CBS Calls Romney Leading Obama Incorrectly


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Yesterday I heard CBS radio saying that Obama was widening his lead.

This morning I heard that Romney was leading Obama by a point in the Gallup poll. Last week they said Obama was leading by 9 points yet today they say Romney leads by one.

Yet CBS claims Obama is widening his lead in electoral points but for some reason when I look at the figures Obama's lead is shrinking. 237 to 216. The same lead in electoral votes I've seen for 3 weeks. That's down from an earlier tally of 290 to 176.

What gives?


I remember when Bush was president all you heard from CBS was negativity and repetitive announcements of military casualties. Now I hear bad news is good. New unemployment applications jumped by 4000 in yesterday's report yet CBS reported that it showed positive signs of improvement.


Look folks. Things are pretty bad out there and Obama's media is trying to put a good spin on it to keep the bad news tamped down. Everyone is feeling this bad economy every time they shop or look at their bottom-line. 50% of college graduates can't find a job. More and more of them are moving back with their parents. Obama has no answer other than Romney sucks more than he does.

Seriously, I think the the only reason Obama isn't at 20% approval is because of his positive coverage in the state run media. Without that he's be toast and I think they know it. He's had 4 years to work on this economy and all of the signs point at the U.S. reaching an economic cliff. Huge tax increases are just around the corner, massive unemployment will soon follow, and the life you've gotten used to will pretty much come to an end.

Word is Obama figures America is too wealthy and we need to be knocked down a notch or two. So ether he's screwing things up on purpose or he's a blithering idiot. If you buy what the Dems are saying the only conclusion you can come to is he has zero control over anything. Fact is he does, but because he's president the left leaning media refuses to call him to task and in the process they're losing their credibility.

The next few months are the key. If he can get re-elected he can finish the job, but he needs help from his willing accomplices at CBS, NBC, and MSNBC.

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The media is the 4th branch of Obama's government. Wiser voters know they are in the tank for him and aren't going to be fooled again. Romney by a landslide...wait and see.
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The media is the 4th branch of Obama's governemt. Wiser voters know they are in the tank for him and aren't going to be fooled again. Romney by a landslide...wait and see.

LMAO. FOX News is for Obama? You sticking with that idea? Hey, at least when Obama wins, you rethugs will have someone to blame. The "4th branch or Obama's guvmint."

How's come FOX can't get Mitt elected?
The media is the 4th branch of Obama's governemt. Wiser voters know they are in the tank for him and aren't going to be fooled again. Romney by a landslide...wait and see.

LMAO. FOX News is for Obama? You sticking with that idea? Hey, at least when Obama wins, you rethugs will have someone to blame. The "4th branch or Obama's guvmint."

How's come FOX can't get Mitt elected?

Shut up troll

Gallup says we've seen a 10 point shift to Romney. Obama 9 points up last week to one point behind today.
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The Romney lead poll is a Fox poll of likely voters. I remember after Rasmussen published the first likely voter poll for Wisconsin and it was damn near exact in the Walker reelection. Most of these polls call 9-11% more commiecrats and they aren't likely voters. Its going to be like 2010 in my opinion.
The media is the 4th branch of Obama's governemt. Wiser voters know they are in the tank for him and aren't going to be fooled again. Romney by a landslide...wait and see.

LMAO. FOX News is for Obama? You sticking with that idea? Hey, at least when Obama wins, you rethugs will have someone to blame. The "4th branch or Obama's guvmint."

How's come FOX can't get Mitt elected?

Media only delivers the message. Let's go with your theory on FOX. So that's one network in Romney's tank while, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSLSD, NPR, The N.Y. Slimes, The Washington Compost, The L.A. Slimes and 100's of others are all in Owebama's tank.

Follow that? Multiple media outlets biased against Romney. Think that may be why? All things considered, Romney is doing very well.
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The Romney lead poll is a Fox poll of likely voters. I remember after Rasmussen published the first likely voter poll for Wisconsin and it was damn near exact in the Walker reelection. Most of these polls call 9-11% more commiecrats and they aren't likely voters. Its going to be like 2010 in my opinion.

The same poll had Obama up by 9 points last week.

I remember the lefties crowing about.

Now all of the sudden it's BS and CBS is talking like Obama is widening his lead.
then why did the media help Bush lie us into the Iraq war?

why is it you think these CORPORATIONS are pro Obama?

You guys just cant keep you memes stright can you

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