Can't Escape the Left....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Members of the GOP are fuming and HBO has issued an apology after realizing that the creators of “Game of Thrones” used a faux severed replica of former President George W. Bush’s head mounted on a stake in a number of scenes in the hit series.

2. The fake head, which series creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss reveal in the show’s DVD commentary to be a replica of George W. Bush’s head, is seen in the final episode of the first season.

3. … the last head on the left is George Bush,” Benioff and Weiss explain on the DVD commentary track. “George Bush’s head appears in a couple of beheading scenes.”

4. In the scene, the teenage King Joffrey Baratheon, then under the influence of his wicked mother Cersei Lannister after they’ve seized the throne, shows Sansa Stark a row of heads of traitors to his cause, which have been mounted on pikes.

5. ...sitting right there ... donning a long brown wig, is the head of the former president."
Fake Head of George Bush in ‘Game of Thrones’ Sparks Ire - ABC News

What is the take-away?
That the interminable drumbeat, of Left-wing brain-washing, of attitude-imposing, of political-mentoring is never avoidable.

So, the next time some Leftist bemoans the political map of Sarah Palin, the one with the cross-hairs depicting Democrat highlighted “targeted districts”,that might be able to be co-opted, let's ask whose faces were under those cross-hairs.....
...answer: none.

And never forget that the philosophical patriarch of Leftism was Georges Sorel...

a. "Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered." Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. "His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after. " Georges Sorel

c. In his best-known work, Reflections on Violence (1908, tr. 1912), which became the basic text of syndicalism, Sorel expounded his theory of "violence" as the creative power of the proletariat that could overcome "force," the coercive economic power of the bourgeoisie. He supported belief in myths about future social developments, arguing that such belief promoted social progress. Georges Sorel Facts, information, pictures | articles about Georges Sorel

(For Ravi: Grrrrrr.....)
I'm sure this is meaningless drivel.... to the left.... it would, however, be a 'big fucking deal' if it had been the head of Barak Obama.
1. "Members of the GOP are fuming and HBO has issued an apology after realizing that the creators of “Game of Thrones” used a faux severed replica of former President George W. Bush’s head mounted on a stake in a number of scenes in the hit series.

2. The fake head, which series creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss reveal in the show’s DVD commentary to be a replica of George W. Bush’s head, is seen in the final episode of the first season.

3. … the last head on the left is George Bush,” Benioff and Weiss explain on the DVD commentary track. “George Bush’s head appears in a couple of beheading scenes.”

4. In the scene, the teenage King Joffrey Baratheon, then under the influence of his wicked mother Cersei Lannister after they’ve seized the throne, shows Sansa Stark a row of heads of traitors to his cause, which have been mounted on pikes.

5. ...sitting right there ... donning a long brown wig, is the head of the former president."
Fake Head of George Bush in ‘Game of Thrones’ Sparks Ire - ABC News

What is the take-away?
That the interminable drumbeat, of Left-wing brain-washing, of attitude-imposing, of political-mentoring is never avoidable.

So, the next time some Leftist bemoans the political map of Sarah Palin, the one with the cross-hairs depicting Democrat highlighted “targeted districts”,that might be able to be co-opted, let's ask whose faces were under those cross-hairs.....
...answer: none.

And never forget that the philosophical patriarch of Leftism was Georges Sorel...

a. "Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered." Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. "His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after. " Georges Sorel

c. In his best-known work, Reflections on Violence (1908, tr. 1912), which became the basic text of syndicalism, Sorel expounded his theory of "violence" as the creative power of the proletariat that could overcome "force," the coercive economic power of the bourgeoisie. He supported belief in myths about future social developments, arguing that such belief promoted social progress. Georges Sorel Facts, information, pictures | articles about Georges Sorel

(For Ravi: Grrrrrr.....)

"There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance"

PC, as usual you embody active ignorance. You are never looking for truth, just ammo.

Let's take a closer look at Georges Sorel.

Georges Sorel.Der revolutionäre Konservativismus (1932) [Georges Sorel: Revolutionary Conservatism] by Michael Freund

Freund seems to have made his way through Sorel’s works patiently and attempted to "get into his head" to understand this question. And Freund’s narrative makes a plausible case that Sorel's perspective throughout these many ideological metamorphoses was essentially conservative. Sorel's conservatism was defined through by his fear and hatred of democracy, which he viewed as "das Übel der Übel" ("the evil of evils"). (Freund)

Sorel admired the old, aristocratic ruling elite of pre-Revolutionary France. He saw the Catholic Church as an essential defining aspect of the Old France he admired, and Catholic Christianity providing a valuable pessimism toward life that rejected the idea of progress as such. One of his books was called Illusions of Progress (1908). He saw the elite of Old France as providing a heroic attitude toward life, which was part of a broad and effective myth by which the French people had lived. His concept of political myth, by which he meant an inspiring framework for understand the common political life of a given nation, was one of his most influential and enduring concepts.

Sorel's core conservatism gives us the unifying threads: a sentimental notion of the virtues of Old France; opposition to progress accompanied by a horror for the decadence of civilization; reverence for the role of Catholic Church in French history; belief in the need for a heroic national myth to motivate a country’s people to discipline, modesty and sexual chastity.

As Freund writes:

Sorel war ein konservativer Denker. Der Verkünder des Ruhmes Lenins war vielleicht der größte konservative Denker unserer Zeit. Der konservative Untergrund Sorels ist unzerstörbar.

[Sorel was a conservative thinker. The herald of Lenin’s glory was perhaps the greatest conservative thinker of our time. The conservative underground of Sorel is indestructible.]


National syndicalism

National syndicalism is an ideology combining integral nationalism with revolutionary syndicalism. National syndicalism developed in France, and then spread to Italy, Spain and Portugal.

French National syndicalism was created by the combination between the integral nationalism of Action Française and the revolutionary syndicalism of Georges Sorel. Action Française was a French nationalist-monarchist movement led by Charles Maurras. The collaboration was based on a principle that was fundamental to both doctrines – onslaught on democracy. Both movements were anti-democratic and sought the destruction of the present order of society.

French nationalist author Charles Maurras, who stated: "A true nationalist places his country above everything"


Georges Sorel

Throughout Sorel’s thought there runs a moralistic hatred of social decadence and resignation. He attacked the idea of inevitable progress, as developed by 18th-century philosophers, in his work Les Illusions du progrès (1908; “Illusions of Progress”) and believed that the future was what men chose to make it. Departing from the intellectual tradition of European Socialism, Sorel held that human nature was not innately good; he therefore concluded that a satisfactory social order was not likely to evolve but would have to be brought about by revolutionary action.


WOW, PC, it's a good thing Sorel is deceased, otherwise he could sue you for plagiarism for this thread:

Pacifism and the Left

b. Pacifism, the antithesis of nationalism

The Right understands that man’s nature, while not inherently evil, is not good
I loved Sopranos and Deadwood, I have no idea why so many people like this show.

Tried getting into it by watching the first 2-3 episodes, it was boring as hell.
1. "Members of the GOP are fuming and HBO has issued an apology after realizing that the creators of “Game of Thrones” used a faux severed replica of former President George W. Bush’s head mounted on a stake in a number of scenes in the hit series.

2. The fake head, which series creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss reveal in the show’s DVD commentary to be a replica of George W. Bush’s head, is seen in the final episode of the first season.

3. … the last head on the left is George Bush,” Benioff and Weiss explain on the DVD commentary track. “George Bush’s head appears in a couple of beheading scenes.”

4. In the scene, the teenage King Joffrey Baratheon, then under the influence of his wicked mother Cersei Lannister after they’ve seized the throne, shows Sansa Stark a row of heads of traitors to his cause, which have been mounted on pikes.

5. ...sitting right there ... donning a long brown wig, is the head of the former president."
Fake Head of George Bush in ‘Game of Thrones’ Sparks Ire - ABC News

What is the take-away?
That the interminable drumbeat, of Left-wing brain-washing, of attitude-imposing, of political-mentoring is never avoidable.

So, the next time some Leftist bemoans the political map of Sarah Palin, the one with the cross-hairs depicting Democrat highlighted “targeted districts”,that might be able to be co-opted, let's ask whose faces were under those cross-hairs.....
...answer: none.

And never forget that the philosophical patriarch of Leftism was Georges Sorel...

a. "Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered." Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. "His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after. " Georges Sorel

c. In his best-known work, Reflections on Violence (1908, tr. 1912), which became the basic text of syndicalism, Sorel expounded his theory of "violence" as the creative power of the proletariat that could overcome "force," the coercive economic power of the bourgeoisie. He supported belief in myths about future social developments, arguing that such belief promoted social progress. Georges Sorel Facts, information, pictures | articles about Georges Sorel

(For Ravi: Grrrrrr.....)

"There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance"

PC, as usual you embody active ignorance. You are never looking for truth, just ammo.

Let's take a closer look at Georges Sorel.

Georges Sorel.Der revolutionäre Konservativismus (1932) [Georges Sorel: Revolutionary Conservatism] by Michael Freund

Freund seems to have made his way through Sorel’s works patiently and attempted to "get into his head" to understand this question. And Freund’s narrative makes a plausible case that Sorel's perspective throughout these many ideological metamorphoses was essentially conservative. Sorel's conservatism was defined through by his fear and hatred of democracy, which he viewed as "das Übel der Übel" ("the evil of evils"). (Freund)

Sorel admired the old, aristocratic ruling elite of pre-Revolutionary France. He saw the Catholic Church as an essential defining aspect of the Old France he admired, and Catholic Christianity providing a valuable pessimism toward life that rejected the idea of progress as such. One of his books was called Illusions of Progress (1908). He saw the elite of Old France as providing a heroic attitude toward life, which was part of a broad and effective myth by which the French people had lived. His concept of political myth, by which he meant an inspiring framework for understand the common political life of a given nation, was one of his most influential and enduring concepts.

Sorel's core conservatism gives us the unifying threads: a sentimental notion of the virtues of Old France; opposition to progress accompanied by a horror for the decadence of civilization; reverence for the role of Catholic Church in French history; belief in the need for a heroic national myth to motivate a country’s people to discipline, modesty and sexual chastity.

As Freund writes:

Sorel war ein konservativer Denker. Der Verkünder des Ruhmes Lenins war vielleicht der größte konservative Denker unserer Zeit. Der konservative Untergrund Sorels ist unzerstörbar.

[Sorel was a conservative thinker. The herald of Lenin’s glory was perhaps the greatest conservative thinker of our time. The conservative underground of Sorel is indestructible.]


National syndicalism

National syndicalism is an ideology combining integral nationalism with revolutionary syndicalism. National syndicalism developed in France, and then spread to Italy, Spain and Portugal.

French National syndicalism was created by the combination between the integral nationalism of Action Française and the revolutionary syndicalism of Georges Sorel. Action Française was a French nationalist-monarchist movement led by Charles Maurras. The collaboration was based on a principle that was fundamental to both doctrines – onslaught on democracy. Both movements were anti-democratic and sought the destruction of the present order of society.

French nationalist author Charles Maurras, who stated: "A true nationalist places his country above everything"


Georges Sorel

Throughout Sorel’s thought there runs a moralistic hatred of social decadence and resignation. He attacked the idea of inevitable progress, as developed by 18th-century philosophers, in his work Les Illusions du progrès (1908; “Illusions of Progress”) and believed that the future was what men chose to make it. Departing from the intellectual tradition of European Socialism, Sorel held that human nature was not innately good; he therefore concluded that a satisfactory social order was not likely to evolve but would have to be brought about by revolutionary action.


WOW, PC, it's a good thing Sorel is deceased, otherwise he could sue you for plagiarism for this thread:

Pacifism and the Left

b. Pacifism, the antithesis of nationalism

The Right understands that man’s nature, while not inherently evil, is not good

1. ...besides the one on top of your head, Boring, did you not get the point of the OP?

How unusual.

The Left not only uses violence and threats of violence as a regular and on-going tactic, but never allows that any aspect of life is immune to the invasive aspects of politics.

2. Now, as an aside, Georges Sorel: " His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists,..."

All totalitarian endeavors....Marxism, fascism, progressivism, liberalism, socialism, environmentalism, feminism, ....all the you.

"Although he claimed himself to be a Marxian, Sorel held a deep suspicion for "armchair socialists", particularly those who mumbled about the inevitability of "progress". Instead, Sorel advocated massive general strikes and worker action -- not for the small concessions from employers those might bring, but rather as a way of continuously disrupting the capitalism industrial machine and thus eventually achieving worker control of means of production. In his most famous work (1908), Sorel emphasized the violent and irrational motivations of social and economic conduct (echoing Pareto in many ways). His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after." The New School for Social Research :: Departments :: Economics :: Profiles

3. "...the power of myth..."
"...a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds..."

As in this kind of myth:

"On a first-lady goodwill tour of Asia in April 1995—the kind of banal trip that she now claims as part of her foreign-policy "experience"—Mrs. Clinton had been in Nepal and been briefly introduced to the late Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Mount Everest. Ever ready to milk the moment, she announced that her mother had actually named her for this famous and intrepid explorer. The claim "worked" well enough to be repeated at other stops and even showed up in Bill Clinton's memoirs almost a decade later, as one more instance of the gutsy tradition that undergirds the junior senator from New York.

Clinton was born in 1947, and Sir Edmund Hillary and his partner Tenzing Norgay did not ascend Mount Everest until 1953, so the story was self-evidently untrue and eventually yielded to fact-checking.

For Sen. Clinton, something is true if it validates the myth of her striving and her "greatness" (her overweening ambition in other words) and only ceases to be true when it no longer serves that limitless purpose. "
The case against Hillary Clinton. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine]

Another Leftist lying....stop the presses....but certainly a devotee of Sorel.

Are you better able to understand, now, BoringFriendlessGuy?

You're welcome.
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Anyone have a screen shot of said offensive head? I'd like to see it myself before I get all upset about it. :D

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