Charlie Watts has died

The Rolling Stones and the Beatles are the two greatest rock groups in history

its sad every time we lose one of them
No matter what song the Stones played… it always had a deep groove… that was Charlie Watts

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the band Rival Sons have put out a heartfelt statement. i think it's worth sharing:

He was the straight man, the civilized one amongst the wild and reckless hijinks that surrounded the Stones, but there’s no doubt that he epitomized that thing we often say about drummers in great bands: he was the “backbone”.

As a guitar player, I find myself filing through the Stones massive catalogue to dissect and appreciate what they have, and I’m often focused on guitar riffs and their legendary “weaving” technique.

Just yesterday “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” came on the radio while I was driving, and I thought to myself “this is probably my favorite Kieth/Stones riff of all time”. I immediately noticed as I have in the past, what really makes this riff great is what Charlie is doing with him.

Their point/counterpoint with the groove is what really is funky about it. And when I thought deeper about SO many of my favorite Stones riffs, I would say the same thing. Charlie is responsible for some of the greatest riffs and grooves ever known. Funny how such a greasy, funky sound came from such a seemingly mild mannered chap. His playing was always focused and controlled as opposed to the bombastic wild nature we typically categorize rock drummers and rock drumming in. His style sharp and clean. He gave the dirtiest, coolest, GREASIEST rock n roll band we’ve ever known that little extra touch of class and charm. Mr. Watts left us with an unmatched career and and indelible mark on rock n roll drumming. RIP Charlie.

Thank you for such an incredible contribution…one that I’m sure all of our great great great grandchildren will still be in awe of and be thoroughly enjoying.

- Scott
Charlie Watts was the anti-thesis of the rock and roll drummer. No Keith Moon theatrics, no kicking over the drums, no twirling the drum sticks, no flash whatsoever.

But he was a rock star nontheless.

He will forever be immortalized as a member of the Rolling Stones and deservedly so.

His death marks the nearing of the end of the age of the true rock and rollers. The superstars of that age are in their twilight years and soon that energy or mania, or whatever you want to call it, will be extinguished from the Earth forever. It was good to be alive to see it all.
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Another pun intended....gone ....WOW!

RIP Charlie.:(

Unfortunately, Mr. Watts didn't follow the healthy lifestyle of his band mate Keith Richards and died because of it.

RIP, none the less.

Hopefully, others won't make the same error.

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