Chinese getting smarter

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
Intercohort upsurge of cognitive ability among the general population in China: Evaluating a Flynn effect

Yaqiang Qi, Yajie Xiong

A Flynn Effect of 3.5+ points per decade sounds modestly bigger than the Flynn Effects observed in the West over the same time period, suggesting the mainland Chinese improved moderately relatively to Europeans and Americans.

Chinese government policy is consciously eugenic. The argument that carried the day on modifying the one-child policy back around 2000 was that the policy was lowering Chinese IQ. The policy wasn’t as strictly enforced in the rural areas because peasants needed more sons for labor, and since rural Chinese have lower IQs generally than urban Chinese, the effect was dysgenic. The new policy permitted urban dwellers more than one kid if they paid a hefty fee, the argument being that those who could afford the fee would tend to be smarter.

The Nazis are always demonized for their eugenic policies encouraging smarter Germans to have more kids. But compare the Nazi approach to that of the Bolsheviks, who seized power in Russia 25 years before Hitler. The Bolsheviks specifically targeted Christian “intelligents” for liquidation, frequently murdering them with their wives and children. That we never hear about the Bolsheviks’ intentionally dysgenic slaughter proves the world’s media is in the hands of the perpetrators.

For decades, now, those same world media have been lionizing the “successful” Western career woman “bravely” choosing childlessness, while relentlessly promoting our own dysgenic policies, such as literally paying the poor to have more kids and allowing mass immigration from some of the lowest IQ countries on the planet.

I'd say that's pretty sinister.
As a group, Chinese /Asians have always scored consistently higher than Whites .
Versus Blacks trailing .

All headed by Jews .
Hush , hush these days . Far too much for the Left to countenance .
IQ doesn't measure intelligence. I doubt it even measures the kinds of cognitive competencies/skills/whatever we call it that it purportedly attempts to measure.
Intercohort upsurge of cognitive ability among the general population in China: Evaluating a Flynn effect

Yaqiang Qi, Yajie Xiong

A Flynn Effect of 3.5+ points per decade sounds modestly bigger than the Flynn Effects observed in the West over the same time period, suggesting the mainland Chinese improved moderately relatively to Europeans and Americans.

Chinese government policy is consciously eugenic. The argument that carried the day on modifying the one-child policy back around 2000 was that the policy was lowering Chinese IQ. The policy wasn’t as strictly enforced in the rural areas because peasants needed more sons for labor, and since rural Chinese have lower IQs generally than urban Chinese, the effect was dysgenic. The new policy permitted urban dwellers more than one kid if they paid a hefty fee, the argument being that those who could afford the fee would tend to be smarter.

The Nazis are always demonized for their eugenic policies encouraging smarter Germans to have more kids. But compare the Nazi approach to that of the Bolsheviks, who seized power in Russia 25 years before Hitler. The Bolsheviks specifically targeted Christian “intelligents” for liquidation, frequently murdering them with their wives and children. That we never hear about the Bolsheviks’ intentionally dysgenic slaughter proves the world’s media is in the hands of the perpetrators.

For decades, now, those same world media have been lionizing the “successful” Western career woman “bravely” choosing childlessness, while relentlessly promoting our own dysgenic policies, such as literally paying the poor to have more kids and allowing mass immigration from some of the lowest IQ countries on the planet.

I'd say that's pretty sinister.

I don't know about eugenics, but I am confident that a better diet, more resources and ambitions to succeed which lead to creative thinking and inspired brain activities and pathways opening up due to some elements of capitalism in their system might have contributed to this.
As a group, Chinese /Asians have always scored consistently higher than Whites .
Versus Blacks trailing .

All headed by Jews .
Hush , hush these days . Far too much for the Left to countenance .

IQ tests are interesting but they don't really indicate intelligence at all. They can assess how familiar someone is at analyzing and solving a problem on a paper/screen test, which may have some correlation to how well someone can perform in the academic and professional world, but human intelligence is far too complex to be assessed by these kinds of tests.
I don't know about eugenics, but I am confident that a better diet, more resources and ambitions to succeed which lead to creative thinking and inspired brain activities and pathways opening up due to some elements of capitalism in their system might have contributed to this.

China invests heavily in its education system, particularly in the areas of mathematics and science, which is where most innovation and practical modern problem solving occurs these days. It's no wonder that they would seem smarter.
IQ doesn't measure intelligence. I doubt it even measures the kinds of cognitive competencies/skills/whatever we call it that it purportedly attempts to measure.
Yet and still, IQ tests have enormous predictive power on a whole array of human outcomes.
Our education system is garbage and has been for decades. We simply don't take it seriously.
As a group, Chinese /Asians have always scored consistently higher than Whites .
Versus Blacks trailing .

All headed by Jews .
Hush , hush these days . Far too much for the Left to countenance .
I think Europeans and Asians were fairly even up until about 60 years ago, when Asians began pulling away.
China invests heavily in its education system, particularly in the areas of mathematics and science, which is where most innovation and practical modern problem solving occurs these days. It's no wonder that they would seem smarter.
No one spends more money per student than the United States.

It's not about spending, it's about quality of the students and motivation of the parents. Both Chinese mainlanders and ABCs are extremely motivated right now to be "successful" in life. That will change, just as it did for the Jews and the Germans in this country.
Our education system is garbage and has been for decades. We simply don't take it seriously.
I've been a teacher both here in the US and in China. China doesn't have a particularly good education system--at least it didn't when I was there. I would say that the school system in someplace like Nebraska or Iowa or Vermont compares favorably to China's. Where the US goes off the rails educationally is in our quixotic attempt to guarantee equal educational outcomes across all racial groups. Square peg, meet round hole.

The growing difference in raw IQ is another matter largely independent of education. Here, we have to consider the cumulative effects of Chinese eugenic policies and American dysgenic policies.
No one spends more money per student than the United States.

No disagreement; by "invest" I wasn't only talking about money spent. Education is regarded as the way out of poverty and the admissions process at major universities is brutally competitive.
Yet and still, IQ tests have enormous predictive power on a whole array of human outcomes.

Debatable just how much predictive validity they have compared to, say, the predictive validity of a college entrance exam. Both are testing specific forms of intellectual competence, but that competence is influence by a person's exposure and familiarity with these kinds of tasks.

Are people who test a standard deviation below the mean IQ likely to struggle in life? Probably so. Is someone who scores a standard deviation above it likely to succeed? Maybe, maybe not. There are people who literally brag about how they got into Mensa and can barely make rent because they don't have the social skills to keep a job or are so dysfunctional they can't pay their bills on time.
No, Xi and the Biden puppet know that subtlely inferior communist products injected into the American rhizome can trump IQs, because America is now industrially hollowed out and cannot counter with the quality necessary.

Trannys are weaponizing their politics. There is no potent critique of eugenics targeting this political crotch-clown world movement, enough so to properly (via IQs and education) put a leash on it.
Intercohort upsurge of cognitive ability among the general population in China: Evaluating a Flynn effect

Yaqiang Qi, Yajie Xiong

A Flynn Effect of 3.5+ points per decade sounds modestly bigger than the Flynn Effects observed in the West over the same time period, suggesting the mainland Chinese improved moderately relatively to Europeans and Americans.

Chinese government policy is consciously eugenic. The argument that carried the day on modifying the one-child policy back around 2000 was that the policy was lowering Chinese IQ. The policy wasn’t as strictly enforced in the rural areas because peasants needed more sons for labor, and since rural Chinese have lower IQs generally than urban Chinese, the effect was dysgenic. The new policy permitted urban dwellers more than one kid if they paid a hefty fee, the argument being that those who could afford the fee would tend to be smarter.

The Nazis are always demonized for their eugenic policies encouraging smarter Germans to have more kids. But compare the Nazi approach to that of the Bolsheviks, who seized power in Russia 25 years before Hitler. The Bolsheviks specifically targeted Christian “intelligents” for liquidation, frequently murdering them with their wives and children. That we never hear about the Bolsheviks’ intentionally dysgenic slaughter proves the world’s media is in the hands of the perpetrators.

For decades, now, those same world media have been lionizing the “successful” Western career woman “bravely” choosing childlessness, while relentlessly promoting our own dysgenic policies, such as literally paying the poor to have more kids and allowing mass immigration from some of the lowest IQ countries on the planet.

I'd say that's pretty sinister.
And it’s working.
But, OTOH, eugenics has provided the US with the world’s most elite power athletes.
What is the point of all this scaddmic babble?

If the chinese are getting smarter they are failing to put all that alleged brainpower to good use

I bet Flynn never heard of the Lay Flat and Let it Rot movement

The Chinese are failing... ?

The Chinese are kicking our ass on all fronts. The whole world is sick of our bullying, dirty dealing, incessant wars for Israel, and our unhinged and completely unjustified antagonism toward Russia--a Christian nation--not to mention China. Our national ethos was born in the shtetl, so we lie with abandon, start wars, bomb civilians, steal oil, blow up infrastructure, starve babies, incarcerate patriots and truth-tellers, rig elections, overthrow governments, confiscate sovereign wealth, incite violence, and commit acts of terror both abroad and here at home. The only people stupid enough to buy the American propaganda the Jewish media spews out are Americans. The whole world is lining up behind China, while the Jews who own the Fed have impoverished our own people and destroyed the dollar. Yeah, I'd say, between the Jews and the Chinese, when it comes to brainpower, the Chinese are more than holding their own.

Btw, I wouldn't rely on the Brookings Institute if you want straightforward analysis from an organization that has the best interests of the United States at heart.

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