Cat Lovers Thread

This was my Office Kitty. Mentioned her in another thread. After 8 years I finally found her a home LOL. (she was a stray)


Pretty....looks like she is wearing a Tux.....glad she has a home....:)
I'm down to one cat right now (I've had as many as four cats at any one time)

Here's a picture of her from 1998 when she was about a month old, hiding under the bed (a habit she got from her mom). She was born in my bedroom on Labor Day of '98...


Here she is as grown up with her mom in 2000...


What cuties. My sister used to have a cat with a little spot on her nose, like that....she called her "Manchita" - it means "little stain or little spot" in Spanish.
not only hawks but owls also

snack on cats


i have seen half eaten cats stashed in the upper tree limbs while sitting in tree stands

Hawks and owls don't take adult cats because they weigh too much. AND because they're armed.

That's not the way Mother Nature does things.

If you have seen carcasses in trees, they were dead before the predator took them up there.
I love the photos.

I had a one eyed cat I called Wink. What a sweetheart he was.

We're down to two cats now. You guys are making me want MORE!!

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