

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Monday practice after a Sunday off is typically heavy on conditioning. Yesterday was all conditioning the entire time. Toward the second hour of this, character was starting to show. The dial was turned up, and the kids were presented with an opportunity to confront themselves. Faced with a challenge, the toughest of the group rose to the moment but eventually there were only 3-4 remaining. When all was said and done (almost 3 hours in) one kid hung in there longer than anyone else, and earned the admiration of his peers.

This is why I pay no mind to those flaccid whiners who moan pessimistically about the future.
Ya should ...

We're in deep shit

Ya should ...

We're in deep shit........

No one is asking you to stay. Take your weak, worthless ass and get the fuck out of my country if you're just going to lay on your back and whine uselessly. YOU are irrelevant and unnecessary.

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