Century Of Enslavement: The History Of The Federal Reserve [VIDEO]...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Sadly, most Americans are completely clueless when it comes to the Federal Reserve Bank. I have to blame our increasingly dumbed-down Government Schooling for that. The Federal Reserve is not their friend. It has a long dark history. I know most won't watch this documentary, but they should. I just thought i'd throw it out there. Check it out... If you dare. :rock:

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The history of the Federal Reserve. Lack of Accountability, Transparency, and Responsibility. Group of Elite Bankers, in the form of shareholders (members), control the currency of the United States, the most powerful country in the world.

The Federal Reserve is another dark Secret Society entity. It's above the law. It has far too much power.

JFK also opposed the Federal Reserve System.

Another brave soul tried to warn us about such dark Secret Society entities. So sad, so few listened.

It's an untenable system that is nearing collapse, it will be at it's end with the next global economic collapse because of the internal corruption, much like the pound was at towards that end of it's world currency status. Financial elites are aware of this, as are government leaders, and they are doing all they can to push forward their plans for a replacement.

Till then, for institutions and governments, they have things like SDR's, etc. but no ready replacement yet for the masses. It's a psychological and political acceptance scheme.

Be wary when they talk about phasing out the use of physical currency for nothing but electronic currency.

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