Charts that prove Obamacare sucks


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011


Obamacare still leaves masses uninsured...

Post-Obamacare: 115,470,000 on Government Health Insurance; 32,968,000 Still Uninsured
September 16, 2015 | Despite the onset of the Affordable Care Act’s health-insurance mandate, insurance-buying subsidies and expanded Medicaid eligibility, 32,968,000 people in the United States did not have health insurance at any time in 2014, according to data released today by the Census Bureau.
Meanwhile, 115,470,000 were on government health insurance at some time during the year. “Government health insurance includes federal programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), individual state health plans, TRICARE, CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs), as well as care provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the military,” said the Census Bureau report “Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2014.”


the Census Bureau report "Health Insurance Coverage in the United States, 2014,: showing that the number of people on government health insurance increased by 7,183,000 from 2013 to 2014 and the number of uninsured declined by 8,828,000.

According to the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement, as reported in Table A-2 of the report, the number of people who were uninsured dropped by 8,828,000 from 2013 to 2014, but the number on government insurance increased by 7,183,000. That means that the increase in the number who were insured by government equaled about 81.4 percent of the decline in the uninsured. According to the Census Bureau report, the number of people with government health insurance climbed from 108,287,000 in 2013 to 115,470,000 in 2014—an increase of 7,183,000. The number who were uninsured dropped from 41,795,000 to 32,968,000--a decline of 8,828,000.


Census Bureau report "Health Insurance Coverage in the United States, 2014," showing that the number of people on Medicaid increased by 6,731,000 from 2013 to 2014, rising from 54,919,000 to 61,650,000.

The number on Medicaid, according to the report, climbed from 54,919,000 in 2013 to 61,650,000 in 2014—an increase of 6,731,000. “In 2014, most people (89.6 percent) had health insurance coverage at some point during the calendar year, with more people having private health insurance coverage (66.0 percent) than government coverage (36.5 percent),” said the Census report. “Of the subtypes of health insurance, employer-based insurance covered the most people (55.4 percent of the population), followed by Medicaid (19.5 percent), Medicare (16.0 percent), direct-purchase (14.6 percent), and military health care (4.5 percent).”

“Between 2013 and 2014, the percentage of people covered by any type of health insurance increased by 2.9 percentage points to 89.6 percent in 2014, up from 86.7 percent in 2013,” said the report. “The increase in the percentage of the population covered by health insurance was due to an increase in the rates of both private and government coverage. The rate of private coverage increased by 1.8 percentage points to 66.0 percent in 2014 (up from 64.1 percent in 2013), and the government coverage rate increased by 2.0 percentage points to 36.5 percent (up from 34.6 percent in 2013).”

Looks like as many, if not more, are uninsured now than before they passed this piece of shit law. They inflated the numbers before they shoved the bill through. They counted illegal aliens, wealthy people who didn't need insurance and young people who chose to wait before getting it. The actual number of citizens who wanted it but couldn't afford it was a relatively small percent of the population.

The Dems were secretive about what was really in the bill and outright lied about everything from costs going down to covering illegal aliens.

With the huge deductibles, it is actually cheaper to pay as you go for most care. The rates are ridiculous. And the claim was that coverage would be better, but it's not. Old men had to have prenatal care on their policies, but probably aren't approved for things they would actually need.

They haven't fixed shit and just made everything worse. Next thing will be Dems pushing for single payer and they will claim it's the only way to fix the mess they created. That solution would be even worse.

The best way to cover the uninsured before would have been to expand Medicaid, allow insurance companies to compete across state lines to bring rates down, allow competition from Canada and other countries so the few big pharms didn't have a monopoly and allow people to chose. Insurance would have gone down, just like car insurance, and would have given people more options because it wouldn't have to be tied to employers.

Big pharms were completely supportive of Obamacare and I suspect they had a lot of input. They won big. And when companies know they have no competition, they can charge more and you either pay or go without. All Obamacare did was guarantee big money for the big pharmacy companies. Kind of reminds me of the Iran deal. It's good for the scum but screws everyone else.

Look at the supporters of Obamacare who didn't want anything to do with it after it was passed and we got to see what was in it. Unions, congress and the IRS employees wanted exempt. The very people who passed it, supported it and who would oversee it didn't think it was good enough for them. Yet, the Dems can pretend that all the stupid little people love it because it's good enough for them. Just isn't good enough for the important people like the assholes who pushed this on us.
I don't need a chart to see how my premiums are way up. my deductables are double, my drug coverage is shit and what I really care about needing insurance for it doesn't cover.

This law is butt fucking us. And with every year that passes the dick only gets bigger.
In many cases, deductibles are so high that people must pay many thousands of dollars out of pocket before their "insurance" kicks in. So they are often skipping procedures entirely rather than pay the high costs.

And all the while liberals are chortling that those people are now "insured" when they pretty much aren't.
In many cases, deductibles are so high that people must pay many thousands of dollars out of pocket before their "insurance" kicks in. So they are often skipping procedures entirely rather than pay the high costs.

And all the while liberals are chortling that those people are now "insured" when they pretty much aren't.

They technically have a policy, so won't get fined for not having one. Thing is, they would be better off with none since everything will be out of pocket save for a catastrophe. I bet a lot are uninsured out of choice. Why not pay the fine and pay your own way and save on the huge monthly premiums? This is what Dems call better. Only happy people are those who are getting theirs paid by others.

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