Caucus or primary: Which is most efficient and inclusive?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
I thought tonight was exciting and I learned a lot. But wouldn't more citizens be voting if they changed it to a primary? Taking a few minutes out of your day as opposed to hours in an evening doesn't seem efficient.

More people would take the time to vote if it was a primary.

With all of the technology advances we have, the caucus goers were writing their candidate's name in a piece of paper and putting it in a popcorn tin! Then sitting there counting them. Thought I was in the 1800 s while watching that.

Then they flip a coin to determine who gets delegates?
Of course a confidential ballot in an official, state sanctioned and regulated election would be more efficient, representative, and valid – which is why the Iowa caucuses are both first and irrelevant.
I Looked up the Iowa caucus and found this:
Arguments in favor of caucuses include the belief that they favor more motivated participants than simple ballots. Additionally, many caucus-goers consider them more interesting due to how much more interactive they are than a primary. One other argument in favor is that caucus-goers get more information before making their vote, so those voting will potentially be more educated about their candidate choices than primary-goers.

I agree that procedure makes a caucus be more representative to the informed voter because they sit through speeches during their voting session. I really did like the interaction, but I didnt hear or see where those candidates who did not meet the 15% threshold got to change their vote to another candidate that ranked above 15%. Did I miss that?

And, I never heard that accommodations were made for those in the military or infirmed.

In 2016, as part of the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP) continuing effort to expand participation in the Iowa Democratic Precinct Caucuses, for the first time ever the party will hold a Tele-Caucus for military members serving out-of-state and Iowans living abroad. In addition, the IDP is instituting Satellite Caucuses in 2016 to improve accessibility and participation in the Iowa Caucuses. These caucus locations will be held in different places from the normal precinct caucus locations. The option to host a Satellite Caucus will be available to a group of Democrats who want to participate, but are unable to attend their precinct caucus due to hardship (limitations of mobility, distance, or time). Participation is open to individuals who live and/or work at the Satellite Caucus site who otherwise would not be able to participate in their regular precinct caucus due to hardship.
Look at all the talk on MSNBC about the shenanigans the DNC is involved in in Iowa. Clear evidence that a caucus is antiquated & easily manipulated.

Hundreds of thousands show up and delegates are being given by coin toss. Simply ridiculous
Look at all the talk on MSNBC about the shenanigans the DNC is involved in in Iowa. Clear evidence that a caucus is antiquated & easily manipulated.

Hundreds of thousands show up and delegates are being given by coin toss. Simply ridiculous
However, there is one plus... the voters in Iowa are more informed. But our constitution doesn;t say every informed citizen has the right to go to primaries

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