Cheerio Fox News

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.

They don't want alternative views to state run BBC. If it's left wing or easily controllable, no problem. We had the same problem here in Canada as CBC didn't want competition. A station was negatively deemed "Fox North" (shows you how the left in socialist countries want to disparage all counter opinion), and was denied a license.

A station doesn't have to be my cup of tea to be allowed to provide a voice. Others don't share my opinion on free speak and diversity of speech...
The real reason, from the article -

“Fox News is focused on the US market and designed for a US audience and, accordingly, it averages only a few thousand viewers across the day in the UK. We have concluded that it is not in our commercial interest to continue providing Fox News in the UK.”
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.

They don't want alternative views to state run BBC. If it's left wing or easily controllable, no problem. We had the same problem here in Canada as CBC didn't want competition. A station was negatively deemed "Fox North" (shows you how the left in socialist countries want to disparage all counter opinion), and was denied a license.

A station doesn't have to be my cup of tea to be allowed to provide a voice. Others don't share my opinion on free speak and diversity of speech...
Murdoch despises the BBC and the last thing he would do is replace a competitor to the BBC.
The real reason, from the article -

“Fox News is focused on the US market and designed for a US audience and, accordingly, it averages only a few thousand viewers across the day in the UK. We have concluded that it is not in our commercial interest to continue providing Fox News in the UK.”
I think thats a large part of it. The other factor is that he is trying to take over Sky and needs to be squeaky clean. Fox is anything but that.
Both economic decisions.
If FOX News refrained from promoting so much not only fraudulent but malicious misinformation they might not get all the negative attention they so richly deserve.
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.
/----/ Nothing like censorship to silence those who disagree with you.
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.
/----/ Nothing like censorship to silence those who disagree with you.
View attachment 146590
Where is the censorship ? I dont understand your point .
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.
/----/ Nothing like censorship to silence those who disagree with you.
View attachment 146590
Where is the censorship ? I dont understand your point .
/----/ Taking a News Network off the air because someone does not like their politics - is the classic definition of censorship.
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.
/----/ Nothing like censorship to silence those who disagree with you.
View attachment 146590
Where is the censorship ? I dont understand your point .
/----/ Taking a News Network off the air because someone does not like their politics - is the classic definition of censorship.
That isnt what happened. The owner closed it down because the figures were shit and it has a bad reputation in the U.k.Read the article..
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.
/----/ Nothing like censorship to silence those who disagree with you.
View attachment 146590
Where is the censorship ? I dont understand your point .
/----/ Taking a News Network off the air because someone does not like their politics - is the classic definition of censorship.
That isnt what happened. The owner closed it down because the figures were shit and it has a bad reputation in the U.k.Read the article..
/----/ Not his decision. That is censorship. Will he take CNN down for all of their fake reports and numbers? If he did you libtards would scream bloody murder.
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.
/----/ Nothing like censorship to silence those who disagree with you.
View attachment 146590
Where is the censorship ? I dont understand your point .
/----/ Taking a News Network off the air because someone does not like their politics - is the classic definition of censorship.
That isnt what happened. The owner closed it down because the figures were shit and it has a bad reputation in the U.k.Read the article..
/----/ Not his decision. That is censorship. Will he take CNN down for all of their fake reports and numbers? If he did you libtards would scream bloody murder.
He doesnt own CNN.
/----/ Nothing like censorship to silence those who disagree with you.
View attachment 146590
Where is the censorship ? I dont understand your point .
/----/ Taking a News Network off the air because someone does not like their politics - is the classic definition of censorship.
That isnt what happened. The owner closed it down because the figures were shit and it has a bad reputation in the U.k.Read the article..
/----/ Not his decision. That is censorship. Will he take CNN down for all of their fake reports and numbers? If he did you libtards would scream bloody murder.
He doesnt own CNN.
/----/ You'd excuse any censorship of Fox.
Where is the censorship ? I dont understand your point .
/----/ Taking a News Network off the air because someone does not like their politics - is the classic definition of censorship.
That isnt what happened. The owner closed it down because the figures were shit and it has a bad reputation in the U.k.Read the article..
/----/ Not his decision. That is censorship. Will he take CNN down for all of their fake reports and numbers? If he did you libtards would scream bloody murder.
He doesnt own CNN.
/----/ You'd excuse any censorship of Fox.
Are you on crack ?
/----/ Taking a News Network off the air because someone does not like their politics - is the classic definition of censorship.
That isnt what happened. The owner closed it down because the figures were shit and it has a bad reputation in the U.k.Read the article..
/----/ Not his decision. That is censorship. Will he take CNN down for all of their fake reports and numbers? If he did you libtards would scream bloody murder.
He doesnt own CNN.
/----/ You'd excuse any censorship of Fox.
Are you on crack ?
?----/ Does your country allow free speech?
That isnt what happened. The owner closed it down because the figures were shit and it has a bad reputation in the U.k.Read the article..
/----/ Not his decision. That is censorship. Will he take CNN down for all of their fake reports and numbers? If he did you libtards would scream bloody murder.
He doesnt own CNN.
/----/ You'd excuse any censorship of Fox.
Are you on crack ?
?----/ Does your country allow free speech?
Yes it does. How has the UK censored Fox News ?
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

The channel is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that led to a string of high-profile figures leaving, including the chairman Roger Ailes, who has since died, and leading presenter Bill O’Reilly.

It has also been accused of colluding with Donald Trump’s White House on a discredited story about a murdered Democrat activist, which critics of the Murdochs have compared to the News of the World hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has also made a number of rulings against Fox News broadcasts in the last year, adding to the total of 22 breaches by Fox of its licence and Ofcom’s codes and rules in the last decade. Of those, Fox News was responsible for seven, including four last year, one of them being a programme which featured a guest who said Birmingham was a city “where non-Muslims just simply don’t go”.

Wish Murdoch would go with it.
/----/ Nothing like censorship to silence those who disagree with you.
View attachment 146590
Where is the censorship ? I dont understand your point .

of course you don't....

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