China creates new islands - building military facilities on these islands


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcast: 03/11/2014

Reporter: Margot O'Neill

China is creating artificial islands in the South China Sea and building military facilities on the islands.

EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: While international attention has centred on the conflict with ISIS in the Middle East, China is flexing its military muscle much closer to home. Building a string of controversial new facilities on disputed islands in the South China Sea. Currently, the Spratly Islands cover only four square kilometres of actual land area, spread over a vast and strategically important trade route. We'll be joined in a moment by two of Australia's leading strategic thinkers, professors Hugh White and Professor Alan Dupont, but first this report from Margot O'Neill on what's being called China's "island factory".

Lateline - 03 11 2014 China creates new islands
China wants to challenge US naval domination of Asia

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 03/11/2014
Reporter: Emma Alberici

Hugh White, Professor of Strategic Studies at the Australian National University , and Alan Dupont,, Professor of International Security at the University of New South Wales discuss, China's strategy in the South China Sea.

EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: Joining us now to discuss China's strategy in the South China Sea in Canberra is Hugh White, Professor of Strategic Studies at the Australian National University, and here in the studio, Professor Alan Dupont, Professor of International Security at the University of New South Wales. Both have variously advised Defence and Foreign Affairs ministers and the Prime Minister.

Watch the discussion here:

Lateline - 03 11 2014 China wants to challenge US naval domination of Asia

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcast: 03/11/2014

Reporter: Margot O'Neill

China is creating artificial islands in the South China Sea and building military facilities on the islands.

EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: While international attention has centred on the conflict with ISIS in the Middle East, China is flexing its military muscle much closer to home. Building a string of controversial new facilities on disputed islands in the South China Sea. Currently, the Spratly Islands cover only four square kilometres of actual land area, spread over a vast and strategically important trade route. We'll be joined in a moment by two of Australia's leading strategic thinkers, professors Hugh White and Professor Alan Dupont, but first this report from Margot O'Neill on what's being called China's "island factory".

Lateline - 03 11 2014 China creates new islands

Good. Won the Cold War against the Soviets by forcing them to match our defense spending. They couldn't, their country collapsed, and we won. Worked before, so why not try it again? :)
Washington (CNN) -- "How do you deal toughly with your bank?"

The question Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked then-Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd provides a perfect window into U.S. anxiety about China's economic rise. The query, documented in a March 2009 diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks, illustrates the complex and convoluted relationship between the United States and China -- one that will largely shape the 21st century.

Analysis Keeping a check on America s banker -
Ill-considered showmanship. A large typhoon will erase those islands.

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