Capitol Attack Panel Obtains PowerPoint That Set Out Plan For trump To Stage Coup

You embarrass yourself. I think you know that you do. But you can't snap out of it. Stop embarrassing yourself, you sound like a fucking idiot.
You are the disingenuous weasel without enough guts to admit the election was stolen. It was fucking obvious and the actions of those claiming it was not stolen showed nothing but more obvious guilt. Censorship, lawsuits, intimidation. Refusal to aid one investigation to help prove election integrity. Nobody has an answer for that. Why?

You think liars and traitors actually give one fuck about you. Or are you just that insecure that you have you gloat over it and join the bullies who have kicked the rule of law to the curb? Are you tingling? You are enabling the destruction of this country.
The election was stolen no matter how many times libs deny

That never gets old.
I have no idea what you're rambling about.
Of course you don't, another typical Trumptard.

An investigation is used to determine whether a person is exonerated or involved in crimes.
Why don't Trumptards want their dear leader, exonerated?
They brag he is innocent, why don't they want to prove it?
ahh so you get to decide what is and isn't a coup? fk off hairball. Was the dossier facts? let's see who you really are.
No, the dictionary has that coverd.

  • 1.a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
Why is it democquacks and TDS folks consider the Capital Building their own personal vagina? It is a setup by the Deep State but all that happened was a young lady got assassinated by a Black idiot cop and a bunch of folks took selfies including a dude with Animal House frat headgear on. A coup would be installing folks at all level of government, academia, hollywood, MSM who support the cause. :dunno:
Pretty much so. Maybe you aren't as stupid as you sound.
Trump's cult are as loyal as Trump is.

August 2 2021
Donald Trump’s former personal attorney Rudy Giuliani is almost broke and Trump doesn’t seem to care all that much.

Giuliani is currently struggling under a mountain of legal fees as he attempts to fend off a major federal investigation and answer a $1.3 billion lawsuit. Trump, meanwhile, isn’t pitching in a dime of the millions he has raised in his ongoing battle against a legitimate election.
Why is it democquacks and TDS folks consider the Capital Building their own personal vagina? It is a setup by the Deep State but all that happened was a young lady got assassinated by a Black idiot cop and a bunch of folks took selfies including a dude with Animal House frat headgear on. A coup would be installing folks at all level of government, academia, hollywood, MSM who support the cause. :dunno:
An attempted coup, moron.

So, why were these people so desperate for Trump to end the guided tour of the capitol?

“Mark, president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy,” Lara Ingraham texted Meadows'.

"Please get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished," Brian Kilmeade wrote to Mark Meadows.

"Can he make a statement? Ask people to leave the Capitol?" Sean Hannity asked.

"He's got to condemn this shitt ASAP. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough," Donald Trump Jr. wrote.

Meadows responded, "I'm pushing it hard. I agree."

"We need an Oval Office address. He has to lead now. It has gone too far and gotten out of hand," Trump Jr. said in another text.

What kind of 'selfies' were the the tour visitors taking?
'Selfies' of their junk?