Chinese Warship Launches Armed with Electromagnetic Railgun


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I don’t know why we don’t do this. A canon requires you to carry lots of explosives to fire the shell, takes up a lot of room on the ship, and the heat generated when firing slows down your ability to fire rapidly.

EM railgun uses electricity to fire a shell about the size of your forearm. You can fit tens of thousands of shells on a tiny destroyer, generates no heat and won’t accidentally blow up your own ship as there is no gunpowder required.

A Chinese warship armed with an electromagnetic railgun appears to have set sail on the open ocean.
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I thought we already had railguns in some form on ships. If not we should.
I'm beginning to agree with Eisenhower that building all these weapons is like stealing food from people.

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