, be just in all things, to the women, and to yourself, teach the children well, not with brute force, love them and lead them, guide them away from harms way, and into soundness of doctrines, be moral with proof, show yourself as an example, teach them morals and show them forgiveness, always be firm, in matters of structure, reward the good, punish the wayward acts, love them and kiss them let them know your their father or mother, who cares for them, and shall always, give them the center of life's balance, love, for love is the truth, the love shared only by *Jesus Christ* can get you through, and count on this love, as if its the world itself for which you travel on, pray for all things to be provided for you, for if you receive it from God, *Jesus Christ*, then you shall retain it for ever, be a light in the darkness of the era you are in, what ever the time on earth you happen to reside, don't worry about the darkness, darkness knows nothing as to why it is, its just a raw thing, lost within chains of derisions, its confused, and weeps to be set free, but there is no freedom, yet the grave, weep not, forgive always, and share the truth, darkness can only be destroyed by light, and beat back with the truth, till they see the light, darkness shall always be blind to the truth, at times darkness sheds its rawness and is brought into the light, give room to those whom find this grace.

Take a breath, James.
sorry bout that,

*testaments of cwn*

1. At times we find ourselves involved in the battles of the world, and ofcourse thats reality to the good christian soldier, we should stand for moral issues, stand of the rights of the innocents, support the feeble, shelter the distressed, and teach the heatherns the truth of god, in *jesus christ*, who is god, was god, and has always been god, forever and ever, fight the good fight, hold on to you the shield and sword, be the knight in shinning armor, lay waste the enemy of *jesus christ*, in spirit, give the enemy no place, respect it not, for it shall always betray you, and even itself, its quickly dissolved into the mire, its useless and unable to give anything sound instructively, it will lead you to destruction always, follow the living god, *jesus christ* and your reward in heaven will be assured, your temporary journey here in this world, shall be extended into eternity, my christian soldiers, fight hard, rest not, hurry not, and most assuredly die not, for death has no hold on you, you shall leave this world, and step into the next, life here ends, thats true, but life here for you shall only be your beginning to the after life, your time here is short, while your time in heaven is eternal, unending, fear not, be calm, and steady, lean on *he* for whom you have taken your example, suffer, but reprove, die but live again, teach and be mocked, forgive and be assailed, seek and yea shall find, while finding what others never seek, comfort the lonely lost, and encourage the new birthers, blaze a path of your own, and always be ready to help, help the needy within your families, always willing to do what you can, for even if they are not a believer, you're bound to help them, for they are your mother, father, sister or brother, be willing to support them if needed, for we are born within a group or family that god, *jesus christ* has chosen for us, and its our duty to lend a hand in their well being as a trust, be yea men, and be yea women, the men should respect the women who bear the pains of birth for humanity, love them and keep them well, as if you are caring for yourself, rule over them, yet give them the rule, measure with an equal measurement, to them as well as yourself, be just in all things, to the women, and to yourself, teach the children well, not with brute force, love them and lead them, guide them away from harms way, and into soundness of doctrines, be moral with proof, show yourself as an example, teach them morals and show them forgiveness, always be firm, in matters of structure, reward the good, punish the wayward acts, love them and kiss them let them know your their father or mother, who cares for them, and shall always, give them the center of life's balance, love, for love is the truth, the love shared only by *jesus christ* can get you through, and count on this love, as if its the world itself for which you travel on, pray for all things to be provided for you, for if you receive it from god, *jesus christ*, then you shall retain it for ever, be a light in the darkness of the era you are in, what ever the time on earth you happen to reside, don't worry about the darkness, darkness knows nothing as to why it is, its just a raw thing, lost within chains of derisions, its confused, and weeps to be set free, but there is no freedom, yet the grave, weep not, forgive always, and share the truth, darkness can only be destroyed by light, and beat back with the truth, till they see the light, darkness shall always be blind to the truth, at times darkness sheds its rawness and is brought into the light, give room to those whom find this grace.

take a breath, james.

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Hey hjmick, do not edit my posts, in any fashion.period.
2. Thanks.


Hey dummy, I said it before and I'll say it again, except for my own post, I didn't edit shit. Fucking moron.

1. I sent you a pm to stop editing my posts, you ignored that and told me what you said in this post, in the future do *NOT* edit my posts.:evil:
2. I think you have totally lost your mind, :cuckoo: if you can't see how you've edited my post, been drinking again eh?:doubt:

Pay attention fuckwit, and I'll try to do this real slow so you get it...

I. Did. Not. Edit. Your. Post.

I quoted Blagger's post, adressing his call for you to take a breath, something I strongly oppose. If anyone edited your post, it was Blagger.

Get it?
Sorry bout that,

Pay attention fuckwit, and I'll try to do this real slow so you get it...

I. Did. Not. Edit. Your. Post.

I quoted Blagger's post, adressing his call for you to take a breath, something I strongly oppose. If anyone edited your post, it was Blagger.

Get it?

1. This is unlike you hjmick.
2. But I will again tell you to stop editing my posts, in any way.
3. I know you can see what has happened, and are just throwing up dust.
4. I think that this thread must of hit a nerve.
5. You need to sit back and relax, this isn't how you usually act.
6. Now, take a look at, *all* your posts in this thread, and you will surely be able to see what you have done, pay close attention to post number 4.
7. Stop acting like a moron, I know you're smarter than this.:eek:

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Jimbo, I did not edit your post. My reaction is what it is because I do not edit other people's posts. If you are referencing the chaange to lower case, the forum software did that without my knowledge or input. At first I attempted to post an all caps "NOOO!" but the software forced it to all lower case. If you look closely you'll see that the same thing occurred to the post by Blagger that I quoted. If you're biggest concern about your post is whether or not certain words are capitalized, I suggest you get a grip. The content remains unaltered, no edits.

As if I have nothing better to do than change every capitalized letter in your post to lower case. Really? I don't have the patience for that sort of petty bullshit.

In the future, don't be so circumspect, just come out and tell us what the problem is, odds are there is a perfectly good explanation.
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Sorry bout that,

Jimbo, I did not edit your post. My reaction is what it because I do not edit other people's posts. If you are referencing the chaange to lower case, the forum software did that without my knowledge or input. At first I attempted to post an all caps "NOOO!" but the software forced it to all lower case. If you look closely you'll see that the same thing occurred to the post by Blagger that I quoted. If you're biggest concern about your post is whether or not certain words are capitalized, I suggest you get a grip. The content remains unaltered, no edits.

As if I have nothing better to do than change every capitalized letter in your post to lower case. Really? I don't have the patience for that sort of petty bullshit.

In the future, don't be so circumspect, just come out and tell us what the problem is, odds are there is a perfectly good explanation.

1. Okay, I understand, never mind then.


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