China to Surpass US in 40 years


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Across the country, China is spending $100 billion on infrastructure, twice the amount President Obama has requested in the United States. The Shanghai skyline, with its towering skyscrapers, was built in record time, just two decades. Large projects, like a sixteen-lane bridge, are completed in the time it takes just to acquire the building permits in the U.S. Just last week, 200 workers built a 15-story hotel in six days, using prefabricated pieces that snapped together like Lego building blocks.

Chinese engineering is speeding ahead in other areas, outdoing American efforts. By the end of next year, a train from Beijing to Shanghai will take just four hours. It will cover a distance equivalent to that between New York and Atlanta, a trip that takes Americans 18 hours.

These latest displays of engineering ingenuity have prompted responses from U.S. officials, including President Obama.

"It makes no sense for China to have better rail systems than us," Obama said at a press conference after the midterm elections. "And we just learned that China now has the fastest supercomputer on Earth. That used to be us."

Today more people study English in China than there are people in America. More Chinese are pursuing degrees -- the nation will produce more university graduates this year than India and the U.S. combined.

China's Growing Economy, By the Numbers - ABC News

The GDP growth rate in China is 10%. Three times that of the US. If the current growth rates continue China will surpass the US in 40 years.
The Chinese are smart enough to know what made us strong, once, a long, long, time ago.

B.2. China
A survey conducted on behalf of the Chinese Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for
National Defence during 2004–2005, based on China’s 11th National Plan (2006–2010), estimated that
approximately 20 400 additional graduates and ‘high’ professional staff would be needed in the
nuclear field (10 000 nuclear technology applications graduates, 8169 nuclear energy industry
graduates, and 2235 professionals for nuclear power plant operations, assuming 96 nuclear
professionals per 1000 MW(e) unit). This was based on China’s plans for 40 GW(e) of new nuclear
power on-line by 2020, with a further 18 GW(e) under construction. China therefore estimated (in
2005) that each year 1200 students should graduate in nuclear engineering and technology.
There has also been some consideration of a target of 70 GW(e) of new nuclear power on-line by
2020, with 32 GW(e) under construction. China estimates this would require a 30% increase in
industry professional staff (11 030, up from 8169, allowing an additional 5% for retirement and
alternative employment) and a doubling of plant operating staff (4500 from 2235). This gives a total of
25 500, 5100 more than for the 40 GW(e) estimate.
From 1998 to 2006 China had only one nuclear specialization for undergraduates, nuclear engineering
and technology. However, in 2007, the Ministry of Education added five other undergraduate
specializations, nuclear technology, radiation protection and environment engineering, nuclear
chemistry and fuel engineering, nuclear reactor engineering, and nuclear physics. There are now 23
universities offering nuclear related specializations for undergraduates.
In 2007, there were 1483 undergraduates enrolled in nuclear courses. In 2008, this rose to 1957, of
which 1151 were in nuclear engineering and technology, 219 in nuclear technology, 200 in radiation
Page 3
protection and environment protection, 183 in nuclear chemistry and fuel engineering, 80 in nuclear
reactor engineering, and 124 in nuclear physics.
China, like some North American and European countries, faces challenges in attracting students into
specialist nuclear power fields. The biggest demand for the industry is in the field of nuclear
engineering and technology, where enrolment currently matches demand. However, demand for
graduates in nuclear chemistry and the fuel cycle is the hardest to fulfil, mainly because the investment
needed to establish the necessary faculties is large and in some universities, due to the difficulty in
attracting students, the specialization has been cancelled. This has been identified as a priority area for
the next national plan.
In 2009, China held its first National Meeting on Improving Education and Training for Chinese
Nuclear Power Industry Personnel, supported by the IAEA. Its objective was to ensure that the
different universities complement, rather than compete with, each other in terms of the range of
nuclear related specializations offered. This is intended to become a regular event and eventually to
include technical schools and industry training centres.

China will be biggest economy within this decade when it comes to purchasing-power-parity.
China is in many sectors self-sufficient, this becomes of importance in questions of "State procurement".
As long as China 'procures' equipment, armaments and services within her own currency-zone, that 40 years (please show serious source), which might rely on nominal GDP comparisons is just a feel-good statistic for Americans living in Nostalgia of unrivaled status.

That Tom Friedman and ABC-News are fools to say China is a 'dwarf' compared to USA. To see a bigger picture, also look at industrial-output (China surpassed USA), steel-production, fiscal-health.

If China would face war and switch to war-economy, you'd see how of a dwarf China really is.
Unpeg their Yuan from our Dollar and watch 'em crash! They have cheap labor and cheap products, that's all.
In 40 years they will be still left at the gate if we get our act together.

They knocked themselves backward for nearly 30 years. They got to the point where 40 cents an hour is a luxury wage. Even if they are growing at 8% per year, and we grow at only 4%, we will be compounding a larger base and they will still be far behind.

Newly developing economies can grow at tremendous rates if they don't blow it.

But even so, lots of folks get left behind. I watch a lot of South Korean media. If you are poor there, life really sucks. And compared to China, South Korea is obscenely rich. South Korea grew from zero in 1955 to where it is now, but it took 55 years.

Lets check this topic again in four years. After 0bama is gone, and the US government is no longer dedicated to stupid.
Wanna get rich in less than a decade? Buy oil stocks!!!
China already buy's more cars than we do and the market is growing double digits.
And, they already can't keep up with oil production. BAM!!!
Unpeg their Yuan from our Dollar and watch 'em crash! They have cheap labor and cheap products, that's all.

You did not read that they produce more college grads than the US and India combined?
Plug your ears and go nanana if you want.
It will change nothing.
they have way more engineers, anyone who thinks they are limited to slave labor is not business savy whatsoever.
And from what I saw the ones who go to college takes it very seriously, not a party and chase girls time like in the USA. Failure is not an option.
they have way more engineers, anyone who thinks they are limited to slave labor is not business savy whatsoever.

Yet they need our engineers to build their industry, they are being built by the west.

I don't fear that which I build. I can destroy that which I build.

Experience is why they need outside help right now, Experience which they gain daily.
College grads just know enough to be dangerous.
They must learn how the real world works and combine that with their education.
they have way more engineers, anyone who thinks they are limited to slave labor is not business savy whatsoever.

Yet they need our engineers to build their industry, they are being built by the west.

I don't fear that which I build. I can destroy that which I build.

sorry if your joking, if your not that is retarded

Which part, as I posted, they do need our engineers, Nuclear start up engineers.
We are building the infrastructure, nuclear and coal burning plants, chemical plants, heavy industry.

So what have we to fear, that we built the Chinese economy, big deal, they can lose it in a day, by us, by their own people, by their own government, just because they are growing does not mean they will grow without the problems we face, of course with a billion people, all in poverty except 10%, the problem may be bigger in China.
I remember when the Japanese were going to own all of America. This was c.1975 or so. They would have to divide it with the Arabs, who were buying the other parts.
It was bunk then. It is bunk now. China's economy is still small comapred to ours. Their growthrate is not sustainable but is the product of "catch up" phenomenon. They are already losing market share to cheaper-labor countries like Vietnam.
Further, their society is highly unstable, with many ethnic minorities and sub groups, chafing under Communist rule.
We don't need to worry about the Chinese. We do need to worry about the clowns in our own government who put regulations in place to hobble savings, investment, and growth in this country.
Yet they need our engineers to build their industry, they are being built by the west.

I don't fear that which I build. I can destroy that which I build.

sorry if your joking, if your not that is retarded

Which part, as I posted, they do need our engineers, Nuclear start up engineers.
We are building the infrastructure, nuclear and coal burning plants, chemical plants, heavy industry.

So what have we to fear, that we built the Chinese economy, big deal, they can lose it in a day, by us, by their own people, by their own government, just because they are growing does not mean they will grow without the problems we face, of course with a billion people, all in poverty except 10%, the problem may be bigger in China.

Umm isn't that 10% still larger than we are?
Ph but don't worrry about it.

The weathy classes in America will still be wealthy.

Its just the bottom 99% of us that will be poor.

Isn't that what most of you conservatives really want?

Of course when it finally dawns on most of you that you won't be in that happy 1% you might change your tunes, but of course by then it will be far too late for your children to do a damned thing about it.

Enjoy your petty conceits, scions.

Your affluence won't last two more generations, anyway.

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