CBO Chart: Which Party’s Policies Create more jobs?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Brian Beutler

CBO Director Doug Elmendorf’s testimony before the Senate Budget Committee Tuesday was full of bad news for the unemployed, and thus for President Obama. This is the stuff Republicans blasted out to reporters: Unemployment will likely be sky high through next year, GDP growth has been and will continue to be anemic.

But his prepared remarks confirm this is in part a product of the GOP’s unwillingness to pass the big-ticket items in Obama’s jobs bill. And they also imply that the GOP’s economic counter-proposals would do almost nothing to actually improve things.

Here’s a chart that lays out pretty clearly:


More: CHART OF THE DAY: CBO Says Dem Plans Create More Jobs | TPMDC
Gov't doesn't create jobs, the Private Sector does that.

But what people are (or should be) waking up to is the fact that our elected representatives have sold us out to the Federal Reserve and it's stockholders. Yes, the Federal Reserve has stockholders just like any privately owned bank does.

The people who own the Federal Reserve are directing our Gov't (Through the Unconstitutional Super Committee) to raise taxes and cuts benefits to us to pay off all their fraudulent debt.

It's the biggest theft in the history of the world.

StOP tHe StuPID FuCkAsS Thr3AdZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gov't doesn't create jobs, the Private Sector does that.

But what people are (or should be) waking up to is the fact that our elected representatives have sold us out to the Federal Reserve and it's stockholders. Yes, the Federal Reserve has stockholders just like any privately owned bank does.

The people who own the Federal Reserve are directing our Gov't (Through the Unconstitutional Super Committee) to raise taxes and cuts benefits to us to pay off all their fraudulent debt.

It's the biggest theft in the history of the world.

Eh, I think that the government could create jobs indirectly, through various regulations among the labor market. But it's never been tried as of yet, and it would be a monstrous undertaking that I don't expect to see anytime soon. But as the policies of either party go, certainly neither has any ideas that will actually create jobs. Tax policy cannot create jobs, plain and simple. Er, actually I think I should say that at most, tax policy can only somewhat compliment real job creating policy if/when it ever is proposed. The crux behind unemployment is insufficient demand coupled with modern day efficiency in business practices that allow most companies to supply all demand much cheaper than times past.

StOP tHe StuPID FuCkAsS Thr3AdZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't like to hear the truth, eh?
Anyone willing to write a check can create a job, whether it be private or public sector.

Anyone willing CAN create a job. But who is willing? What makes someone willing to write a check? Do you think businesses are simply going to be willing to write a check simply because they can? They're in it for their own greed, they don't care about you or anyone else out there in the unemployment line.
Anyone willing to write a check can create a job, whether it be private or public sector.

Anyone willing CAN create a job. But who is willing? What makes someone willing to write a check? Do you think businesses are simply going to be willing to write a check simply because they can? They're in it for their own greed, they don't care about you or anyone else out there in the unemployment line.

My point was that GOVERNMENT can also create jobs - in many ways - both directly and indirectly.
Anyone willing to write a check can create a job, whether it be private or public sector.

Anyone willing CAN create a job. But who is willing? What makes someone willing to write a check? Do you think businesses are simply going to be willing to write a check simply because they can? They're in it for their own greed, they don't care about you or anyone else out there in the unemployment line.

My point was that GOVERNMENT can also create jobs - in many ways - both directly and indirectly.

Okay, then let me clarify. When I said "jobs" I was referring to the private sector.
By Brian Beutler

CBO Director Doug Elmendorf’s testimony before the Senate Budget Committee Tuesday was full of bad news for the unemployed, and thus for President Obama. This is the stuff Republicans blasted out to reporters: Unemployment will likely be sky high through next year, GDP growth has been and will continue to be anemic.

But his prepared remarks confirm this is in part a product of the GOP’s unwillingness to pass the big-ticket items in Obama’s jobs bill. And they also imply that the GOP’s economic counter-proposals would do almost nothing to actually improve things.

Here’s a chart that lays out pretty clearly:


More: CHART OF THE DAY: CBO Says Dem Plans Create More Jobs | TPMDC

:lol::lol: Yeah--like 5.6 million per job created that are now gone too--since Solyndra--went bankrupt.---:lol::lol: That's how the federal government creates jobs.


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