Carbon Taxes Kill jobs and increase pollution


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Dont take my word....listen to libs themselves. Poor slubs of citizens still have to pay them though...
GUEST COLUMN: The Liberals have now admitted the carbon tax is a job-killer
The government quietly posted a document online indicating that 80%-90% of greenhouse gas emissions of large industrial corporations would be exempt from the tax. The reason? The government wants to avoid high costs that push industrial production out of Canada to places without carbon taxes.

But wait; McKenna has told us all along that the carbon tax would actually help our economy. Now she accepts it could simply move business, jobs and emissions out of Canada to more polluting countries where the emissions would ironically be higher.
Well now, simply make the carbon tax apply to all emission of CO2 and CH4 by whatever source. Then divide the income up from that tax to an equal amount for every citizen to get back a check from the government for the year. So each citizen would have incentative to reduce their consumption of items with a high carbon tax so they could make a profit from that tax. Thank you, Dr. James Hansen.
Well now, simply make the carbon tax apply to all emission of CO2 and CH4 by whatever source. Then divide the income up from that tax to an equal amount for every citizen to get back a check from the government for the year. So each citizen would have incentative to reduce their consumption of items with a high carbon tax so they could make a profit from that tax. Thank you, Dr. James Hansen.
Why would they reduce use under a program like that,......
Well now, simply make the carbon tax apply to all emission of CO2 and CH4 by whatever source. Then divide the income up from that tax to an equal amount for every citizen to get back a check from the government for the year. So each citizen would have incentative to reduce their consumption of items with a high carbon tax so they could make a profit from that tax. Thank you, Dr. James Hansen.
Why would they reduce use under a program like that,......
Why would they not? To profit on their thrift.

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