Chicago set to take Detroit's place as worst city in America


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago, nearly the entire state of California...... All examples of liberal policies in action.

"The fact that things are getting even slightly better means Detroit is threatening to leave a vacancy at the bottom of every "Worst cities in America" list. Fortunately, Chicago spent the last 30 years making all the same mistakes Detroit made, so there will be a new town ready to fill that void.

As we learned this week, Chicago's race to the bottom is nearly complete. Moody's has dropped their credit rating two notches - all the way to junk."
I read the other day where Illinois's governor said if Illinois were a business it would be in bankruptcy.
Well hell. I thought Chicago was doing better even though it is run by dumbass Dems.
Baltimore is probably next after Chicago.....

Democrats...... First at being last!!!!!!!:badgrin:
Yeah, it's become pretty obvious Democrats sure do know how to fluck shit up. How many once great cities have they destroyed? It's very sad.
The race to the bottom...the dems take 1st through......?

What's sad is they won't recognize it's them doing it.

No, they won't. They will claim that the rest of the country is bringing them down. Just like they claim that other states' gun rights are responsible for the gun violence in Chicago. They will never, ever admit that their own policies are destructive.
I read the other day where Illinois's governor said if Illinois were a business it would be in bankruptcy.
i really feel sorry for the 87 million rats who finally had to move to other states for food.

We used to live in the NW Suburbs, I loved the area but yeah Illinois is a mess
thanks to the chicago democrats, the rats have become cannibals and been eating each other and any stray animal still alive and walking the streets there. poor kitty cats!
i have an idea. just demolish the town, dig out a lake, fill it with the extra ice/water forming in the antartict, and walla, no more water shortages.

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