Chinese lockdowns: “Please comply with Covid restrictions. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing.”

Feb 22, 2013
Holy shit, this is about as Orwellian as you can get!

Drone flying over Shanghai tells residents on balconies to comply with Covid lockdown​

Drones flying above Shanghai apartment blocks have been deployed to tell residents to “control the soul’s desire for freedom” and comply with strict lockdown rules.

People living in the Chinese city have been banned from leaving their homes and have reportedly taken to singing “why are you starving us?” from their balconies in protest of the lack of food and water available.

In footage shared on social media, a drone can be seen urging residents to return inside, saying: “Please comply with Covid restrictions. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing.”

Holy shit, this is about as Orwellian as you can get!

Drone flying over Shanghai tells residents on balconies to comply with Covid lockdown​

Every democrat mayor and Governor is getting penis envy from that
Did you see the video of people locked down screaming for food from their apartments ?....something bigger than covid is going on....and I don't trust our intelligence agencies to figure out what it is until its way too late....

Just like here, the government there is using the situation to reaffirm who is in charge. The people of China were starting to get used to having a little more freedom, this will set them straight.

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