Chris Christie – the liberal?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
Washington State
So, I see all over this board some pretty harsh attacks against Christie as a RHINO, liberal and ultimately a terrible person for the republicans. With all the charge that is around him after his crushing victory I have to ask what policies and practices are making the right damn him so badly? I just don’t see it but then again I am not in Jersey.

Honestly, I remember that he was a rising star that most of the right loved here until one day he actually worked with the president :eek: (I know – TERRIBLE) but that did not change his policies.

Please, fellow people on the right show me where Christie has proven to be such a liberal in republican disguise…
He's a sack of pure shit. Sprinkle him on your yard and you'll get thorns and pointy weeds.
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He's a sack of pure shit. Sprinkle him on your yard and you'll get thorns and pointy weeds.

So far, this is the quality of the posts attacking him. This is what surprises me.

If he is so bad there would be links to political policies and laws all backing that up. I hope that some can shed that light here in this thread so I understand where they are coming from but so far…. crickets. All there is comes down to vitriolic comments and attacks devoid of substance.
He also said Obama did a good job helping him with Sandy. So not only did he shake his hand but said something good about him.

That's all it takes for the rabid right to hate the man.
He's a sack of pure shit. Sprinkle him on your yard and you'll get thorns and pointy weeds.

So far, this is the quality of the posts attacking him. This is what surprises me.

If he is so bad there would be links to political policies and laws all backing that up. I hope that some can shed that light here in this thread so I understand where they are coming from but so far…. crickets. All there is comes down to vitriolic comments and attacks devoid of substance.

We've already had substance. We're sick of substance. He's reached Obama level. Any real conservative and no Karl Rove loving RINO would understand this. Nothing to see here.

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