CBO Scoring Must Be New New Math


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
The CBO Scoring must be based on New New Math - and Nancy Pelosi must be a psychic.

Despite the fact that no score has been released, Pelosi says she loves the number - and one of her flying monkeys, Steny Hoyer, has been touting it as reducing the deficit over the next 10 years.

If the CBO process is truly independent, how is it that Pelosi has any information prior to the score being released? If our laws were applied fairly, Pelosi and Crew would be in the cells next to Bernie Madoff for cooking the books.

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the Number 2 House Democrat, said the economy would be stronger in the long run. The bill is estimated to reduce federal deficit by more than $130 billion over its first 10 years — and $1.2 trillion in the second decade, he said. Hoyer called it the biggest deficit reduction bill since the 1990s, when President Bill Clinton put the federal budget on a path to surplus.

Authoritative numbers from the Congressional Budget Office were expected later Thursday, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was already pleased. "We loved their number," said Pelosi, who is privy to the estimates.

"I think the momentum is growing for this bill," said Hoyer. "The more and more people have looked at this bill...a greater number of people are becoming more comfortable."...

House Dems on track for vote on $940B health bill - Yahoo! News
Oh, this is good.

The word is that ObamaCare CUTS the amounts that individuals and families can contribute to HSA accounts.
Oh, this is good.

The word is that ObamaCare CUTS the amounts that individuals and families can contribute to HSA accounts.
Health Savings Account accounts? :)

But that makes sense. We can't have people spending their money the way they want to.
The score is being released.

All anyone really needs to know is that the taxes are in effect for 10 years, with benefits at most for 6 years.

It's a sad commentary on the state of our country that our supposed elected representatives have so little respect for The People, that they think we are fooled by such shady accounting.
The score is being released.

All anyone really needs to know is that the taxes are in effect for 10 years, with benefits at most for 6 years.

It's a sad commentary on the state of our country that our supposed elected representatives have so little respect for The People, that they think we are fooled by such shady accounting.

Why so cynical.

Haven't ALL Government Programs Saved US Money?

so it is bad, the bill saves money?

or it is bad if the dems say they are reducing their projected spending?

or the CBO is bad because they let the speaker of the house know the score of the bill before they let you know?

or the CBO is filled with lying liberals....even though it is the SAME people in the CBO that were scoring the republican bills when they were in the majority?

silly outrage boe! :lol:
so it is bad, the bill saves money?

or it is bad if the dems say they are reducing their projected spending?

or the CBO is bad because they let the speaker of the house know the score of the bill before they let you know?

or the CBO is filled with lying liberals....even though it is the SAME people in the CBO that were scoring the republican bills when they were in the majority?

silly outrage boe! :lol:

It doesn't save money.

Collecting taxes for 10 years with only 6 years of expenditures is cooking the books. The real test is what the tax and cost structure look like on a fully ramped basis, which does result in a significant deficit. If it reduced the deficit with full benefits immediately - why the delay?

It's sad that you don't recognize the bait and switch being played here.
Okay. When the CBO releases an analysis that you don't like, it's because the CBO is full of liberals.... you guys need to get a grip.
Oh, this is good.

The word is that ObamaCare CUTS the amounts that individuals and families can contribute to HSA accounts.

What word? And from whom?

I just heard a few of the "low lights" on the news.

I'm sure there will be more goodies after the green eye shades and sharp pencils have a chance to review the scoring over the next few days.
The CBO Scoring must be based on New New Math - and Nancy Pelosi must be a psychic.

Despite the fact that no score has been released, Pelosi says she loves the number - and one of her flying monkeys, Steny Hoyer, has been touting it as reducing the deficit over the next 10 years.

If the CBO process is truly independent, how is it that Pelosi has any information prior to the score being released? If our laws were applied fairly, Pelosi and Crew would be in the cells next to Bernie Madoff for cooking the books.

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the Number 2 House Democrat, said the economy would be stronger in the long run. The bill is estimated to reduce federal deficit by more than $130 billion over its first 10 years — and $1.2 trillion in the second decade, he said. Hoyer called it the biggest deficit reduction bill since the 1990s, when President Bill Clinton put the federal budget on a path to surplus.

Authoritative numbers from the Congressional Budget Office were expected later Thursday, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was already pleased. "We loved their number," said Pelosi, who is privy to the estimates.

"I think the momentum is growing for this bill," said Hoyer. "The more and more people have looked at this bill...a greater number of people are becoming more comfortable."...

House Dems on track for vote on $940B health bill - Yahoo! News

So what you are saying is that a bipartisan commission is under the influence of My dear lady madame speaker Nancy Pelosi?

Oh the shock!! The horror!!! The "Sudden realization that my government lies to me" Pain!!!
They are.

However, they can only work with what is given them. And now the Obama assministration has learned the Bush trick of giving the CBO only what you know will help you, instead of the truth.

No, they actually are not.

FP&A is one of my core professional areas. A proper financial analysis exposes accounting gimmicks in order to get to the true financial outlook/solvency of a venture.

The CBO does do some footnoting to indicate the assumptions, but lacks a forceful summary to highlight the actual financial impact.
The CBO Scoring must be based on New New Math - and Nancy Pelosi must be a psychic.

Despite the fact that no score has been released, Pelosi says she loves the number - and one of her flying monkeys, Steny Hoyer, has been touting it as reducing the deficit over the next 10 years.

If the CBO process is truly independent, how is it that Pelosi has any information prior to the score being released? If our laws were applied fairly, Pelosi and Crew would be in the cells next to Bernie Madoff for cooking the books.

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the Number 2 House Democrat, said the economy would be stronger in the long run. The bill is estimated to reduce federal deficit by more than $130 billion over its first 10 years — and $1.2 trillion in the second decade, he said. Hoyer called it the biggest deficit reduction bill since the 1990s, when President Bill Clinton put the federal budget on a path to surplus.

Authoritative numbers from the Congressional Budget Office were expected later Thursday, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was already pleased. "We loved their number," said Pelosi, who is privy to the estimates.

"I think the momentum is growing for this bill," said Hoyer. "The more and more people have looked at this bill...a greater number of people are becoming more comfortable."...

House Dems on track for vote on $940B health bill - Yahoo! News

Must be that same CBO produced favorable numbers for the previous administration? And whispered in the ears of the majority leaders before making an announcement? Or are you just sooooooooooooooo disappointed that the figures aren't devastating, and then you could gloat...
The score is being released.

All anyone really needs to know is that the taxes are in effect for 10 years, with benefits at most for 6 years.

It's a sad commentary on the state of our country that our supposed elected representatives have so little respect for The People, that they think we are fooled by such shady accounting.

I have an idea. Since you seem to have so much time on your hands that you can post nonstop on a message board, why not apply for a job working for the CBO or the GAO? After all, you would have us believe you're so brilliant that you can spot shenanigans allegedly perpetrated within the Obama administration, then I think you should jump right in there and FIX THIS yourself.

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