Catholic leaders tell Gingrich, Santorum ‘to stop perpetuating ugly racial stereotype


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Catholic leaders tell Gingrich, Santorum ‘to stop perpetuating ugly racial stereotypes’

Catholic leaders issued a letter Friday to GOP presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, themselves Catholics, urging them “to stop perpetuating ugly racial stereotypes on the campaign trail.” The letter, signed by 45 Catholic leaders says:

Mr. Gingrich has frequently attacked President Obama as a “food stamp president” and claimed that African Americans are content to collect welfare benefits rather than pursue employment. Campaigning in Iowa, Mr. Santorum remarked: “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.”

“At a time when nearly 1 in 6 Americans live in poverty, charities and the free market alone can’t address the urgent needs of our most vulnerable neighbors. And while jobseekers outnumber job openings 4-to-1, suggesting that the unemployed would rather collect benefits than work is misleading and insulting,” the letter adds.

“This statement is urging prominent Catholics in the race to go back and look at church teaching,” John Gehring, the Catholic outreach coordinator at Faith in Public Life, tells The Florida Independent, adding “that the letter is also about poverty.”

“The Catholic bishops have been incredibly important in raising a prophetic voice that really challenges those who think that the free market alone can sort of solve our economic problems,” Gehring says.

“You have Catholic conservative leaders, like John Boener, Paul Ryan, Rick Santourm, Newt Gingrich and they’ve all been looking to dismantle vital social safety nets,” Gehring says.
First the Liberals side with active duty military.
Then they side with veterans.
Now they side with Catholics?


Your bullshit is overwhelming.
We Catholics must have been in full letter writing mode... cuz this is the second such letter they have sent to the same people in two days.

Oh wait.

My bad.

Fucking idiot Synthia just can't use the 'search' function.

I do apologize. I mistook him - albeit momentarily - for an averagely intelligent human being. I was wrong. Happens to the best of us.
boy are they misinformed.

But, you know what? And this will shock you, WillyT... so sit down....

The letter does not mention the words 'perpetrating ugly racial stereotype'... that's liberal bullshit spin about what the letter says.

Are ya shocked?

I am.


Edit: My bad. It does. Now I'm gonna have to write to the Bishops and ask them if they are gonna reiterate that message to the Dems - like they did in 08.
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