Chris Wallace interview


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Well done Chris. Chris brings up a myriad of good points.

1. Why is the prosecutor in Baltimore being so political? Why is she saying that justice will be sought to ease tensions in the community? Shouldn't justice be sought because that is the job of the courts? It seems that this sort of speech will do nothing other than encourage people to riot for justice in the future.

2. How is it that Dims who have controlled Baltimore for the last 50 years take no accountability for any short comings? Why does she blame the governor? Edwards says that the governor is at fault because of lack of funding, but Chris points out that Baltimore spends more on schools than most places in the US, yet Edwards continues to blame the governor?

3. It's not just about the rioting. Baltimore is in ruins with high unemployment and high crime. I guess it's all the governors fault.

One thing I've always wondered is, why is the anger directed at the policemen not seen as racism? After all, 3 of them were black
Curious, why have a MO congresscritter to speak about a situation in MD? Of course she spouted the typical commiecrat line that mo money needs to be poured into the shit hole. Why would anyone want to invest in a commiecrat utopia like Baltimore?
The question that should be ask is why do the crime if you don't want to serve the time? I am not against more money for black schools and jobs in infrastructure in this community, but not a damn thing is going to be fixed if we don't focus on raising the next generation to be better.

Well done Chris. Chris brings up a myriad of good points.

1. Why is the prosecutor in Baltimore being so political? Why is she saying that justice will be sought to ease tensions in the community? Shouldn't justice be sought because that is the job of the courts? It seems that this sort of speech will do nothing other than encourage people to riot for justice in the future.

2. How is it that Dims who have controlled Baltimore for the last 50 years take no accountability for any short comings? Why does she blame the governor? Edwards says that the governor is at fault because of lack of funding, but Chris points out that Baltimore spends more on schools than most places in the US, yet Edwards continues to blame the governor?

3. It's not just about the rioting. Baltimore is in ruins with high unemployment and high crime. I guess it's all the governors fault.

One thing I've always wondered is, why is the anger directed at the policemen not seen as racism? After all, 3 of them were black

Because politics trumps good public policy, since most politicians only care about wealth and power...and politics is a big money business, not unlike the Mafia. Add in a public that is ignorant and easily influenced by the power elite.

Blaming Ds is certainly reasonable, but you must also blame Rs to be fair. They have done little to expose or address the problems in our inner cities.
Blaming Ds is certainly reasonable, but you must also blame Rs to be fair. They have done little to expose or address the problems in our inner cities.

Both ends of the spectrum absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.

Yes...and the pols like to place blame on each other...amazingly many Americans are duped by this clearly transparent propaganda.
Blaming Ds is certainly reasonable, but you must also blame Rs to be fair. They have done little to expose or address the problems in our inner cities.

Both ends of the spectrum absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.

Yes...and the pols like to place blame on each other...amazingly many Americans are duped by this clearly transparent propaganda.
Well, imagine if a Republican candidate pointed out instances of obvious racism, whether on the street or in business.

Imagine if a Democrat candidate pointed out the fatherless black children and the lowered standards of PC and Identity Politics.

They'd both be fucked, political careers over at any level. These people just don't have the balls to point out the obvious.


Well done Chris. Chris brings up a myriad of good points.

1. Why is the prosecutor in Baltimore being so political? Why is she saying that justice will be sought to ease tensions in the community? Shouldn't justice be sought because that is the job of the courts? It seems that this sort of speech will do nothing other than encourage people to riot for justice in the future.

2. How is it that Dims who have controlled Baltimore for the last 50 years take no accountability for any short comings? Why does she blame the governor? Edwards says that the governor is at fault because of lack of funding, but Chris points out that Baltimore spends more on schools than most places in the US, yet Edwards continues to blame the governor?

3. It's not just about the rioting. Baltimore is in ruins with high unemployment and high crime. I guess it's all the governors fault.

One thing I've always wondered is, why is the anger directed at the policemen not seen as racism? After all, 3 of them were black

Because politics trumps good public policy, since most politicians only care about wealth and power...and politics is a big money business, not unlike the Mafia. Add in a public that is ignorant and easily influenced by the power elite.

Blaming Ds is certainly reasonable, but you must also blame Rs to be fair. They have done little to expose or address the problems in our inner cities.

The Ds have been running Baltimore for 50 years, they own it, along with everything that happens there.

Well done Chris. Chris brings up a myriad of good points.

1. Why is the prosecutor in Baltimore being so political? Why is she saying that justice will be sought to ease tensions in the community? Shouldn't justice be sought because that is the job of the courts? It seems that this sort of speech will do nothing other than encourage people to riot for justice in the future.

2. How is it that Dims who have controlled Baltimore for the last 50 years take no accountability for any short comings? Why does she blame the governor? Edwards says that the governor is at fault because of lack of funding, but Chris points out that Baltimore spends more on schools than most places in the US, yet Edwards continues to blame the governor?

3. It's not just about the rioting. Baltimore is in ruins with high unemployment and high crime. I guess it's all the governors fault.

One thing I've always wondered is, why is the anger directed at the policemen not seen as racism? After all, 3 of them were black

Because politics trumps good public policy, since most politicians only care about wealth and power...and politics is a big money business, not unlike the Mafia. Add in a public that is ignorant and easily influenced by the power elite.

Blaming Ds is certainly reasonable, but you must also blame Rs to be fair. They have done little to expose or address the problems in our inner cities.

How are Republicans to blame? These cities are controlled by Democrats. Most of them in control by Ds for a long, long time.

Well done Chris. Chris brings up a myriad of good points.

1. Why is the prosecutor in Baltimore being so political? Why is she saying that justice will be sought to ease tensions in the community? Shouldn't justice be sought because that is the job of the courts? It seems that this sort of speech will do nothing other than encourage people to riot for justice in the future.

2. How is it that Dims who have controlled Baltimore for the last 50 years take no accountability for any short comings? Why does she blame the governor? Edwards says that the governor is at fault because of lack of funding, but Chris points out that Baltimore spends more on schools than most places in the US, yet Edwards continues to blame the governor?

3. It's not just about the rioting. Baltimore is in ruins with high unemployment and high crime. I guess it's all the governors fault.

One thing I've always wondered is, why is the anger directed at the policemen not seen as racism? After all, 3 of them were black

Because politics trumps good public policy, since most politicians only care about wealth and power...and politics is a big money business, not unlike the Mafia. Add in a public that is ignorant and easily influenced by the power elite.

Blaming Ds is certainly reasonable, but you must also blame Rs to be fair. They have done little to expose or address the problems in our inner cities.

How are Republicans to blame? These cities are controlled by Democrats. Most of them in control by Ds for a long, long time.

Because they refuse to expose and work to address the problem. You seem to think Rs can't do anything because they do not hold political office in these areas. I disagree.

Well done Chris. Chris brings up a myriad of good points.

1. Why is the prosecutor in Baltimore being so political? Why is she saying that justice will be sought to ease tensions in the community? Shouldn't justice be sought because that is the job of the courts? It seems that this sort of speech will do nothing other than encourage people to riot for justice in the future.

2. How is it that Dims who have controlled Baltimore for the last 50 years take no accountability for any short comings? Why does she blame the governor? Edwards says that the governor is at fault because of lack of funding, but Chris points out that Baltimore spends more on schools than most places in the US, yet Edwards continues to blame the governor?

3. It's not just about the rioting. Baltimore is in ruins with high unemployment and high crime. I guess it's all the governors fault.

One thing I've always wondered is, why is the anger directed at the policemen not seen as racism? After all, 3 of them were black

Baltimore went 88% for Obama.
I know Ben Carson is running for President but I think his calling may be here in his own back yard.

Carson for mayor!!

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