Carlson shows just how big the lairs were on "Russian collusion"


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Lol! These scumbags need to be indicted for conspiracy to remove the president.

Personally, I am still waiting on an explanation from Trump on why his key people were having so many meetings with the Russians and why he changed the GOP platform to accommodate Russia
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Personally, I am still waiting on an explanation from Trump on why his key people were having so many meetings with the Russians and why he changed the GOP platform to accommodate Russia
Keep waiting troll because it's none of your business. Oh I know! Mueller can launch an "investigation"! lmao
Lol! These scumbags need to be indicted for conspiracy to remove the president.

In many other countries, such people are summarily taken out back to the wall and shot for an attempted coup.

And yet McCabe hasn't even been arrested.

Anyone believing that the USA has equal justice is an idiot. democrats and the deep state are not subject to the law - period.
Personally, I am still waiting on an explanation from Trump on why his key people were having so many meetings with the Russians and why he changed the GOP platform to accommodate Russia

Personally, I'm waiting for an explanation as to why you have lied for two years? Why have you not left this forum in shame, you are a proven demagogue and liar. You have colluded and conspired to present a completely false narrative intended to undermine the government and Constitution of the United States.

You continue to lie, Trump is harder on Russia than any president since Reagan, but look at the shameless and blatant lie you spew.

You are a disreputable pile of shit with nothing to offer this or ANY thread.
Personally, I am still waiting on an explanation from Trump on why his key people were having so many meetings with the Russians and why he changed the GOP platform to accommodate Russia
For the same reason all president elects people meet with Russia...why can't you understand that?...if you are the front runner and have a better than 50% chance of being elected you had better begin meetings with all foreign leaders....jeeze!!!!
Personally, I am still waiting on an explanation from Trump on why his key people were having so many meetings with the Russians and why he changed the GOP platform to accommodate Russia

There used to be constant tension and antagonism between the two sides with Obama. Guitar string tension in Syria, military taunting and jet flybys into our airspace. Been a long time since I heard about anything like that. Trump seems to have calmed things down with Russia a good bit as he has with NK, even if things are not totally settled. Is that enough reason for you?
But remember, it's prog-media that's honest and Fox is dishonest. Everyday is opposite day for the prog.
Tucker has been spot on with his narratives lately. The dems and the MSM should be ashamed of the lies (libel?) that they have been promoting about Trump and the Trump family. When do the deep state liars get o run the gauntlet of investigation? Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc. need to be prosecuted for their blatant but failed coup attempt.
Will the gutless establishment Republicans now go after all the Democrats who purposely lied about Russian collusion? Will they go after the MEDIA that purposely lied with the Democrats and "reported" utter lies as FACTUAL NEWS? I doubt it, but I am telling my elected representatives that they better.
Now there should be an investigation into the FBIgate Coup.
We need some answers.
Who are the ring leaders and who are the conspirators.
What laws did they break?

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