Caribou Coffee


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Last update: July 25, 2005 at 7:41 AM
Caribou won't sell pork, beer or lottery tickets
July 25, 2005 TRACK0725

Porn, pork and Pabst -- you're safe from them at Caribou Coffee. In an SEC filing last week for its initial stock offering, the Brooklyn Center-based coffeehouse chain noted that it operates its business according to the Islamic principles known as Shari'ah.

"A Shari'ah-compliant company is prohibited from engaging in derivative hedging transactions such as interest rate swaps or futures, forward options or other instruments designed to hedge against changes in interest rates or the price of commodities we purchase," Caribou said in its filing. "Also, a Shari'ah-compliant company is prohibited from dealing in the areas of alcohol, gambling, pornography, pork and pork-related products."

Atlanta-based Arcapita Inc. owns 84 percent of Caribou. Arcapita is the U.S. private-equity arm of Arcapita Bank B.S.C., a Bahrainian investment group.
fuzzykitten99 said:
i never thought to buy pork, porn or lottery tickets there anyway.

besides, i prefer the local cafe here called the Avant Garden.

liberal hangout, yes. Best cuppajoe around, called the Anoka Mocha. Never found anything that compares in any other store.

:laugh: Well that is too true. There's a place in town called the 'Purple Moon' same thing about liberal, but great coffee and they usually have folk singer or poetry on Friday/Saturday nights.

I read about Caribou a long time ago, IF I must spend $3.50 on coffee, I go to Starbucks.
Kathianne said:
:laugh: Well that is too true. There's a place in town called the 'Purple Moon' same thing about liberal, but great coffee and they usually have folk singer or poetry on Friday/Saturday nights.

I read about Caribou a long time ago, IF I must spend $3.50 on coffee, I go to Starbucks.

same here, as the 'garden is not open at the time i head to work. ya know those liberals...getting up before 8am is a crime!
Why would anyone spend $3.50 on a cup of coffee?
Starbucks is a pretty liberal place, actually. When I was in Manhattan for the 2004 GOP Convention, Starbucks gave our group free refills if we kept the glass. I am not a coffee person, so I didn't indulge.
A lot of protest groups meet at Starbucks.
Gabriella84 said:
Why would anyone spend $3.50 on a cup of coffee?
Starbucks is a pretty liberal place, actually. When I was in Manhattan for the 2004 GOP Convention, Starbucks gave our group free refills if we kept the glass. I am not a coffee person, so I didn't indulge.
A lot of protest groups meet at Starbucks.

Gabby, you are having the reading problems yet again. Fuzzy initially said where she goes there are lots of libs. Same with my next post. Note, we do NOT have a problem being around liberals. I have quite a few liberal friends, only one would come anywhere close to the Gabby persona though and he teaches political science at a university.
Gabriella84 said:
A lot of protest groups meet at Starbucks.

that's because they don't have real jobs, thus they have too much time on their hands, and in their minds, they aren't getting enough attention from the public. so they go block traffic, holding the rest of us WORKING individuals up from earning an honest living and going about our own lives.

i had a group of these losers make me miss an OB appt when i was pregnant with my son-they blocked an entire freeway, holding it up for about 2 hours. then they resisted arrest, taking longer to get traffic going. nice, productive liberals huh? it's all about THEM.

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