Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up by Bush/Cheney and our media/Obama

Feb 20, 2017
Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up by Bush/Cheney and our media/Obama
By MinistryOfTruth

Perhaps the worst incident at Abu Ghraib involved a girl aged 12 or 13 who screamed for help to her brother in an upper cell while stripped naked and beaten. Iraqi journalist Suhaib Badr-Addin al-Baz, who heard the girl’s screams, also witnessed an ill 15-year-old who was forced to run up and down with two heavy cans of water and beaten whenever he stopped. When he finally collapsed, guards stripped and poured cold water on him. Finally, a hooded man was brought in. When unhooded, the boy realized that the man was his father, who doubtless was being intimidated into confessing something upon sight of his brutalized son.

They did it brazenly in front of other prisoners. Nothing but a sheet separated the sound of screaming and the torment of children.

This is how you create your own insurgency.

Read more- Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up by Bush/Cheney and our media

Now that the law is lawless I wrote so that you might be able to survive.


  • z_Cheney000.jpg
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yeah the article has a pdf and the General that investigated it said the same thing and Obama ask the court to block the photos and.. yes there are thousands of fucking sources to this old info that you should already know but you sit on a political board and don't know what's going on.
If you think you have real evidence, send it to Glenn Beck.

Beck, if he believes in something, holds nothing back.

He was the first of the far right radio shock talk guys to jump on Bush for Abu Graib when it broke.

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