Caption Time: We Are Really In Trouble


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
We are really in trouble when...

“The leader of the free world can’t figure out how to get the umbrella on the other side.”

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: We Are In Really Deep Trouble

Well.. he's waiting for the stimulus spending to hire the temp government worker to come out and cut the metal to make a path for the umbrella... then wait for more government spending money to hire a second temporary worker to weld a new piece in place to make it like new... however he was still waiting on the original side and never got the umbrella through... so had to hire another person to recut the metal again, this time with also hiring a supervisor to make sure it was done right and a traffic officer to guide Obama and his umbrella through... then wait for the next batch of government spending to hire someone to counsel those workers to find another job, another welder to fix the framework back to standard, a census worker to count the people who showed up, an OSHA person to ask a lot of questions about the workforce practice, and a press secretary to announce how great it is that Obama is creating all these jobs... meanwhile a day later every one of them is laid off again, because the reasoning behind the job was bullshit to begin with, and the taxpayer was charged 214MIL for the labor and materials of everything... And the very next day left wingers cry and moan because someone who does not listen to Olberman pointed out on USMB that it was all unnecessary to begin with because the rain stopped 5 minutes before the incident

Watch this honey. Well shit, i thought i had this trick down! cris angle will be so disappointed in me!


Instead of making his wife duck down low to keep the rain off of her he's reaching over the top to transfer it from one hand to another.

ODS alert!

"Michelle...I love how you're clothes match what's happening in the environment. A
rainbow-colored dress today when it's raining. A oil smeared dress during the oil spill.
You are so ravishing that I think I want to fuck you right now. But first, I need to
figure out how to get the umbrella over the gate."
This guy is so arrogant he probably called the Army Corp of engineers to come and move the gate and the house it was attached to....the comment from Michelle....

For the second time in my life I'm proud of my country...."Look Baby they moved the house and gate for U"
To that Obama was heard to have said...."Uuuuum baby wad yo think o dat,,,c'mere and give me sum sugar"....

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