China’s Economic Growth Dipped Again in Third Quarter to Slowest Pace Since 1992

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Breaking News China 3Q2019 GDP hits 27.5 year low of 6.0% as officials say 90% of downside pressure coming from trade war.

There was typical bluster with news but there is no doubt China has mounting financial reasons to deal more fairly with America. The calculus is shifting. China’s economy slowed by more than expected in the third quarter, according to a report published Friday by China’s National Bureau of Statistics.

The true growth rate of the Chinese economy can be hard to measure. Official statistics are suspected of often being fudged to meet central government expectations.

The latest economic numbers appear to follow that pattern. China said its economy grew at a 6 percent rate in the third quarter, which happens to be exactly the government’s baseline target for full-year gross domestic product growth.

If accurate, that would be the slowest pace of growth since 1992.

Growth would have slowed by more if not for a reported recovery in industrial production and retail sales in the final month of the quarter. The boost in these sectors coincided with U.S. tariffs and Chinese retaliatory tariffs rising in September, which some China-watchers regard with a high level of skepticism.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


If they are admitting 6% you can bet the real number is 3 or 4% at very best! The dog wagging the tail. China is nothing without the U.S. market.

They should make a deal with us and stop pushing Hong Kong around...they will soon realize Trump is going to win again and that may be too late to get a good deal....
Well China has a very old legalist regime (what the Chin command economy dynasty called it self that unified China 4,100 years ago) They tend to be progressively shorter lived because every educated Chinese knows the whole Legalist playbook cover to cover.

the NFL Patriots ain't in the same league when it comes to ditching the rules on spying or cheating.

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