Challenge: Make up your own diagram/cartoon!


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
An Asian/European artist created a series of signs and symbols
depicting differences between East and West using Red and Blue:
Differences between Eastern and Western culture -

You can go to the Artist's website for more cartoons in the series.

I challenge YOU to make up a diagram, any color or issue, serious or silly,
that depicts some division or bias you run into here, or in life and relationships.
It can be making fun of yourself or other people, or both.

Here are my diagrams, based on jokes people make about me:

Can you think of a way to spell out funny or mean stereotypes that bother you?
Last edited:
I will try attaching them instead.

One makes fun of my crooked parking, since I cannot drive or park straight,
and also the big SUVs that fill up American parking lots.

The other makes fun of the difference in company parties
between my job and where my boyfriend works. Also a
crack at me playing scrabble and smearing him.

An Asian/European artist created a series of signs and symbols
depicting differences between East and West using Red and Blue:
Differences between Eastern and Western culture -

You can go to the Artist's website for more cartoons in the series.

I challenge YOU to make up a diagram, any color or issue, serious or silly,
that depicts some division or bias you run into here, or in life and relationships.
It can be making fun of yourself or other people, or both.

Here are my diagrams, based on jokes people make about me:
Index of /forum

Can you think of a way to spell out funny or mean stereotypes that bother you?


  • $parking.JPG
    17.4 KB · Views: 79
  • $Party.JPG
    30.1 KB · Views: 73

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