CBO Likely To Say Millions Lose Coverage Under Senate Health Care Bill


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
When the CBO confirms millions of average Americans will lose their health coverage when their new tax cut legislation becomes law, every Republican in congress will stand up and cheer.

The GOP wants to serve the nation as a whole, in no way what-so-ever. But they will be on their knees when they meet with members of the 0.1%. Because being on their knees makes what they do next much easier on their feeble old backs. HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

However, the congressional Republicans do remain standing when they bend average Americans over, and conservatives just love that part. Which is odd considering how very much opposed to homosexuality they are. Conservatives must prefer to remain in the closet.

CBO likely to say millions lose coverage under Senate health care bill



When the CBO confirms millions of average Americans will lose their health coverage when their new tax cut legislation becomes law, every Republican in congress will stand up and cheer.

The GOP wants to serve the nation as a whole, in no way what-so-ever. But they will be on their knees when they meet with members of the 0.1%. Because being on their knees makes what they do next much easier on their feeble old backs. HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

However, the congressional Republicans do remain standing when they bend average Americans over, and conservatives just love that part. Which is odd considering how very much opposed to homosexuality they are. Conservatives must prefer to remain in the closet.

CBO likely to say millions lose coverage under Senate health care bill


View attachment 135487

Strange that you know in advance what someone is going to say, how does one do that.?
When the CBO confirms millions of average Americans will lose their health coverage when their new tax cut legislation becomes law, every Republican in congress will stand up and cheer.

The GOP wants to serve the nation as a whole, in no way what-so-ever. But they will be on their knees when they meet with members of the 0.1%. Because being on their knees makes what they do next much easier on their feeble old backs. HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

However, the congressional Republicans do remain standing when they bend average Americans over, and conservatives just love that part. Which is odd considering how very much opposed to homosexuality they are. Conservatives must prefer to remain in the closet.

CBO likely to say millions lose coverage under Senate health care bill


View attachment 135487


Wow. The CBO was like orders of magnitude wrong in their obummercare predictions so I think I can safely ignore whatever silliness they come up with.
Funny thing about the CBO. Obama gave them a bill with all the figures blank, and they told us, as the bill stands now it is workable....
I wouldn't concern yourself much with bureaucracy. We gave Obamacare a chance and it went bust. Let's see if this President can do better for us. That's what we want isn't it?
When the CBO confirms millions of average Americans will lose their health coverage when their new tax cut legislation becomes law, every Republican in congress will stand up and cheer.

The GOP wants to serve the nation as a whole, in no way what-so-ever. But they will be on their knees when they meet with members of the 0.1%. Because being on their knees makes what they do next much easier on their feeble old backs. HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

However, the congressional Republicans do remain standing when they bend average Americans over, and conservatives just love that part. Which is odd considering how very much opposed to homosexuality they are. Conservatives must prefer to remain in the closet.

CBO likely to say millions lose coverage under Senate health care bill


View attachment 135487


Wow. The CBO was like orders of magnitude wrong in their obummercare predictions so I think I can safely ignore whatever silliness they come up with.

It is simple logic to conclude that millions will lose coverage. If Medicaid is pegged to general inflation, and medical inflation rises faster, states will have to make up the difference. States will be unable to fully do that so they will kick people off.

The Senate does away with the individual mandate and allows a individual to get insurance if they get sick with no penalty. That means that insurance rates will go up while subsidies are cut. That means they will be unable to afford it. It means more uninsured people.

Yes, but that 64 year old can only get to make that cheap a payment because the government steals money from the young middle class to give to him. How the hell can you not understand that for the people to get those "subsidies" the money for those "subsidies" gets taken from someone else. Thus making them poorer?

What mental midgets you people are.
When the CBO confirms millions of average Americans will lose their health coverage when their new tax cut legislation becomes law, every Republican in congress will stand up and cheer.

The GOP wants to serve the nation as a whole, in no way what-so-ever. But they will be on their knees when they meet with members of the 0.1%. Because being on their knees makes what they do next much easier on their feeble old backs. HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

However, the congressional Republicans do remain standing when they bend average Americans over, and conservatives just love that part. Which is odd considering how very much opposed to homosexuality they are. Conservatives must prefer to remain in the closet.

CBO likely to say millions lose coverage under Senate health care bill


View attachment 135487


Wow. The CBO was like orders of magnitude wrong in their obummercare predictions so I think I can safely ignore whatever silliness they come up with.

It is simple logic to conclude that millions will lose coverage. If Medicaid is pegged to general inflation, and medical inflation rises faster, states will have to make up the difference. States will be unable to fully do that so they will kick people off.

The Senate does away with the individual mandate and allows a individual to get insurance if they get sick with no penalty. That means that insurance rates will go up while subsidies are cut. That means they will be unable to afford it. It means more uninsured people.

I agree. But single payer, which is what you all want, is unmanageable in the USA due to the size of our population.

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