Chance of frost Virginia May 7-8


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Kind of unusual for frost in the 2nd week of May in Virginia but nothing to get crazy about. Climate happens.
But when you add in the excess heat trapped by the deep ocean then average it out, it's actually a slightly warmer than normal day.
I get it. Even though I see my tomato plants being killed by frost I should realize that the theory of global warming combined with the theory of undersea warming actually means that my tomato plants aren't going to die and if they do, they died for a greater cause. The theory of MM Global warming is a wonderful thing. It should be a religion.
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I get it. Even though I see my tomato plants being killed by frost I should realize that the theory of global warming combined with the theory of undersea warming actually means that my tomato plants aren't going to die and if they do, they died for a greater cause. The theory of MM Global warming is a wonderful thing. It should be a religion.
ain't science marvelous?
What caused the recent “Warm Arctic, Cold Continents” trend pattern in winter temperatures?

Lantao Sun1,2, Judith Perlwitz1,2, and Martin Hoerling2 1

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Physical Sciences Division, Boulder, Colorado, USA

The emergence of rapid Arctic warming in recent decades has coincided with unusually cold winters over Northern Hemisphere continents. It has been speculated that this “Warm Arctic, Cold Continents” trend pattern is due to sea ice loss. Here we use multiple models to examine whether such a pattern is indeed forced by sea ice loss specifically and by anthropogenic forcing in general. While we show much of Arctic amplification in surface warming to result from sea ice loss, we find that neither sea ice loss nor anthropogenic forcing overall yield trends toward colder continental temperatures. An alternate explanation of the cooling is that it represents a strong articulation of internal atmospheric variability, evidence for which is derived from model data, and physical considerations. Sea ice loss impact on weather variability over the high-latitude continents is found, however, to be characterized by reduced daily temperature variability and fewer cold extremes.

Full article available at link.
What caused the recent “Warm Arctic, Cold Continents” trend pattern in winter temperatures?

Lantao Sun1,2, Judith Perlwitz1,2, and Martin Hoerling2 1

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Physical Sciences Division, Boulder, Colorado, USA

The emergence of rapid Arctic warming in recent decades has coincided with unusually cold winters over Northern Hemisphere continents. It has been speculated that this “Warm Arctic, Cold Continents” trend pattern is due to sea ice loss. Here we use multiple models to examine whether such a pattern is indeed forced by sea ice loss specifically and by anthropogenic forcing in general. While we show much of Arctic amplification in surface warming to result from sea ice loss, we find that neither sea ice loss nor anthropogenic forcing overall yield trends toward colder continental temperatures. An alternate explanation of the cooling is that it represents a strong articulation of internal atmospheric variability, evidence for which is derived from model data, and physical considerations. Sea ice loss impact on weather variability over the high-latitude continents is found, however, to be characterized by reduced daily temperature variability and fewer cold extremes.

Full article available at link.

lots of words to say, "we have no idea"
What caused the recent “Warm Arctic, Cold Continents” trend pattern in winter temperatures?

Lantao Sun1,2, Judith Perlwitz1,2, and Martin Hoerling2 1

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Physical Sciences Division, Boulder, Colorado, USA

The emergence of rapid Arctic warming in recent decades has coincided with unusually cold winters over Northern Hemisphere continents. It has been speculated that this “Warm Arctic, Cold Continents” trend pattern is due to sea ice loss. Here we use multiple models to examine whether such a pattern is indeed forced by sea ice loss specifically and by anthropogenic forcing in general. While we show much of Arctic amplification in surface warming to result from sea ice loss, we find that neither sea ice loss nor anthropogenic forcing overall yield trends toward colder continental temperatures. An alternate explanation of the cooling is that it represents a strong articulation of internal atmospheric variability, evidence for which is derived from model data, and physical considerations. Sea ice loss impact on weather variability over the high-latitude continents is found, however, to be characterized by reduced daily temperature variability and fewer cold extremes.

Full article available at link.
Am I correct when I assume that this stuff is not accepted by the scientific community as incontrovertible fact but is part of the defense of the theory?
Members of the religion don't think so at all but this is a main reason why so many people don't care about climate change in 2017. After all the promises we'd be under water due to warm temperatures, when it is snowing in the lowlands of western Pennsylvania on May 8th, nobody is impressed with the science. That sjust the way it is...........and last night on Sunday night baseball, millions guy to see the Cubs and Yanks wearing winter underarmour hats under their helmets at Wrigley. Lets see the New York Times go into the crowd last night and poll those fans wearing ski parkas........ask them, "So, what is your opinion of the dangers of global warming?":bye1:
After all the promises we'd be under water due to warm temperatures,

Then you shouldn't have made those promises. Duh.

Look how badly support for denialism is tanking. You helped do that, Skook, with all the lying and crying. Keep up the good work.


Happening today................

E.P.A. Dismisses Members of Major Scientific Review Board

President Trump has directed Mr. Pruitt to radically remake the E.P.A., pushing for deep cuts in its budget — including a 40 percent reduction for its main scientific branch — and instructing him to roll back major Obama-era regulations on climate change and clean water protection. In recent weeks, the agency has removed some scientific data on climate change from its websites, and Mr. Pruitt has publicly questioned the established science of human-caused climate change.

Hmmm..............lets see....................who's not winning?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
Well yes, the senile orange clown and his brain dead supporters are doing their best to deny reality. But that reality will continue, as reality does that, whatever our wishes.

What that fool decrees now will be undone after 2020. If not by the 25th Amendment.
Two nights in a row with a light frost south of the Mason Dixon line in the 2nd week of May. We had a cooling trend for the last couple of years since we broke out of an almost two decades moderate drought. Notice the weather maps indicate no droughts anywhere in the U.S.? Ain't that a good thing? Why can't the hysterical Henny Penny left concede that the big celestial nuclear reactor in the sky is a mysterious bitch and just enjoy the freaking changes of the seasons without trying to create a political agenda?
Why can't the hysterical Henny Penny left concede that the big celestial nuclear reactor in the sky is a mysterious bitch and just enjoy the freaking changes of the seasons without trying to create a political agenda?

Because all the data says that's gibbering cult nonsense, an idiot mantra that even the most dishonest Stalinist apparatchik would hesitate to say.

And yet you said it.

Global temperatures are rising. If someone is a propaganda-drunk party hack, they'll declare that doesn't matter, because they saw a snowflake.

You are such a party hack.

The two sides are very different. Deniers tend to be retards and party hacks, while the rational people are smart and independent.
UN Poll Shows Climate Change Is the Lowest of All Global Concerns

Every year the UN runs a poll which surveys people’s greatest concerns across the world.
It’s significant because the responses run into the millions and canvas the views of people from all countries, rich and poor.

So guess where ‘climate change’ comes on the global population’s list of priorities.

Yes, that’s right. It comes right at the bottom.

UN Poll Shows Climate Change Is the Lowest of All Global Concerns


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