CEO pay jumps 27% in one year


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Who says American salaries are stagnating.

After two years of lower pay packages, chief executives at the nation's major companies enjoyed a 36.5% jump in pay last year, according to a leading survey of CEO compensation.

The average pay hike is for the top executive at each of the Standard & Poor 500 companies, according to GMI, the research group formerly known as the Corporate Library. A broader survey of CEO pay at 3,000 companies posted an average 27% increase.

CEO pay jumps 36.5% - Dec. 15, 2011
RUSH: According to a new study from the Bureau of Labor statics, public school teachers are now the highest paid state workers. Public school teachers. In fact, public school teachers receive more than twice as much in average hourly wages and benefits as workers in private industry, on average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Public school teachers "are paid an average of $56.59 per hour in combined wages and benefits," which is twice the $28.24 an hour in wages and benefits paid to workers in the private sector.

Now, some of you are probably saying, "I don't understand, Rush. Why are you upset about that? I mean, I've heard you say that you're all for everybody doing well. I've heard you say you're all for everybody being as wealthy as they can get. Have you changed your mind, Rush?" No, I haven't. The problem with this is -- and I will say it again -- is that the people who earn $28 an hour on average are the ones paying the people making twice that. And we're not talking about evil CEOs. We're talking about these teachers' neighbors. With public school teachers we're also talking about a protected class of people. Whether you want to believe me or not, a sizeable portion of Obama's stimulus was earmarked for states to keep public employees on the job.

Unsustainable: Public School Teachers Make Twice the Private Sector Average - The Rush Limbaugh Show
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Who says American salaries are stagnating.

After two years of lower pay packages, chief executives at the nation's major companies enjoyed a 36.5% jump in pay last year, according to a leading survey of CEO compensation.

The average pay hike is for the top executive at each of the Standard & Poor 500 companies, according to GMI, the research group formerly known as the Corporate Library. A broader survey of CEO pay at 3,000 companies posted an average 27% increase.

CEO pay jumps 36.5% - Dec. 15, 2011
I think I've found where some of that 27%-36.5% increase came from.

"If the average American family still got the same share of income they earned in 1980, they would have an astounding $13,000 more in their pockets a year. It’s worth pausing to consider what our economy would be like today if middle-class consumers had that additional income to spend."

Raise Taxes on Rich to Reward True Job Creators: Nick Hanauer - Businessweek
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Who says American salaries are stagnating.

After two years of lower pay packages, chief executives at the nation's major companies enjoyed a 36.5% jump in pay last year, according to a leading survey of CEO compensation.

The average pay hike is for the top executive at each of the Standard & Poor 500 companies, according to GMI, the research group formerly known as the Corporate Library. A broader survey of CEO pay at 3,000 companies posted an average 27% increase.

CEO pay jumps 36.5% - Dec. 15, 2011

See. Tax Cuts do work.
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NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Who says American salaries are stagnating.

After two years of lower pay packages, chief executives at the nation's major companies enjoyed a 36.5% jump in pay last year, according to a leading survey of CEO compensation.

The average pay hike is for the top executive at each of the Standard & Poor 500 companies, according to GMI, the research group formerly known as the Corporate Library. A broader survey of CEO pay at 3,000 companies posted an average 27% increase.

CEO pay jumps 36.5% - Dec. 15, 2011

[Drum Roll]

[Wait For It]

So what ?
So its time to take that money back. We, the people on the factory floor, are the source of that wealth. Time we got our share of it. One of the greatest periods of increasing prosperity for the working man was in the '50s. And the top tax rates for that period was in the 90%s.
and what is your problem with that exactly? Then we can actually comment. There's nothing to comment about otherwise.
So its time to take that money back. We, the people on the factory floor, are the source of that wealth. Time we got our share of it. One of the greatest periods of increasing prosperity for the working man was in the '50s. And the top tax rates for that period was in the 90%s.

If you are the source, you should have no problem starting your own company. Who needs the CEO anyway ?

Go ahead, band together and start your own company. The money will be yours.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Who says American salaries are stagnating.

After two years of lower pay packages, chief executives at the nation's major companies enjoyed a 36.5% jump in pay last year, according to a leading survey of CEO compensation.

The average pay hike is for the top executive at each of the Standard & Poor 500 companies, according to GMI, the research group formerly known as the Corporate Library. A broader survey of CEO pay at 3,000 companies posted an average 27% increase.

CEO pay jumps 36.5% - Dec. 15, 2011

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Democrat former governor of N.J. Jon Corzine stole (or lost) ten times more than that but somehow lefties think theft is fine (as long as it's a high profile democrat) but a legitimate pay raise is something to be outraged about. The world is upside down to liberals.
Democrat former governor of N.J. Jon Corzine stole (or lost) ten times more than that but somehow lefties think theft is fine (as long as it's a high profile democrat) but a legitimate pay raise is something to be outraged about. The world is upside down to liberals.

Yes, could you imagine him in a regulatory position along with John Edwards in the VP spot ? OMGoodness. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
Republicans believe that CEO's work harder than everyone else. And, they make jobs. So they deserve everything we can give them.

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