CBS/NYT: dead heat Romney 47% Obama 46%


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is a really interesting poll and well worth the read.

The economy is really figuring in. Not unexpectedly.

CBS News) President Obama and Mitt Romney are effectively tied in the race for the presidency, according to a new CBS News/New York Times survey.

Forty-seven percent of registered voters nationwide who lean towards a candidate back Romney, while 46 percent support the president. Four percent are undecided. The one percentage point difference is within the survey's three point margin of error.

Romney leads by eight points among men; the president leads by five points among women.

The president's supporters are more likely to strongly back their candidate. Fifty-two percent strongly favor Mr. Obama, while just 29 percent of Romney voters strongly back the presumptive Republican nominee.

More than one in three Romney voters say they are supporting Romney primarily because they dislike Mr. Obama. Only eight percent of Obama supporters say their support for the president is tied to their dislike of Romney.

Republicans are more enthusiastic than Democrats when it comes to voting in this election, though just one in three registered voters overall are more enthusiastic than they were in the past. Roughly half of Republicans say they are more enthusiastic compared to past elections - up from 36 percent in March - while just 27 percent of Democrats say they same.

Rest of article at link:

Obama, Romney in dead heat in presidential race - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Who will Romney pick for vp? Probably someone we've never heard of before.

Bandwagon zombies are so much worse in politics. Seriously... Why try so hard to make people believe that you have the greater majority of people that agree with you? You are supposed to help the stupid, not take advantage of them.
According to Dick Morris Romney will win by 12 points.. based on history and all the polling data.
He hasn't been wrong yet that I know of... Hope he's right again.

He also says the Senate will be a majority Conservative as well. We will be boss again.
First thing is to repeal and undo all that the Dick Heads have done. Can't wait to see the White House door hit Michelle in the ass on the way out.... Bye Bye Bitch!

Bandwagon zombies are so much worse in politics. Seriously... Why try so hard to make people believe that you have the greater majority of people that agree with you? You are supposed to help the stupid, not take advantage of them.

Take advantage of them? Isn't that what the Left has been doing for years.
They're called useful idiots.
If the economy really is figuring in, then it's hard to see how Obama is still getting 47%.

I don't think he is... But, We need to keep the base motivated.. We need as many as we can get to vote Romney. No one can stay home and watch TV that day.. They have to vote!
I predict with Dick Morris.. Romney by 12 points. He wins six of the swing states.
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:lol:After the two weeks of smears by Obama and his minions about Bain and supposed criminality, we find that one of Obama's prime bundlers and contributors is the present CEO of Bain. Then there's the matter of out sourcing jobs. Just how of the stimulus funds have gone to outsourced jobs by Fisker, GE, GM and other companies?
If the polls show that after these past two weeks the opponents are still in a virtual tie, I'd say that in the next 111 days Obama will falter and fall behind. That is unless he and his Chicago boys can come up with some slimy thing.

Bandwagon zombies are so much worse in politics. Seriously... Why try so hard to make people believe that you have the greater majority of people that agree with you? You are supposed to help the stupid, not take advantage of them.

Take advantage of them? Isn't that what the Left has been doing for years.
They're called useful idiots.
Finger pointing... Yeah... Don't try to help the ignorant and stupid, just... take advantage of the fact that they are by doing what you hate about the other side.

Brilliant strategy. That'll make things better.
If Romney's VP pick is viewed as a threat to civil liberties a tech savy left is going to swamp anything Romney could possibly mount as an offense.
If Romney's VP pick is viewed as a threat to civil liberties a tech savy left is going to swamp anything Romney could possibly mount as an offense.

I see it 48-46 right now, Romney. Undecideds will make the difference, a noticeable drop in unemployment, Obama, if not, Romney.
It's still to early to think that a poll taken now will be an accurate picture of what happens in November. However, considering the intense attack Obama has been hitting Romney with, I dont think it's a good sign for him that he hasnt really gained any ground.

And if Obama is going off prompter I would expect more statements like the one he made about entrepenuers didnt create their businesses. And Romney will capitalize on it.

Should be an interesting 3 months.
If Romney's VP pick is viewed as a threat to civil liberties a tech savy left is going to swamp anything Romney could possibly mount as an offense.

I see it 48-46 right now, Romney. Undecideds will make the difference, a noticeable drop in unemployment, Obama, if not, Romney.

I don't think people are going to run out to vote to change the unemployment rate. Unless something really significant happens in the unemployment rate and if everything else were equal I would give it to Obama by 4 points come November.
the falling gas prices gave Obama a breather - the first debate will be the beginning of the end for one of them.
According to Dick Morris Romney will win by 12 points.. based on history and all the polling data.
He hasn't been wrong yet that I know of... Hope he's right again.

He also says the Senate will be a majority Conservative as well. We will be boss again.
First thing is to repeal and undo all that the Dick Heads have done. Can't wait to see the White House door hit Michelle in the ass on the way out.... Bye Bye Bitch!

The man's never been right.

He's a Democrat who is angry because Clinton fired him after he got caught with a hooker.

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