China's surprise attack on democracy and the possible bleak future.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It does not take a genius IQ to figure out why the Chinese launched a biological attack against the world. Biological warfare has been outlawed since 1925 with the Geneva Protocol for obvious reasons-it is an abomination to the human race. But when Donald Trump gained the White House in 2016 the first thing on his agenda was to attack trade deals with China made at the expense of the American people by a corrupt leadership in Washington.

American education, mass media and a permanent political infrastructure in Washington have fostered a gradual cognitive decline among the citizens in the wake of open borders, opioid addiction, legalized medical marijuana, and schools all across the nation populated with student bodies darted with glorified animal tranquilizers like Adderall Ritalin. It became clear to many that the road to the end of democracy depended on a stupefied population.

Rioting, hooliganism and increasing murder rates in America’s largest and most liberal cities were warnings that escaped examination by multitudes of targeted, fearful, and propagandized citizens under the spell of totalitarian betrayal by America’s elitist oligarchy. The transition from democracy to authoritarianism was slowed by Donald Trump’s election but not stopped. Even so, Trump was on track to remain in power because enough of the people had retained a realistic view of what was happening.

The Chinese had every reason in the world to use biological warfare to stop Trump because his success had already inspired others fighting world government as was seen in Great Britain with its exodus from the European Union. The Chinese want to dominate the world and they can never succeed so long as democracy survives. American leadership had already pharmaceutically enslaved the US people to China but that was not enough. The People’s Republic of China detected another Trump win.

The world’s airlines were a perfect delivery system for a biological weapon and that coupled with the treachery of political Trojan Horses in Washington overthrowing a presidential election with fraud will be written in future history books as a Pearl Harbor against American democracy. Only fools cannot understand that SARS (Covid-19) is anything more than a surprise attack against the free world by the People’s Republic of China.

The United is the last stand against the People’s Republic of China. Joe Biden is owned by China. How many fools are left? We will see if Biden takes the White House.
It does not take a genius IQ to figure out why the Chinese launched a biological attack against the world. Biological warfare has been outlawed since 1925 with the Geneva Protocol for obvious reasons-it is an abomination to the human race. But when Donald Trump gained the White House in 2016 the first thing on his agenda was to attack trade deals with China made at the expense of the American people by a corrupt leadership in Washington.

American education, mass media and a permanent political infrastructure in Washington have fostered a gradual cognitive decline among the citizens in the wake of open borders, opioid addiction, legalized medical marijuana, and schools all across the nation populated with student bodies darted with glorified animal tranquilizers like Adderall Ritalin. It became clear to many that the road to the end of democracy depended on a stupefied population.

Rioting, hooliganism and increasing murder rates in America’s largest and most liberal cities were warnings that escaped examination by multitudes of targeted, fearful, and propagandized citizens under the spell of totalitarian betrayal by America’s elitist oligarchy. The transition from democracy to authoritarianism was slowed by Donald Trump’s election but not stopped. Even so, Trump was on track to remain in power because enough of the people had retained a realistic view of what was happening.

The Chinese had every reason in the world to use biological warfare to stop Trump because his success had already inspired others fighting world government as was seen in Great Britain with its exodus from the European Union. The Chinese want to dominate the world and they can never succeed so long as democracy survives. American leadership had already pharmaceutically enslaved the US people to China but that was not enough. The People’s Republic of China detected another Trump win.

The world’s airlines were a perfect delivery system for a biological weapon and that coupled with the treachery of political Trojan Horses in Washington overthrowing a presidential election with fraud will be written in future history books as a Pearl Harbor against American democracy. Only fools cannot understand that SARS (Covid-19) is anything more than a surprise attack against the free world by the People’s Republic of China.

The United is the last stand against the People’s Republic of China. Joe Biden is owned by China. How many fools are left? We will see if Biden takes the White House.

Good assessment. I'm predicting that within the first year of a Biden presidency, China will walk into Taiwan and claim it.

Biden will do nothing, aside from a few harsh words.
So. . . You never heard of Dr. Fauci's Eco-Health Alliance then? :dunno:

I do not understand why folks are all like, China this, and China that. . . when, the truth is, without U.S. expertise in gain of function, this would have never happened.

Expert attacks EcoHealth Alliance’s involvement in “really risky” bat coronavirus research in Wuhan labs

"Here is the (slightly shortened) transcript of a powerful interview (Background Briefing with Ian Masters, 29 April 2020) that the bioscientist Dr Jonathan Latham, who has a doctorate in virology, did for KPFK Pacifica Radio’s Background Briefing. Background Briefing covers US politics and international affairs. It is broadcast on more than forty radio stations across the US and its programmes are also available as podcasts.

In the interview, Dr Latham spells out his strong concerns about the kind of research that has been going on in Wuhan, China, which involves bat coronaviruses being put into human cells and optimised to replicate. He also explains the role in this work of the New York based EcoHealth Alliance and how their serious and multiple conflicts of interest have been little explored by the media.

Listening to the interview, it’s clear that the programme’s host, Ian Masters, is quite surprised by what Jonathan Latham has to say about EcoHealth Alliance. This reflects the free pass they have largely been given by the media, where they have been widely quoted condemning any attempts to link the virus behind the current pandemic to the Wuhan labs, in which they are so heavily invested.

EcoHealth Alliance has tried instead to keep attention focused on Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Market, or so-called “wet market”, as the source of the outbreak. But as Jonathan Latham says in the interview, not only are there clear reasons to doubt that the wet market was the source, but it also requires you to accept the most staggering coincidence. After all, given that wet markets are widespread in China – indeed across much of Asia, how remarkable is it that the virus’s zoonotic leap from animal to human just happened to take place in one that has a lab under 300 meters away, and another within 10 kilometres, that is researching not just bat coronaviruses, but the most closely related ones to the outbreak?

And as Jonathan Latham also notes, this research carried out in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance includes so called “gain-of-function” studies “where you put pieces of humanised virus into animal viruses and then you see how they do in human cells or in other cells”. This is all “providing opportunities for contamination events and leakages from labs, which happen on a routine basis.”

In other words, the work the EcoHealth Alliance has been funding and enabling in Wuhan has been “providing an evolutionary opportunity for the virus to jump into humans”."

'Paid for the damn virus that’s killing us': Giuliani rips Fauci over grants to Wuhan laboratory

China was the puppet master,
the fake news media was their propaganda tools
The Democrats were the communists' dupes who cheated and stole the election

Like I've said before, China's virus terrorized the Democrats so badly, they scurried back into a complete facsimile of the Obama administration.

They were so traumatized and fearful of the virus, they waved the white flag of surrender to the CHICOMs. hoping they would take pity on us.

Typical left-wing surrender-monkyism on the part of the feckless and spineless Democrats.
China was the puppet master,
the fake news media was their propaganda tools
The Democrats were the communists' dupes who cheated and stole the election

Like I've said before, China's virus terrorized the Democrats so badly, they scurried back into a complete facsimile of the Obama administration.

They were so traumatized and fearful of the virus, they waved the white flag of surrender to the CHICOMs. hoping they would take pity on us.

Typical left-wing surrender-monkyism on the part of the feckless and spineless Democrats.

I agree
I always thought it was a very CONVENIENT virus that hit in an election year.
It does not take a genius IQ to figure out why the Chinese launched a biological attack against the world. Biological warfare has been outlawed since 1925 with the Geneva Protocol for obvious reasons-it is an abomination to the human race. But when Donald Trump gained the White House in 2016 the first thing on his agenda was to attack trade deals with China made at the expense of the American people by a corrupt leadership in Washington.

American education, mass media and a permanent political infrastructure in Washington have fostered a gradual cognitive decline among the citizens in the wake of open borders, opioid addiction, legalized medical marijuana, and schools all across the nation populated with student bodies darted with glorified animal tranquilizers like Adderall Ritalin. It became clear to many that the road to the end of democracy depended on a stupefied population.

Rioting, hooliganism and increasing murder rates in America’s largest and most liberal cities were warnings that escaped examination by multitudes of targeted, fearful, and propagandized citizens under the spell of totalitarian betrayal by America’s elitist oligarchy. The transition from democracy to authoritarianism was slowed by Donald Trump’s election but not stopped. Even so, Trump was on track to remain in power because enough of the people had retained a realistic view of what was happening.

The Chinese had every reason in the world to use biological warfare to stop Trump because his success had already inspired others fighting world government as was seen in Great Britain with its exodus from the European Union. The Chinese want to dominate the world and they can never succeed so long as democracy survives. American leadership had already pharmaceutically enslaved the US people to China but that was not enough. The People’s Republic of China detected another Trump win.

The world’s airlines were a perfect delivery system for a biological weapon and that coupled with the treachery of political Trojan Horses in Washington overthrowing a presidential election with fraud will be written in future history books as a Pearl Harbor against American democracy. Only fools cannot understand that SARS (Covid-19) is anything more than a surprise attack against the free world by the People’s Republic of China.

The United is the last stand against the People’s Republic of China. Joe Biden is owned by China. How many fools are left? We will see if Biden takes the White House.
I blame God for creating humans and diseases...
China was the puppet master,
the fake news media was their propaganda tools
The Democrats were the communists' dupes who cheated and stole the election

Like I've said before, China's virus terrorized the Democrats so badly, they scurried back into a complete facsimile of the Obama administration.

They were so traumatized and fearful of the virus, they waved the white flag of surrender to the CHICOMs. hoping they would take pity on us.

Typical left-wing surrender-monkyism on the part of the feckless and spineless Democrats.

The moment that Trump lost the election..
It does not take a genius IQ to figure out why the Chinese launched a biological attack against the world. Biological warfare has been outlawed since 1925 with the Geneva Protocol for obvious reasons-it is an abomination to the human race. But when Donald Trump gained the White House in 2016 the first thing on his agenda was to attack trade deals with China made at the expense of the American people by a corrupt leadership in Washington.

American education, mass media and a permanent political infrastructure in Washington have fostered a gradual cognitive decline among the citizens in the wake of open borders, opioid addiction, legalized medical marijuana, and schools all across the nation populated with student bodies darted with glorified animal tranquilizers like Adderall Ritalin. It became clear to many that the road to the end of democracy depended on a stupefied population.

Rioting, hooliganism and increasing murder rates in America’s largest and most liberal cities were warnings that escaped examination by multitudes of targeted, fearful, and propagandized citizens under the spell of totalitarian betrayal by America’s elitist oligarchy. The transition from democracy to authoritarianism was slowed by Donald Trump’s election but not stopped. Even so, Trump was on track to remain in power because enough of the people had retained a realistic view of what was happening.

The Chinese had every reason in the world to use biological warfare to stop Trump because his success had already inspired others fighting world government as was seen in Great Britain with its exodus from the European Union. The Chinese want to dominate the world and they can never succeed so long as democracy survives. American leadership had already pharmaceutically enslaved the US people to China but that was not enough. The People’s Republic of China detected another Trump win.

The world’s airlines were a perfect delivery system for a biological weapon and that coupled with the treachery of political Trojan Horses in Washington overthrowing a presidential election with fraud will be written in future history books as a Pearl Harbor against American democracy. Only fools cannot understand that SARS (Covid-19) is anything more than a surprise attack against the free world by the People’s Republic of China.

The United is the last stand against the People’s Republic of China. Joe Biden is owned by China. How many fools are left? We will see if Biden takes the White House.
China achieved great wealth with there one way of trading and we American sit back and let it happen Trump tried to straighten that out but them give away Democrats wouldn't hear of it
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I always thought it was a very CONVENIENT virus that hit in an election year.

Much more convenient for the Democrats to latch onto and use for a sledgehammer. The virus was an event they dreamed of for the first three years of their raging against Trump. It was like a godsend to them.
So. . . You never heard of Dr. Fauci's Eco-Health Alliance then? :dunno:

I do not understand why folks are all like, China this, and China that. . . when, the truth is, without U.S. expertise in gain of function, this would have never happened.

Expert attacks EcoHealth Alliance’s involvement in “really risky” bat coronavirus research in Wuhan labs

"Here is the (slightly shortened) transcript of a powerful interview (Background Briefing with Ian Masters, 29 April 2020) that the bioscientist Dr Jonathan Latham, who has a doctorate in virology, did for KPFK Pacifica Radio’s Background Briefing. Background Briefing covers US politics and international affairs. It is broadcast on more than forty radio stations across the US and its programmes are also available as podcasts.

In the interview, Dr Latham spells out his strong concerns about the kind of research that has been going on in Wuhan, China, which involves bat coronaviruses being put into human cells and optimised to replicate. He also explains the role in this work of the New York based EcoHealth Alliance and how their serious and multiple conflicts of interest have been little explored by the media.

Listening to the interview, it’s clear that the programme’s host, Ian Masters, is quite surprised by what Jonathan Latham has to say about EcoHealth Alliance. This reflects the free pass they have largely been given by the media, where they have been widely quoted condemning any attempts to link the virus behind the current pandemic to the Wuhan labs, in which they are so heavily invested.

EcoHealth Alliance has tried instead to keep attention focused on Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Market, or so-called “wet market”, as the source of the outbreak. But as Jonathan Latham says in the interview, not only are there clear reasons to doubt that the wet market was the source, but it also requires you to accept the most staggering coincidence. After all, given that wet markets are widespread in China – indeed across much of Asia, how remarkable is it that the virus’s zoonotic leap from animal to human just happened to take place in one that has a lab under 300 meters away, and another within 10 kilometres, that is researching not just bat coronaviruses, but the most closely related ones to the outbreak?

And as Jonathan Latham also notes, this research carried out in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance includes so called “gain-of-function” studies “where you put pieces of humanised virus into animal viruses and then you see how they do in human cells or in other cells”. This is all “providing opportunities for contamination events and leakages from labs, which happen on a routine basis.”

In other words, the work the EcoHealth Alliance has been funding and enabling in Wuhan has been “providing an evolutionary opportunity for the virus to jump into humans”."

'Paid for the damn virus that’s killing us': Giuliani rips Fauci over grants to Wuhan laboratory

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a classic wolf in sheep's clothing. He is presented by the press as a saintly savior and a trusted advisor when in reality he is part of the wickedness that created weaponized gain of function research. He is a poster child of how propaganda works. Winston Churchill's quote, "I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest."

Apply this quote to China and Fauci, and you can see how China's national interest is tied to Fauci.

I understand that netizens in China who type the Chinese term for "democracy" will have their post immediately deleted by the thousands of Internet censors who monitor every word that is posted.

Of course, we Americans should refrain from being self-righteous. If we type certain words or comments, they will also be deleted.

No doubt starting on January 20, our Internet will start to resemble more closely the Internet in China.
#5: Eco Health Alliance (New York) links to the Dali River, as we’ve reported in the snake meat thread. USMB search will retrieve the pertinent documents and precise strains of SARS-CoV-2.
It does not take a genius IQ to figure out why the Chinese launched a biological attack against the world. Biological warfare has been outlawed since 1925 with the Geneva Protocol for obvious reasons-it is an abomination to the human race. But when Donald Trump gained the White House in 2016 the first thing on his agenda was to attack trade deals with China made at the expense of the American people by a corrupt leadership in Washington.

American education, mass media and a permanent political infrastructure in Washington have fostered a gradual cognitive decline among the citizens in the wake of open borders, opioid addiction, legalized medical marijuana, and schools all across the nation populated with student bodies darted with glorified animal tranquilizers like Adderall Ritalin. It became clear to many that the road to the end of democracy depended on a stupefied population.

Rioting, hooliganism and increasing murder rates in America’s largest and most liberal cities were warnings that escaped examination by multitudes of targeted, fearful, and propagandized citizens under the spell of totalitarian betrayal by America’s elitist oligarchy. The transition from democracy to authoritarianism was slowed by Donald Trump’s election but not stopped. Even so, Trump was on track to remain in power because enough of the people had retained a realistic view of what was happening.

The Chinese had every reason in the world to use biological warfare to stop Trump because his success had already inspired others fighting world government as was seen in Great Britain with its exodus from the European Union. The Chinese want to dominate the world and they can never succeed so long as democracy survives. American leadership had already pharmaceutically enslaved the US people to China but that was not enough. The People’s Republic of China detected another Trump win.

The world’s airlines were a perfect delivery system for a biological weapon and that coupled with the treachery of political Trojan Horses in Washington overthrowing a presidential election with fraud will be written in future history books as a Pearl Harbor against American democracy. Only fools cannot understand that SARS (Covid-19) is anything more than a surprise attack against the free world by the People’s Republic of China.

The United is the last stand against the People’s Republic of China. Joe Biden is owned by China. How many fools are left? We will see if Biden takes the White House.
China achieved great wealth with there one way of trading and we American sit back and let it happen Trump tried to straighten that out but them give away Democrats wouldn't hear of it
Then learn to work at Chinese wages if you want the capitalist to stay put in the US for manufacturing.
So. . . You never heard of Dr. Fauci's Eco-Health Alliance then? :dunno:

I do not understand why folks are all like, China this, and China that. . . when, the truth is, without U.S. expertise in gain of function, this would have never happened.

Expert attacks EcoHealth Alliance’s involvement in “really risky” bat coronavirus research in Wuhan labs

"Here is the (slightly shortened) transcript of a powerful interview (Background Briefing with Ian Masters, 29 April 2020) that the bioscientist Dr Jonathan Latham, who has a doctorate in virology, did for KPFK Pacifica Radio’s Background Briefing. Background Briefing covers US politics and international affairs. It is broadcast on more than forty radio stations across the US and its programmes are also available as podcasts.

In the interview, Dr Latham spells out his strong concerns about the kind of research that has been going on in Wuhan, China, which involves bat coronaviruses being put into human cells and optimised to replicate. He also explains the role in this work of the New York based EcoHealth Alliance and how their serious and multiple conflicts of interest have been little explored by the media.

Listening to the interview, it’s clear that the programme’s host, Ian Masters, is quite surprised by what Jonathan Latham has to say about EcoHealth Alliance. This reflects the free pass they have largely been given by the media, where they have been widely quoted condemning any attempts to link the virus behind the current pandemic to the Wuhan labs, in which they are so heavily invested.

EcoHealth Alliance has tried instead to keep attention focused on Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Market, or so-called “wet market”, as the source of the outbreak. But as Jonathan Latham says in the interview, not only are there clear reasons to doubt that the wet market was the source, but it also requires you to accept the most staggering coincidence. After all, given that wet markets are widespread in China – indeed across much of Asia, how remarkable is it that the virus’s zoonotic leap from animal to human just happened to take place in one that has a lab under 300 meters away, and another within 10 kilometres, that is researching not just bat coronaviruses, but the most closely related ones to the outbreak?

And as Jonathan Latham also notes, this research carried out in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance includes so called “gain-of-function” studies “where you put pieces of humanised virus into animal viruses and then you see how they do in human cells or in other cells”. This is all “providing opportunities for contamination events and leakages from labs, which happen on a routine basis.”

In other words, the work the EcoHealth Alliance has been funding and enabling in Wuhan has been “providing an evolutionary opportunity for the virus to jump into humans”."

'Paid for the damn virus that’s killing us': Giuliani rips Fauci over grants to Wuhan laboratory

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a classic wolf in sheep's clothing. He is presented by the press as a saintly savior and a trusted advisor when in reality he is part of the wickedness that created weaponized gain of function research. He is a poster child of how propaganda works. Winston Churchill's quote, "I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest."

Apply this quote to China and Fauci, and you can see how China's national interest is tied to Fauci.

No we can't because you only gave allegations not actual proof.

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