China Is Sweeping The Oscars

If you think the academy voters vote because of the art you're nuts.

Whatever political push the left is involved in at the moment...that is the statement is being made with these awards.
Right now China is spying on and murdering millions of people all over the planet and Hollywood and the NBA is kissing their asses.
The academy has always been political:
Internal Politics has been a major complaint in academy award voting. Good actors win awards simply because they have been nominated so many times and lost. John Wayne's best actor award was basically a sympathy award as it was well know that this icon in the industry was battling lung cancer. Elizabeth Taylor get's an award because of a great performance the previous year. There are many instances like this.

What catches most attention is the academy involvement in social politics; that is race, ethnicity, religion, sexual equality and identity, and other social issues. The academy is into social politics because the movies are.

Lastly, involvement in local and national politics is minimal. The Academy does not endorse candidates.
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Who cares about the Oscar Awards Show? It has been irrelevant for many years.
Irrelevant to who? For best picture it is said to add 25 to 50 million at the box office. These movies are recognized as the highest achievement by the motion picture industry and can be an enormous boost to one's career. Best Pictures are likely to end up listed on the National Register and stored in the Smithsonian for posterity.
The academy has always been political:
Internal Politics has been a major complaint in academy award voting. Good actors win awards simply because they have been nominated so many times and lost. John Wayne's best actor award was basically a sympathy award as it was well know that this icon in the industry was battling lung cancer. Elizabeth Taylor get's an award because of a great performance the previous year. There are many instances like this.

What catches most attention is the academy involvement in social politics; that is race, ethnicity, religion, sexual equality and identity, and other social issues. The academy is into social politics because the movies are.

Lastly, involvement in local and national politics is minimal. The Academy does not endorse candidates.
Well...they don't claim to support candidates but they sure attend a lot of their parties.
Well...they don't claim to support candidates but they sure attend a lot of their parties.
They're not those kind of parties. These are parties where you unwind and let loose. Not tense up and get weird like people do at political parties.
The academy has always been political:
Internal Politics has been a major complaint in academy award voting. Good actors win awards simply because they have been nominated so many times and lost. John Wayne's best actor award was basically a sympathy award as it was well know that this icon in the industry was battling lung cancer. Elizabeth Taylor get's an award because of a great performance the previous year. There are many instances like this.

What catches most attention is the academy involvement in social politics; that is race, ethnicity, religion, sexual equality and identity, and other social issues. The academy is into social politics because the movies are.

Lastly, involvement in local and national politics is minimal. The Academy does not endorse candidates.
And the qualities of the movies reviewed does make all the difference in the world, not politics.
I watched the Everything movie.

There were a few good parts in it but basically the movie was so fucked up as to not make much sense.

Jamie, playing the IRS agent, was by far the best part.
Well...they don't claim to support candidates but they sure attend a lot of their parties.
The celebrates, directors, and writers are mostly democrat. The financers who are generally not part of the Hollywood culture tend to be republicans, like most financers. The blue collar workers such as, the grips, sound and video technicians, set carpenters, electricians, runners etc are a mix bag pollical.
The celebrates, directors, and writers are mostly democrat. The financers who are generally not part of the Hollywood culture tend to be republicans, like most financers. The blue collar workers such as, the grips, sound and video technicians, set carpenters, electricians, runners etc are a mix bag pollical.
Jews tend to run Hollywood and they're 99% Democrat.
I watched the Everything movie.

There were a few good parts in it but basically the movie was so fucked up as to not make much sense.

Jamie, playing the IRS agent, was by far the best part.
I thought that about Clockwork Orange and it got a lot of Avademy Awards too. Maybe I'm intellectually lacking in some way. No worries !
I watched the Everything movie.

There were a few good parts in it but basically the movie was so fucked up as to not make much sense.

Jamie, playing the IRS agent, was by far the best part.
I guess you would call it an artistic movie. The plot of the movie can be summed up in one sentence. Evelyn is forced to jump between universes to fight an archvillain who seeks to destroy the multiverse. The movie is a highly stylized fantasy, funny at times with great music, choreography, graphics, costumes, and Michelle Yeoh.

I did not care much for the plot the movie is based on. Over two hours of choreographed fight scenes and mind-bending graphics punctuated by weird scenes such as two talking rocks in desert is just not my thing.
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The Chinese are among the most creative people in the world. It's not surprising to me they did this. Congratulations! Please do not make the Academy Awards political, it's all about the art. Have you ever seen the performing arts company production " Shen Yun " ? It's totally spectacular. Do yourself a great favor and go see it next time they're in your area. It will set you back a bit but you will thoroughly enjoy it. Everyone raved about it when we went. Never heard a bad review about it. Even small children enjoy it.

The Academy Awards and their recipients have made it political. Sorry,
That’s just the facts.

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